Pay by Bank payments
Offer your customers in the UK and Europe the option to pay directly from their bank account.
Pay by Bank is a single-use payment method that allows customers to pay directly from their bank account instead of using a card.
Pay by Bank runs on banking infrastructure and takes advantage of open banking APIs. When a customer chooses Pay by Bank, they first select their bank and then approve the payment on their bank’s mobile app or web portal.
Pay by Bank is available by default for payments between 0.50 GBP and 5,000 GBP. If you want to accept Pay by Bank payments over that amount, reach out to Stripe Support
Interested in getting early access to Pay by Bank in Germany?
To learn more or get early access, enter your email address below. We’ll determine your eligibility and guide you through the onboarding steps.
Payment flow 
Customer selects Pay by Bank at checkout
Customer chooses bank and gets redirected
Customer enters account credentials
Customer completes authorization process
Customer is notified that payment is complete
Customer returns back to business’s site for payment confirmation
Get started 
You don’t have to integrate Pay by Bank and other payment methods individually. If you use our front-end products, Stripe automatically determines the most relevant payment methods to display. Go to the Stripe Dashboard and enable Pay by Bank. To get started with one of our hosted UIs, follow a quickstart:
If you prefer to manually list payment methods, learn how to manually configure Pay by Bank as a payment.
You can refund Pay by Bank payments for up to 730 days (2 years) after the original payment. You can refund part of the original payment or the entire amount of the original payment. Refunds are free of charge but the processing fees for the original payment are non-refundable.
Stripe sends the refund back to the same bank account that initiated the payment. We notify you of the final refund status using the refund.
or refund.
webhook event. When a refund succeeds, the status of the Refund object transitions to succeeded
A refund can fail if the customer’s bank can’t process it correctly (for example, the bank account is closed). If a refund fails, the status of the Refund object transitions to failed
. We’ll return the amount of the refund to your Stripe balance. You’ll then need to arrange an alternative way of providing your customer with a refund.
Pay by Bank payments have a low risk of fraud or unrecognized payments because the customer must authenticate the payment in their banking app. As a result, no dispute process exists that can result in a chargeback and funds being withdrawn from your Stripe account
You can use Stripe Connect with Pay by Bank to process payments on behalf of a connected account. Connect users can use Pay by Bank with the following charge types:
Enable Pay by Bank for connected accounts that use the Stripe Dashboard
Connected accounts that use the Stripe Dashboard can enable Pay by Bank in their Payment methods settings in the Dashboard. To check which accounts have enabled Pay by Bank, use the capabilities
hash in our accounts webhooks or APIs to see if the pay_
capability is set to active
Enable Pay by Bank for connected accounts that use the Express Dashboard or a dashboard that isn’t hosted by Stripe
To onboard connected accounts that use the Express Dashboard or a dashboard that isn’t hosted by Stripe, request the pay_
capability using the Capabilities API For more details, follow the instructions to enable payment methods for your connected accounts.