Boleto payments
Learn how to accept payments with Boleto.
Boleto is an official (regulated by the Central Bank of Brazil) payment method in Brazil.
To complete a transaction, customers receive a voucher stating the amount to pay for services or goods. Customers then pay the boleto before its expiration date in one of several different methods, including at authorized agencies or banks, ATMs, or online bank portals. You’ll receive payment confirmation after 1 business day, and funds will be available for payout 2 business days after payment confirmation.
Payment flow 
1. Selects Boleto at checkout
2. Receives payment codes and a confirmation number
3. Makes a payment at banks or online bank portals.
4. Receives notification that payment is complete
Get started 
You don’t have to integrate Boleto and other payment methods individually. If you use our front-end products, Stripe automatically determines the most relevant payment methods to display. Go to the Stripe Dashboard and enable Boleto. To get started with one of our hosted UIs, follow a quickstart:
Other payment products
The following Stripe products also let you add Boleto from the Dashboard:
If your integration requires manually listing payment methods, learn how to manually configure Boleto as a payment.
Check out the Boleto sample on GitHub.
Generally Boleto payments can’t be disputed by the customer. However, in some instances irregularities similar to disputes (by the bank) can occur (for example, due to mishandling). In these cases, Stripe will need to reach out to you for next steps.
Boleto payments can’t be refunded. You need to create a separate process to credit customers who require a refund.
Amount limits 
The amount for a single Boleto must be at least R$5.00 and no more than R$49,999.99.