Sigma での複製
収入レポートを Sigma で複製するには、revenue_
このサンプルクエリでは、2023 年 10 月の会計期間に計上され、アカウントごとに分類された売上のレポートが生成されます。目的の期間やさまざまなグループパラメーターに合わせて日付を調整することができます。
with zero_decimal_currencies as ( values 'bif', 'clp', 'djf', 'gnf', 'jpy', 'kmf', 'krw', 'mga', 'pyg', 'rwf', 'vnd', 'vuv', 'xaf', 'xof', 'xpf' ), formatted_changes as ( select booked_date, date_format(accounting_period_date, '%Y-%m-%d') as accounting_period, is_accounting_period_open, debit, credit, debit_account_type, credit_account_type, invoice_id, product_id, customer_balance_transaction_id, event_type, currency, presentment_currency, if( lower(currency) in ( select * from zero_decimal_currencies ), cast(presentment_amount as decimal(18, 0)), cast(0.01 * presentment_amount as decimal(18, 2)) ) as decimalized_presentment_amount, if( lower(currency) in ( select * from zero_decimal_currencies ), cast(amount as decimal(18, 0)), cast(0.01 * amount as decimal(18, 2)) ) as decimalized_settlement_amount from revenue_recognition_debits_and_credits ), raw_net_changes as ( select debit as account, debit_account_type as account_type, decimalized_settlement_amount as raw_net_change, decimalized_presentment_amount as presentment_raw_net_change, * from formatted_changes union all select credit as account, credit_account_type as account_type, - decimalized_settlement_amount as raw_net_change, - decimalized_presentment_amount as presentment_raw_net_change, * from formatted_changes ), net_changes as ( select ( case when account_type in ('Assets', 'ContraRevenue', 'Expenses', 'Losses') then raw_net_change else - raw_net_change end ) as net_change, ( case when account_type in ('Assets', 'ContraRevenue', 'Expenses', 'Losses') then presentment_raw_net_change else - presentment_raw_net_change end ) as presentment_net_change, * from raw_net_changes ), ungrouped_results as ( select case when is_accounting_period_open then accounting_period else null end as open_accounting_period, case when is_accounting_period_open then null else accounting_period end as accounting_period, currency, presentment_currency, account_type, account, booked_date, product_id, invoice_id, event_type, presentment_net_change, net_change from net_changes where account_type in ('Revenue', 'ContraRevenue', 'Expenses', 'Gains', 'Losses') and accounting_period >= date_format(timestamp '2023-10-01 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d') and accounting_period <= date_format( date_add('second', -1, timestamp '2023-11-01 00:00:00'), '%Y-%m-%d' ) ) select currency, presentment_currency, open_accounting_period, accounting_period, account_type, account, sum(net_change * (case when account_type in ('Revenue', 'Gains') then 1 else -1 end)) as net_income, sum(presentment_net_change * (case when account_type in ('Revenue', 'Gains') then 1 else -1 end)) as presentment_net_income from ungrouped_results group by currency, presentment_currency, open_accounting_period, accounting_period, account_type, account
このサンプルクエリでは、2024 年 2 月の会計期間に計上され、ラインアイテムごとに分類された売上のレポートが生成されます。目的の期間やさまざまなグループパラメーターに合わせて日付を調整することができます。
顧客の住所情報を取得するには、この Sigma クエリの結果を請求書の Sigma テーブルと結合します。
Stripe の勘定科目表のベータ機能を利用する場合は、総勘定元帳の勘定科目を反映するために、以下のクエリで必ず unbilled_
select "accounting_period", "presentment_currency", "transaction_model_id", "account_type", "account", "booked_date", "presentment_net_income", "invoice_id", "line_item_id", "invoice_item_id", "charge_description", "invoice_line_item_description" from ( select original.* , charges.description as charge_description , invoice_line_items.description as invoice_line_item_description FROM ( with unbilled_ar_accounts as ( values 'UnbilledAccountsReceivable' ) , formatted_changes as ( select livemode, invoice_id, line_item_id, invoice_item_id, subscription_item_id, customer_balance_transaction_id, charge_id, refund_id, debit, credit, debit_account_type, credit_account_type, debit_gl_code, credit_gl_code, accounting_period_date, presentment_amount, presentment_currency, date_format(accounting_period_date, '%Y-%m-%d') as accounting_period, date_format(booked_date, '%Y-%m-%d') as booked_date, coalesce( invoice_id, invoice_item_id, charge_id, refund_id, subscription_item_id, customer_balance_transaction_id, customer_id ) as linked_invoice_id, coalesce( invoice_item_id, line_item_id, invoice_id, charge_id, refund_id, subscription_item_id, customer_balance_transaction_id, customer_id ) as linked_invoice_line_item_id , if(lower(presentment_currency) in ('bif', 'clp', 'djf', 'gnf', 'jpy', 'kmf', 'krw', 'mga', 'pyg', 'rwf', 'vnd', 'vuv', 'xaf', 'xof', 'xpf'), cast(presentment_amount as decimal(18, 0)), cast(0.01 * presentment_amount as decimal(18, 2))) as decimalized_amount, case when debit in (select * from unbilled_ar_accounts) OR credit in (select * from unbilled_ar_accounts) then true else false end AS is_unbilled from revenue_recognition_debits_and_credits ) , raw_net_changes as ( select debit as account, debit_gl_code as gl_code, debit_account_type as account_type, decimalized_amount as presentment_raw_net_change, * from formatted_changes union all select credit as account, credit_gl_code as gl_code, credit_account_type as account_type, -decimalized_amount as presentment_raw_net_change, * from formatted_changes ) , net_changes as ( select (case when account_type in ('Assets', 'ContraRevenue', 'Expenses', 'Losses') then presentment_raw_net_change else -presentment_raw_net_change end) as presentment_net_change, * from raw_net_changes ) , ungrouped_results as ( select presentment_currency, accounting_period, linked_invoice_line_item_id as transaction_model_id, account_type, account, gl_code, booked_date, invoice_id, line_item_id, invoice_item_id, charge_id, presentment_net_change from net_changes where account_type in ('Revenue', 'ContraRevenue', 'Expenses', 'Gains', 'Losses') and accounting_period >= date_format(timestamp '2024-02-01 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d') and accounting_period <= date_format(date_add('second', -1, timestamp '2024-03-01 00:00:00'), '%Y-%m-%d') ), results as ( select presentment_currency, accounting_period, transaction_model_id, account_type, account, gl_code, booked_date, arbitrary(invoice_id) as invoice_id, arbitrary(line_item_id) as invoice_line_item_id, arbitrary(invoice_item_id) as invoice_item_id, max(charge_id) as charge_id, sum(presentment_net_change * (case when account_type in ('Revenue', 'Gains') then 1 else -1 end)) as presentment_net_income from ungrouped_results group by presentment_currency, accounting_period, transaction_model_id, account_type, account, gl_code, booked_date ) select accounting_period, presentment_currency, transaction_model_id, account_type, account, gl_code, booked_date, invoice_id, invoice_line_item_id as line_item_id, invoice_item_id, charge_id, presentment_net_income from results where presentment_net_income != 0 order by accounting_period, presentment_currency, transaction_model_id, account_type, account, gl_code, booked_date ) original left join charges on charges.id = original.charge_id left join invoices on original.invoice_id = invoices.id left join invoice_line_items on invoice_line_items.id = original.line_item_id )