BLIK payments
Learn how to accept BLIK, a common payment method in Poland.
Stripe automatically presents your customers payment method options by evaluating their currency, payment method restrictions, and other parameters. We recommend that you configure your payment methods from the Stripe Dashboard using the instructions in Accept a payment.
If you want to continue manually configuring the payment methods you present to your customers with Checkout, use this guide. Otherwise, update your integration to configure payment methods in the Dashboard.
BLIK is a single use payment method that requires customers to authenticate their payments. When customers want to pay online using BLIK, they request a six-digit code from their banking application and enter it into the payment collection form.
The bank sends a push notification to your customer’s mobile phone asking to authorize the payment inside their banking application. The BLIK code is valid for 2 minutes; customers have 60 seconds to authorize the payment after starting a payment. After 60 seconds, it times out and they must request a new BLIK code. Customers typically approve BLIK payments in less than 10 seconds.
Determine compatibility
A Checkout Session must satisfy all of the following conditions to support BLIK payments:
- Prices for all line items must be expressed in Złoty (currency code
Accept a payment
This guide builds on the foundational accept a payment Checkout integration.
Use this guide to learn how to enable BLIK—it shows the differences between accepting a card payment and using BLIK.
Enable BLIK as a payment method
When creating a new Checkout Session, you need to:
- Add
to the list ofpayment_
.method_ types - Make sure all your
use theitems pln
What customers see
Inside their Banking app, customers see four lines related to each BLIK transaction:
- If you provided a value for
when creating the PaymentIntent, the first two lines display it (max 70 characters). - If you provided a value for
(typically, an order ID), line 3 displays it (max 22 characters).descriptor - The fourth line automatically populates with the URL of your website.
Fulfill your orders
After accepting a payment, learn how to fulfill orders.
Test your integration
When testing your Checkout integration, select BLIK as the payment method and click the Pay button.
Use a sandbox to test a successful payment by entering any 6-digit code (such as 123456
) in the payment form.
Handle refunds and disputes
The refund period for BLIK is up to 13 months after the original payment.
Customers can dispute a payment through their bank up to 13 months after the original payment and there’s no appeal process.
Learn more about BLIK disputes.