OXXO payments
Learn how to accept payments with OXXO.
OXXO is a Mexican chain of convenience stores with thousands of locations across Latin America and represents nearly 20% of online transactions in Mexico. OXXO allows customers to pay bills and online purchases in-store with cash.
To complete a transaction, customers receive a voucher that includes a reference number for the transaction. Customers then bring their voucher to an OXXO store to make a cash payment. You’ll receive payment confirmation by the next business day along with the settled funds.
Payment flow 
Step 1. Selects OXXO at checkout
Step 2. Receives voucher with transaction reference
Step 3. Provides voucher and cash payment at OXXO store
Step 4. Receives notification that payment is complete
Get started 
You don’t have to integrate OXXO and other payment methods individually. If you use our front-end products, Stripe automatically determines the most relevant payment methods to display. Go to the Stripe Dashboard and enable OXXO. To get started with one of our hosted UIs, follow a quickstart:
Payment Links also supports adding OXXO from the Dashboard.
If your integration requires manually listing payment methods, learn how to manually configure OXXO as a payment.
Check out the OXXO sample on GitHub.
OXXO payments have a low risk of fraud or unrecognized payments because the customer must provide cash payment in person at an OXXO convenience store. Customers can’t dispute OXXO payments.
OXXO payments can’t be refunded. Some businesses have created a separate process to credit their customers who reach out directly.
Amount limits 
The amount for a single OXXO must be at least 10.00 MXN and no more than 10,000.00 MXN.