Revenue Recognition reports
Generate and export revenue reports using Revenue Recognition.
Revenue Recognition automatically generates reports that you can view in the Stripe Dashboard and export as CSV files. These reports include key information like revenue and deferred revenue. They’re available in both aggregate views for high-level analysis, and detailed views so you can validate data.
Integration requirements 
Revenue Recognition assumes that you’ve properly modeled your business. This includes:
- Modeling subscriptions using products and prices, and customers.
- Setting taxes using the default_tax_rates attribute, not as line items.
- Setting discounts using the discount object, not as invoice items.
Revenue recognition requirements vary based on a number of factors, including the location of your business and the goods and services that you sell. You need to make sure that you understand and comply with the requirements applicable to your business, and that you model your business accordingly.
The Revenue Recognition section of your Dashboard provides high-level information regarding the operations and financial health of your business. It includes graphs for recognized revenue and deferred revenue, a monthly summary, and a revenue waterfall report.
The Revenue Recognition section is also where you can manage your Stripe integration, such as uploading your revenue data, defining custom rules on how to treat your revenue, and mapping to the chart of accounts that you use in your general ledger.
Revenue Recognition generates reports from transactions processed by Stripe. Expect a 72 hour delay before the data displays in the Dashboard.
Also, all report information is accessible only after you import the data.
Revenue graphs 
The revenue graphs in the Dashboard provide a high-level view of your business by displaying revenue activity over time. The recognized revenue graph shows your net recognized revenue and the deferred revenue graph shows your ending balance per month.
The monthly and daily charts differentiate between open and closed accounting periods using colors. The figures continue to change until the accounting period closes. Toggling to the daily view provides a day-by-day snapshot of recognized and deferred revenue for the selected month. Revenue from metered billing is recognized in full when invoices finalize, or when the accounting period closes.
AR aging graphs 
The accounts receivable (AR) aging graphs in the Dashboard provide a high-level view of your accounts receivable activity over time. Use this information to understand the financial health of your customers. The balance graph shows the outstanding invoice amounts for the specified periods. The summary table shows unpaid invoice amounts and categorizes them by how long the invoices have been outstanding for the specified period.
Monthly summary 
The monthly summary provides a detailed breakdown of activity for the last complete month. Use this information to understand how your activity affected revenue and to book journal entries. You can also see activity that contributed to your net revenue. For example, you can see the portions of new billings that you recognized, and contra revenue items. This section also lists changes to deferred revenue based on your activity, like portions of new billings that you haven’t recognized and contra revenue items.
The monthly summary only shows details if you had activity. For example, if you don’t have any contra revenue, the monthly summary doesn’t include it.
Revenue waterfall 
The revenue waterfall, sometimes called a revenue schedule chart, displays expected recognizable revenue over time. Use this to understand how activity from each period affects revenue in future periods.
This report shows expected revenue amounts based on historical billings. It doesn’t model future billings and it doesn’t predict future revenue from those potential billings. The expected future revenue amounts change as you add future billings.
CSV reports 
You can download reports as a CSV file at any time. To do this:
- Click Download next to the report.
- If applicable, select the report format.
- Choose the columns you want to include in the report.
- Click Download.
The reports you can download include:
Report | Description |
Income statement | Detailed revenue and contra revenue breakdown by month |
Balance sheet | Detailed balance sheet account breakdown by month |
Debits and credits | Monthly debit and credit journal entries shown at these levels: summary, product, price, customer, invoice, line item, metadata, event type, invoice event type, and line item event type |
Accounts receivable aging | Outstanding invoice amounts grouped into age buckets shown at these levels: summary, product, price, customer, invoice, line item, and metadata |
Corrections | Monthly correction entries shown at these levels: summary, product, price, customer, invoice, line item, and metadata |
Trial balance | Shows the account balances for each general ledger account during each accounting period |
The income statement report shows revenue, contra revenue, expenses, gains, and losses. Contra revenue adjustments are deductions from gross revenue. Applying the contra revenue to your gross revenue results in your net income. Use this report to better understand your net revenue and determine how you want to track contra revenue items.
The balance sheet report shows the beginning and ending balances for accounts like deferred revenue, accounts receivable, cash, and so on. You can use this report to understand overall inflows and outflows to these accounts, as well as how revenue activity ties to cash.
The accounts receivable aging report consolidates outstanding invoice amounts and groups them into age ranges: not yet due, 1-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, 91-120 days, and over 120 days. The report rounds up the ranges (for example, an invoice overdue by 30.5 days falls into the 31-60 days range). You can use this report to understand your collections performance and identify customers with outstanding invoices that are potentially collectible.
The corrections report displays corrected ledger entries, ensuring the accuracy and transparency of your accounting data. Corrections occur when changes are made to ledger entries in closed accounting periods. These changes are due to:
- Data import for past transactions
- Adding, updating, and deleting chart of accounts mappings or rules
- Modifying revenue settings
- Bug fixes introduced by Revenue Recognition system upgrades
To allow corrections to backdate to their original periods, reopen the closed accounting periods with accounting period control.
The trial balance report lists the balances of the accounts at a specific point in time (as of a specific date) and ensures the total of the debit accounts equals the total of the credit accounts. You can use this report to get a snapshot of all the account balances and to reconcile account balances in Stripe with your general ledger.
You can download any accounting report or statement you’re viewing by clicking Download. Below is a list of the different report formats available to you for download as a CSV file:
Report format | Description |
Summary | This report provides a summary of revenue recognition on your account for the selected period. |
Product | This report provides a detailed view of revenue recognition on your account over the selected period, organized by product. |
Price | This report provides a detailed view of revenue recognition on your account over the selected period, organized by price. It can include information such as pricing metadata and pricing intervals. |
Customer | This report provides a detailed view of revenue recognition on your account over the selected period, organized by customer. It can include information such as customer name, email, and address. |
Invoice | This report provides a detailed view of revenue recognition on your account over the selected period, organized by invoice. It can include information such as charges, refunds, and dispute IDs. |
Line item | This report provides a detailed view of revenue recognition on your account over the selected period, organized by line item. It can include information at the granularity of a line item (such as charges, refunds, and dispute IDs). |
Metadata | This report provides a customized summary of revenue recognition on your account for the selected period, grouped by the user selected metadata object type and key. This report supports grouping by charge, customer, invoice, invoice item, product, or subscription metadata. Learn more about metadata. |
Event type | This report is available in the debits and credits reports. It provides a detailed view of revenue recognition on your account over the selected period, organized by event type. The event type provides a brief description of the recorded event, which can help you understand the nature of each journal entry. |
Invoice event type | This report is available in the debits and credits reports. It provides a detailed view of revenue recognition on your account over the selected period, organized by invoice and event type. It can include information such as charges, refunds, and dispute IDs. |
Line item event type | This report is available in the debits and credits reports. It provides a detailed view of revenue recognition on your account over the selected period, organized by line item and event type. It can include information at the granularity of a line item (such as charges, refunds, and dispute IDs). |