Google Pay
Learn how to accept payments using Google Pay.
Google Pay allows customers to make payments in your app or website using any credit or debit card saved to their Google Account, including those from Google Play, YouTube, Chrome, or an Android device. Use the Google Pay API to request any credit or debit card stored in your customer’s Google account.
Google Pay is fully compatible with Stripe’s products and features (for example, recurring payments), allowing you to use it in place of a traditional payment form whenever possible. Use it to accept payments for physical goods, donations, subscriptions, and so on.
Google Pay terms
By integrating Google Pay, you agree to Google’s terms of service.
Using Stripe and Google Pay versus the Google Play billing system
For sales of physical goods and services, your app can accept Google Pay or any other Stripe-supported payment method. Those payments are processed through Stripe, and you only need to pay Stripe’s processing fees. However, in-app purchases of digital products and content must use the Google Play billing system. Those payments are processed by Google and are subject to their transaction fees.
For more information about which purchases must use the Google Play billing system, see Google Play’s developer terms.
Accept Google Pay on the web 
You can accept Google Pay payments on the web using Checkout or Elements by enabling Google Pay in your payment methods settings. Using Google Pay in Checkout requires no additional code implementation. For Elements, refer to the Express Checkout Element or Accept a payment guides to learn how to add Google Pay to your site.
You need to serve from an HTTPS webpage with a TLS domain-validated certificate to accept Google Pay payments on the web.
Users must authenticate payments with their Google Pay accounts, which reduces the risk of fraud or unrecognized payments. However, users can still dispute transactions after they complete payment. You can submit evidence to contest a dispute directly. The dispute process is the same as that for card payments. Learn how to manage disputes.
Liability shift for Google Pay charges
Google Pay supports liability shift globally. This is true automatically for users on Stripe-hosted products and using Stripe.js. For Visa transactions outside of a Stripe-hosted product, you must enable liability shift in the Google Pay & Wallet Console. To do so, navigate to your Google Pay & Wallet Console, select Google Pay API in the navigation bar on the left, and then enable Fraud Liability Protection for Visa Device Tokens for liability shift protection.
There are three use cases of Google Pay transactions:
- If the user adds a card to the Google Pay app using their mobile device, this card is saved as a Device Primary Account Number (DPAN), and it supports liability shift by default.
- If the user adds a card to Chrome or a Google property (for example, YouTube, or Play), it’s saved as a Funding Primary Account Number (FPAN). When you use 3D Secure, we globally support liability shift for all major networks, including Visa. You can customize Stripe Radar rules to request activation of 3D Secure.
- If the user selects Google Pay as the payment method on an e-commerce site or in an app that pays with Google Pay, the cards are saved as e-commerce tokens that represent the cards on file. Neither liability shift nor 3D Secure are supported for e-commerce tokens at this time.
For Sigma users, the charges
table contains a card_
field that indicates the Google Pay transaction type. An FPAN transaction sets the card_
to fpan
. DPAN and ecommerce token transactions set the card_
to dpan_
You can partially or fully refund any successful Google Pay payment. The refund process is the same as that for card payments. See Refund and cancel payments for instructions on initiating or managing refunds.
Test Google Pay 
You can’t save Stripe test card information to Google Pay wallets. Instead, Stripe recognizes when you’re using your test API keys, returning a successful test card token for you to use. This allows you to make test payments using a live card without it being charged.
If you aren’t meeting device and integration requirements, Stripe doesn’t render Google Pay as a payment option. Use our test page to help you troubleshoot.