Save bank details during a Sofort payment
Learn how to save your customer's IBAN bank details from a Sofort payment.
New businesses can’t accept SOFORT payments and our financial partners are in the process of discontinuing SOFORT. For more information, read our support page.
We recommend that you follow the Save payment details during payment guide. If you’ve already integrated with Elements, see the Payment Element migration guide.
Sofort is a single use, delayed notification payment method that requires customers to authenticate their payment. Customers pay with Sofort by redirecting from your website to their bank’s portal to authenticate the payment. It typically takes 2 to 14 days to receive notification of success or failure.
You can use Sofort to save your customer’s IBAN bank details into a SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod. You can then use the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod to accept payments or set up a subscription. This reduces friction for your customer as they don’t have to enter their IBAN again. You also receive their verified name and validated IBAN.
To use Sofort to set up SEPA Direct Debit payments, you must activate SEPA Direct Debit in the Dashboard. You must also comply with the Sofort Terms of Service and SEPA Direct Debit Terms of Service.
Accepting Sofort payments consists of creating a PaymentIntent object to track a payment, collecting payment method information and mandate acknowledgement, and submitting the payment to Stripe for processing. Stripe uses the PaymentIntent to track and handle all the states of the payment until the payment completes. Use the ID of the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod collected from your initial Sofort PaymentIntent to create PaymentIntents for future payments.
Set up StripeServer-side
First, you need a Stripe account. Register now.
Use our official libraries for access to the Stripe API from your application:
Create a CustomerServer-side
Create a Customer when they create an account with your business and associate it with your internal representation of their account. This enables you to retrieve and use their saved payment method details later.
Create a PaymentIntentServer-side
Create a PaymentIntent
on your server and specify the amount
to collect, the eur
currency, the customer ID, and off_session as an argument for setup future usage. If you have an existing Payment Intents integration, add sofort
to the list of payment method types.
The PaymentIntent includes the payment method ID and a client secret, which is used on the client side to securely complete the payment process instead of passing the entire PaymentIntent object.
Collect payment method details and mandate acknowledgementClient-side
Create a payment form on your client to collect the required billing details from the customer.
Submit the payment to StripeClient-side
Rather than sending the entire PaymentIntent object to the client, use its client secret from step 3. This is different from your API keys that authenticate Stripe API requests.
The client secret should still be handled carefully because it can complete the charge. Do not log it, embed it in URLs, or expose it to anyone but the customer.
When your customer submits a payment, Stripe redirects them to the return_
and includes the following URL query parameters. The return page can use them to get the status of the PaymentIntent so it can display the payment status to the customer.
When you specify the return_
, you can also append your own query parameters for use on the return page.
Parameter | Description |
payment_ | The unique identifier for the PaymentIntent . |
payment_ | The client secret of the PaymentIntent object. |
When the customer is redirected back to your site, you can use the payment_
to query for the PaymentIntent and display the transaction status to your customer.
Charge the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod later
When you need to charge your customer again, create a new PaymentIntent. Find the ID of the SEPA Direct Debit payment method by retrieving the previous PaymentIntent and expanding the latest_
field where you will find the generated_
ID inside of payment_
The SEPA Direct Debit payment method ID is the generated_
ID under payment_method_details in the response.
{ "latest_charge": { "payment_method_details": { "sofort": { "bank_code": "VAPE", "bank_name": "VAN DE PUT & CO", "bics": "VAPEBE22", "iban_last4": "7061", "generated_sepa_debit": "pm_1GrddXGf98efjktuBIi3ag7aJQ", "preferred_language": "en", "verified_name": "Jenny Rosen" }, "type": "sofort" }, }, "payment_method_options": { "sofort": {}
Create a PaymentIntent with the SEPA Direct Debit and Customer IDs.
Handle post-payment events 
As Sofort is a delayed notification payment method, the PaymentIntent’s status remains in a payment_intent.processing state for up to 14 days from its creation (also known as the cutoff date). In a sandbox, the PaymentIntent’s status remains in the processing state for three minutes to simulate this.
- Stripe recommends fulfilling purchases during the processing state. On average, you can expect approximately 0.2% of Sofort payment attempts to fail after entering the processing state. This only applies to Sofort payments due to its low payment failure rate and doesn’t apply to other delayed notification payment methods.
- You may prefer to fulfill orders only after receiving the payment_intent.succeeded event. Stripe sends this event after the payment attempt is confirmed and the funds are guaranteed.
- If a customer doesn’t pay, Stripe sends the payment_intent.failed event and the PaymentIntent returns to a status of
.payment_ method
Use the Dashboard, a custom webhook, or a partner solution to receive these events and run actions, like sending an order confirmation email to your customer, logging the sale in a database, or starting a shipping workflow.
Use the Stripe Dashboard to view all your Stripe payments, send email receipts, handle payouts, or retry failed payments.
Custom code
Build a webhook handler to listen for events and build custom asynchronous payment flows. Test and debug your webhook integration locally with the Stripe CLI.
Prebuilt apps
Handle common business events, like automation or marketing and sales, by integrating a partner application.