Funding instructions
Provide customer balance funding instructions without creating a PaymentIntent.
You can show bank account details to your customer before they make their first payment through the Dashboard or API.
Create or retrieve funding instructions 
Download confirmation of account ownership 
Some customers might request additional assurance that the account they’re transferring money into is yours, because the account might be listed as owned by Stripe. To provide this assurance, you can generate a letter confirming your ownership of the account to the customer. In this letter, Stripe confirms that you’re the owner of the virtual bank account corresponding to the account details you have passed to that customer.
To download a letter confirming account ownership:
Navigate to the Customers page in the Dashboard.
Select the customer who has requested additional verification that you own the account.
Navigate to their cash balance details. This page shows the account details that the customer must use to pay you by bank transfer.
Click the button to download a confirmation letter in a PDF format with today’s date.

Download confirmation of account ownership