Demo content for Stripe Apps
Learn tips for displaying a demo of your app.
When building a demo of your app, keep the content brief and only highlight the top functionality that your app offers.
Before you begin
Suggested use
- Add a dedicated page view that doesn’t interfere with the onboarding flow.
- Provide “just enough” information to communicate the main functionality of your app. For example:

The following sample shows demo content displayed within a SignInView
import {SignInView, Banner, Button} from '@stripe/ui-extension-sdk/ui'; import appIcon from './icon.svg'; const Onboarding = () => ( <SignInView description="Connect your SuperTodo account with Stripe." primaryAction={{label: 'Sign in', href: ''}} footerContent={ <> Don't have an account? <Link href="">Sign up</Link> </> } descriptionActionLabel="View demo" descriptionActionTitle="Todo lists" descriptionActionContents={ <> <Box css={{marginBottom: 'small'}}> <Button type="primary" css={{width: 'fill', alignX: 'center'}}> Create list </Button> </Box> <Banner type="caution" title="You're viewing demo content" description="Your data will be visible once you sign in." /> ...continued app demo content. </> } brandColor="#635bff" brandIcon={appIcon} /> );