Display yearly prices in monthly terms
Help customers compare prices by displaying yearly prices in monthly terms.
You can display annually billed prices as their per month cost equivalent across Checkout, Payment Links, pricing tables, and buy buttons. You can manage pricing display in your Checkout and Payment Links settings.
Checkout and Payment Links
When you have pricing set to display per month
, Checkout shows a label with the equivalent monthly rate below the yearly total. If the yearly price is an upsell from a monthly price and has a lower equivalent monthly rate, the old price displays with a strikethrough.

Pricing table
When you have pricing set to display per month
, the pricing table displays the equivalent monthly rate of eligible yearly prices followed by the total annual amount.

Buy button
When you have pricing set to display per month
, the buy button displays the equivalent monthly rate of eligible yearly prices followed by the total annual amount.

Customers, sessions, and pricing tables with any of the following features aren’t eligible to display per month
- A combination of recurring and one-time prices
- Prices with recurring intervals that aren’t billed annually
- Prices with free trials or billing cycle anchors
- Usage-based pricing