Accept a payment with the Express Checkout Element
Use a single integration to accept payments through one-click payment buttons.
The Express Checkout Element gives you a single integration for accepting payments through one-click payment buttons, including Link, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Amazon Pay.
Customers see different payment buttons depending on what their device and browser combination supports. Compatible devices automatically support Google Pay and Link. Supporting Apple Pay and PayPal requires additional steps.
Klarna on the Express Checkout Element
Klarna on the Express Checkout Element is currently in private preview with limited availability. Reach out here to request access.
Option | Description |
Merchant country | Set this using the publishable key that you use to initialize Stripe.js. To change the country, you must unmount the Express Checkout Element, update the publishable key, then re-mount the Express Checkout Element. |
Background color | Set colors using the Elements Appearance API. Button themes are inherited from the Appearance API but you can also define them directly when you create the Element. |
Desktop and mobile size | Use the dropdown to set the max pixel width of the parent element that the Express Checkout Element is mounted to. You can set it to 750px (Desktop) or 320px (Mobile). |
Max columns and max rows | Set these values using the layout parameter when you Create the Express Checkout Element. |
Overflow menu | Set this using the layout parameter when you Create the Express Checkout Element. |
Collect shipping address | To collect shipping information, you must pass options when creating the Express Checkout Element. Learn more about collecting customer details and displaying line items. |
We recommend that you collect payment details before creating an Intent when using the Express Checkout Element. If you previously integrated with the Payment Element, you might need to update your integration to this preferred approach.
Before you begin
- Add a payment method to your browser. For example, you can add a card to your Google Pay account or to your Wallet for Safari.
- Serve your application over HTTPS. This is required in development and in production. You can use a service such as ngrok.
- Register your domain in both test mode and live mode.
- Create a PayPal Sandbox account to test your integration.
Set up StripeServer-side
First, create a Stripe account or sign in.
Use our official libraries to access the Stripe API from your application:
Enable payment methods
By default, Stripe uses your payment methods settings to determine which payment methods are enabled in the Express Checkout Element.
To manually override which payment methods are enabled, list any that you want to enable using the payment_
- If you collect payments before creating an intent, then list payment methods in the
attribute on your Elements provider options. - If you create an intent before rendering Elements, then list payment methods in the
attribute on your Intent.method_ types
Supported payment methods
Apple Pay and Google Pay are automatically enabled when using card
payment method type. When using Link, you must also pass the card
payment method type.
Payment method name | Payment method API parameters |
Apple Pay | card |
Google Pay | card |
Link | link, card |
PayPal | paypal |
Amazon Pay | amazon_ |
Create and mount the Express Checkout ElementClient-side
The Express Checkout Element contains an iframe that securely sends the payment information to Stripe over an HTTPS connection. The checkout page address must also start with https://
, rather than http://
, for your integration to work.
Collect customer details and display line itemsClient-side
Pass options when creating the Express Checkout Element.
Create a PaymentIntentServer-side
Stripe uses a PaymentIntent object to represent your intent to collect payment from a customer, tracking charge attempts and payment state changes throughout the process.
Create a PaymentIntent on your server with an amount and currency. This must match what you set on the stripe.
instance in step 3. Always decide how much to charge on the server-side, a trusted environment, as opposed to the client-side. This prevents malicious customers from choosing their own prices.
The returned PaymentIntent includes a client secret, which the client-side uses to securely complete the payment process instead of passing the entire PaymentIntent object. You can use different approaches to pass the client secret to the client-side.
Submit the payment to StripeClient-side
Use stripe.confirmPayment to complete the payment using details from the Express Checkout Element.
For Amazon Pay and PayPal, the amount you confirm in the PaymentIntent must match the amount the buyer pre-authorized. If the amounts don’t match, the payment is declined.
Provide a return_url to this function to indicate where Stripe should redirect the user after they complete the payment. Your user might be initially redirected to an intermediate site before being redirected to the return_
. Payments immediately redirect to the return_
when a payment is successful.
If you don’t want to redirect after payment completion, set redirect to if_
. This only redirects customers that check out with redirect-based payment methods.
Test the integration
Before you go live, test each payment method integration. To determine a payment method’s browser compatibility, see supported browsers. If you use the Express Checkout Element within an iframe, the iframe must have the allow attribute set to payment *
Disclose Stripe to your customers 
Stripe collects information on customer interactions with Elements to provide services to you, prevent fraud, and improve its services. This includes using cookies and IP addresses to identify which Elements a customer saw during a single checkout session. You’re responsible for disclosing and obtaining all rights and consents necessary for Stripe to use data in these ways. For more information, visit our privacy center.