Multibanco payments
Learn how to accept payments with Multibanco.
Multibanco is a voucher-based payment method in Portugal. If your business is based in Europe or the United States, you can accept Multibanco payments from customers in Portugal using the Payment Intents API.
To complete a transaction, customers receive a voucher that includes Multibanco entity and reference numbers. Customers use these voucher details to make a payment outside your checkout flow through online banking or from an ATM.
Payment confirmation might be delayed by several days due to the initiation of a bank transfer when a customer pays for a Multibanco voucher. Bank transfers can encounter delays, particularly over weekends, contributing to the delay in payment confirmation.
Payment flows 
Online banking flow
Selects Multibanco at checkout
Receives voucher details (incl. entity, reference, and amount)
Logs into online banking
Uses voucher details to complete the payment with online banking
Receives confirmation of funds sent
ATM flow
Selects Multibanco at checkout
Receives voucher details (incl. entity, reference, and amount)
Uses voucher details to complete the payment at an ATM
Receives confirmation of funds sent
Get started 
You don’t have to integrate Multibanco and other payment methods individually. If you use our front-end products, Stripe automatically determines the most relevant payment methods to display. Go to the Stripe Dashboard and enable Multibanco. To get started with one of our hosted UIs, follow a quickstart:
Other payment products
The following Stripe products also let you add Multibanco from the Dashboard:
If you prefer to manually list payment methods, learn how to manually configure Multibanco as a payment method.
The risk of fraud or unrecognized payments is low with Multibanco because the customer must push funds from their bank account. As a result, there’s no dispute process that can result in a chargeback and funds withdrawn from your Stripe account.
You can refund Multibanco payments in the Dashboard or using the Refunds API.
The refund period for Multibanco is up to 365 days after the original payment. Full and partial refunds are supported. Customers typically receive refunds in their bank accounts within 1 day. However, this time frame varies by bank.
If a Multibanco Refund object’s status
transitions to succeeded
, the destination_details.multibanco.reference property contains a refund identifier that you can provide the customer.
Use Stripe Billing to create Multibanco supported invoices and subscriptions. Multibanco invoices and subscriptions only support the send_
collection method.
You can use Stripe Connect with Multibanco to process payments on behalf of a connected account. Connect users can use Multibanco with the following charge types:
Enable Multibanco for connected accounts that use the Stripe Dashboard
Connected accounts that use the Stripe Dashboard can enable Multibanco in their Payment methods settings in the Dashboard.
Enable Multibanco for connected accounts that use the Express Dashboard or a dashboard that isn’t hosted by Stripe
Request the multibanco_
capability on any connected account you want to enable Multibanco for. Follow the instructions to enable payment methods for your connected accounts.