You can define a specialized settings view to let users change specific details about how the app works with their account. For example, an app that uses a third-party API like Zendesk could use SettingsView
to authorize a user with their Zendesk account. For more details, learn how to add a settings page for your app.
SettingsView のデザイン
と同様に、その他すべての UI エレメントを含むビューのルートコンポーネントです。特定のオブジェクトに関連付けられていない唯一のビューですが、settings
renders on the app settings page in the Dashboard after you upload an app. While previewing your app locally, you can preview the SettingsView
in the Dashboard at
ビューポートでアプリマニフェストにビューを追加する必要があります。SettingsView があるアプリケーションには、以下のような ui_
{ ..., "ui_extension": { "views": [ ..., { "viewport": "settings", "component": "AppSettings" } ], } }
SettingsView プロパティ
プロパティー | タイプ |
| 必須
コンポーネントのコンテンツ。 |
| オプション
If provided, a “Save” button will be rendered with the SettingsView. This callback will be called when the button is clicked. |
| オプション
A string to display a status such as “Saved” or “Error” in the header of the view. |
この例は、外部 API から設定を取得して表示し、変更を保存する方法を示しています。
import {useState, useEffect, useCallback} from 'react'; import type {ExtensionContextValue} from '@stripe/ui-extension-sdk/context'; import { Box, TextField, SettingsView, } from '@stripe/ui-extension-sdk/ui'; type FormStatus = 'initial' | 'saving' | 'saved' | 'error'; const AppSettings = ({ userContext }: ExtensionContextValue) => { const [storedValue, setStoredValue] = useState<string>(''); const [status, setStatus] = useState<FormStatus>('initial'); // use the current user id to retrieve the stored value from an external api const key =; useEffect(() => { const fetchSetting = async (key: number) => { try { const response = await fetch(`${key}`) const storedSettingValue = await response.text() if (storedSettingValue) { setStoredValue(storedSettingValue) } } catch (error) { console.log('Error fetching setting: ', error) } }; fetchSetting(key); }, [key]); const saveSettings = useCallback(async (values) => { setStatus('saving'); try { const { greeting } = values; const result = await fetch( '', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(values) } ); await result.text(); setStatus('saved'); setStoredValue(greeting); } catch (error) { console.error(error); setStatus('error'); } }, []); const getStatusLabel = useCallback(() => { switch(status) { case 'saving': return 'Saving...'; case 'saved': return 'Saved!'; case 'error': return 'Error: There was an error saving your settings.'; case 'initial': default: return ''; } }, [status]) const statusLabel = getStatusLabel(); return ( <SettingsView onSave={saveSettings} statusMessage={statusLabel} > <Box css={{ padding:'medium', backgroundColor: 'container', }} > <Box css={{ font: 'lead' }} > Please enter a greeting </Box> <Box css={{ marginBottom: 'medium', font: 'caption' }} > Saved value: {storedValue || 'None'} </Box> <TextField id="greeting" name="greeting" type="text" label="Greeting:" size="medium" /> </Box> </SettingsView> ); }; export default AppSettings;