Compte de résultat
Comprendre le rapport de compte de résultat.
Le compte de résultat fournit les revenus détaillés et la répartition des contreparties du revenu par mois. Il contient les revenus, les contreparties du revenu, les dépenses, les gains et les pertes. Les réajustements liés à la contrepartie du revenu sont des déductions du revenu brut. Appliquez la contrepartie du revenu à votre revenu brut pour obtenir votre revenu net. Utilisez ce rapport pour mieux comprendre votre revenu net et déterminer comment suivre les postes de contrepartie du revenu.
Vous pouvez télécharger le rapport dans différents formats à partir de notre page Rapports comptables.
Réplication dans Sigma
Pour dupliquer le rapport de revenus dans Sigma, utilisez la table revenue_
Grouper par compte
Cet exemple de requête génère le rapport des revenus comptabilisés pour la période comptable d’octobre 2023 et regroupés par compte. Vous pouvez adapter les dates à la période de votre choix ainsi qu’à différents paramètres de regroupement.
with zero_decimal_currencies as ( values 'bif', 'clp', 'djf', 'gnf', 'jpy', 'kmf', 'krw', 'mga', 'pyg', 'rwf', 'vnd', 'vuv', 'xaf', 'xof', 'xpf' ), formatted_changes as ( select booked_date, date_format(accounting_period_date, '%Y-%m-%d') as accounting_period, is_accounting_period_open, debit, credit, debit_account_type, credit_account_type, invoice_id, product_id, customer_balance_transaction_id, event_type, currency, presentment_currency, if( lower(currency) in ( select * from zero_decimal_currencies ), cast(presentment_amount as decimal(18, 0)), cast(0.01 * presentment_amount as decimal(18, 2)) ) as decimalized_presentment_amount, if( lower(currency) in ( select * from zero_decimal_currencies ), cast(amount as decimal(18, 0)), cast(0.01 * amount as decimal(18, 2)) ) as decimalized_settlement_amount from revenue_recognition_debits_and_credits ), raw_net_changes as ( select debit as account, debit_account_type as account_type, decimalized_settlement_amount as raw_net_change, decimalized_presentment_amount as presentment_raw_net_change, * from formatted_changes union all select credit as account, credit_account_type as account_type, - decimalized_settlement_amount as raw_net_change, - decimalized_presentment_amount as presentment_raw_net_change, * from formatted_changes ), net_changes as ( select ( case when account_type in ('Assets', 'ContraRevenue', 'Expenses', 'Losses') then raw_net_change else - raw_net_change end ) as net_change, ( case when account_type in ('Assets', 'ContraRevenue', 'Expenses', 'Losses') then presentment_raw_net_change else - presentment_raw_net_change end ) as presentment_net_change, * from raw_net_changes ), ungrouped_results as ( select case when is_accounting_period_open then accounting_period else null end as open_accounting_period, case when is_accounting_period_open then null else accounting_period end as accounting_period, currency, presentment_currency, account_type, account, booked_date, product_id, invoice_id, event_type, presentment_net_change, net_change from net_changes where account_type in ('Revenue', 'ContraRevenue', 'Expenses', 'Gains', 'Losses') and accounting_period >= date_format(timestamp '2023-10-01 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d') and accounting_period <= date_format( date_add('second', -1, timestamp '2023-11-01 00:00:00'), '%Y-%m-%d' ) ) select currency, presentment_currency, open_accounting_period, accounting_period, account_type, account, sum(net_change * (case when account_type in ('Revenue', 'Gains') then 1 else -1 end)) as net_income, sum(presentment_net_change * (case when account_type in ('Revenue', 'Gains') then 1 else -1 end)) as presentment_net_income from ungrouped_results group by currency, presentment_currency, open_accounting_period, accounting_period, account_type, account
Grouper par poste de facture
Cet exemple de requête génère le rapport des recettes comptabilisées pour la période comptable de février 2024 et regroupées par poste de facture. Vous pouvez réajuster les dates à votre convenance ainsi que différents paramètres de regroupement.
Pour récupérer les adresses des clients, joignez les résultats de cette requête Sigma à la table Sigma des factures.
Si vous utilisez la fonctionnalité bêta de notre plan comptable, veillez à mettre à jour le mappage unbilled_
dans la requête ci-dessous pour refléter les comptes dans votre grand livre.
select "accounting_period", "presentment_currency", "transaction_model_id", "account_type", "account", "booked_date", "presentment_net_income", "invoice_id", "line_item_id", "invoice_item_id", "charge_description", "invoice_line_item_description" from ( select original.* , charges.description as charge_description , invoice_line_items.description as invoice_line_item_description FROM ( with unbilled_ar_accounts as ( values 'UnbilledAccountsReceivable' ) , formatted_changes as ( select livemode, invoice_id, line_item_id, invoice_item_id, subscription_item_id, customer_balance_transaction_id, charge_id, refund_id, debit, credit, debit_account_type, credit_account_type, debit_gl_code, credit_gl_code, accounting_period_date, presentment_amount, presentment_currency, date_format(accounting_period_date, '%Y-%m-%d') as accounting_period, date_format(booked_date, '%Y-%m-%d') as booked_date, coalesce( invoice_id, invoice_item_id, charge_id, refund_id, subscription_item_id, customer_balance_transaction_id, customer_id ) as linked_invoice_id, coalesce( invoice_item_id, line_item_id, invoice_id, charge_id, refund_id, subscription_item_id, customer_balance_transaction_id, customer_id ) as linked_invoice_line_item_id , if(lower(presentment_currency) in ('bif', 'clp', 'djf', 'gnf', 'jpy', 'kmf', 'krw', 'mga', 'pyg', 'rwf', 'vnd', 'vuv', 'xaf', 'xof', 'xpf'), cast(presentment_amount as decimal(18, 0)), cast(0.01 * presentment_amount as decimal(18, 2))) as decimalized_amount, case when debit in (select * from unbilled_ar_accounts) OR credit in (select * from unbilled_ar_accounts) then true else false end AS is_unbilled from revenue_recognition_debits_and_credits ) , raw_net_changes as ( select debit as account, debit_gl_code as gl_code, debit_account_type as account_type, decimalized_amount as presentment_raw_net_change, * from formatted_changes union all select credit as account, credit_gl_code as gl_code, credit_account_type as account_type, -decimalized_amount as presentment_raw_net_change, * from formatted_changes ) , net_changes as ( select (case when account_type in ('Assets', 'ContraRevenue', 'Expenses', 'Losses') then presentment_raw_net_change else -presentment_raw_net_change end) as presentment_net_change, * from raw_net_changes ) , ungrouped_results as ( select presentment_currency, accounting_period, linked_invoice_line_item_id as transaction_model_id, account_type, account, gl_code, booked_date, invoice_id, line_item_id, invoice_item_id, charge_id, presentment_net_change from net_changes where account_type in ('Revenue', 'ContraRevenue', 'Expenses', 'Gains', 'Losses') and accounting_period >= date_format(timestamp '2024-02-01 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d') and accounting_period <= date_format(date_add('second', -1, timestamp '2024-03-01 00:00:00'), '%Y-%m-%d') ), results as ( select presentment_currency, accounting_period, transaction_model_id, account_type, account, gl_code, booked_date, arbitrary(invoice_id) as invoice_id, arbitrary(line_item_id) as invoice_line_item_id, arbitrary(invoice_item_id) as invoice_item_id, max(charge_id) as charge_id, sum(presentment_net_change * (case when account_type in ('Revenue', 'Gains') then 1 else -1 end)) as presentment_net_income from ungrouped_results group by presentment_currency, accounting_period, transaction_model_id, account_type, account, gl_code, booked_date ) select accounting_period, presentment_currency, transaction_model_id, account_type, account, gl_code, booked_date, invoice_id, invoice_line_item_id as line_item_id, invoice_item_id, charge_id, presentment_net_income from results where presentment_net_income != 0 order by accounting_period, presentment_currency, transaction_model_id, account_type, account, gl_code, booked_date ) original left join charges on = original.charge_id left join invoices on original.invoice_id = left join invoice_line_items on = original.line_item_id )