Supported attributes
Review a complete list of attributes supported in Radar rules.
Use the following attributes within Radar to write rules. Learn how to write effective rules.
Risk scores and levels
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
risk_level | Case Insensitive String | normal |
The risk level of a given payment, as determined by Stripe. The supported values are: normal, elevated, highest, not_assessed. | ||
risk_score | Numeric | 50 |
The risk score of a given payment, as determined by Stripe. The values range between 0 (least risky) and 100 (riskiest). By default, a risk score of 65 or above corresponds to a risk level of elevated, while a risk score of 75 or above corresponds to a risk level of highest. You can adjust the thresholds at Risk Settings. |
3D Secure
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
is_3d_secure | Boolean | true |
Identifies if the payment uses a 3D Secure source. | ||
is_3d_secure_authenticated | Boolean | true |
Identifies if the payment was authenticated after a successfully completed 3D Secure verification (either risk-based or challenge-based). | ||
has_liability_shift | Boolean | true |
True if the liability shift rule might apply for this payment. |
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
billing_address | Case Insensitive String | 1234 Main St #2A Brooklyn NY 10022 US |
The full provided cardholder billing address. | ||
billing_address_line1 | Case Insensitive String | 1234 Main St |
The first line of the provided cardholder billing address (typically a street name and number). | ||
billing_address_line2 | Case Insensitive String | #2A |
The second line of the provided cardholder billing address (typically an apartment or unit number). | ||
billing_address_postal_code | Case Insensitive String | 10022 |
The postal code (ZIP) of the provided cardholder billing address. | ||
billing_address_city | Case Insensitive String | Brooklyn |
The city of the provided cardholder billing address. | ||
billing_address_state | Case Insensitive String | NY |
The state of the provided cardholder billing address. | ||
billing_address_country | Case Insensitive Country | US |
The two-letter code corresponding to the country of the provided cardholder billing address. | ||
shipping_address | Case Insensitive String | 1234 Main St #2A Brooklyn NY 10022 US |
The full provided shipping address. | ||
shipping_address_line1 | Case Insensitive String | 1234 Main St |
The first line of the provided shipping address (typically a street name and number). | ||
shipping_address_line2 | Case Insensitive String | #2A |
The second line of the provided shipping address (typically an apartment or unit number). | ||
shipping_address_postal_code | Case Insensitive String | 10022 |
The postal code (ZIP) of the provided shipping address. | ||
shipping_address_city | Case Insensitive String | Brooklyn |
The city of the provided shipping address. | ||
shipping_address_state | Case Insensitive String | NY |
The state of the provided shipping address. | ||
shipping_address_country | Case Insensitive Country | US |
The two-letter code corresponding to the country of the provided shipping address. |
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
amount_in_xyz | Numeric | 50 |
The amount of the payment, converted to the currency specified by xyz (for example, amount_in_usd). Specify one of the following supported currencies and Stripe automatically calculates a converted amount to use: aed, ars, aud, brl, cad, chf, clp, cop, czk, dkk, eur, gbp, hkd, huf, idr, ils, inr, jpy, khr, krw, mxn, myr, nok, nzd, php, pln, ron, rub, sek, sgd, thb, try, twd, or usd. For decimal currencies (for example, usd), rules use the base currency unit rather than sub units (for example, dollars, not cents). | ||
average_usd_amount_attempted_on_card_all_time | Numeric | 50 |
The average amount (in USD) of attempted transactions (charges) for the card on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
average_usd_amount_attempted_on_customer_all_time | Numeric | 50 |
The average amount (in USD) of attempted transactions (charges) for the Customer object on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
average_usd_amount_successful_on_card_all_time | Numeric | 50 |
The average amount (in USD) of charges that resulted in an authorization for the card on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
average_usd_amount_successful_on_customer_all_time | Numeric | 50 |
The average amount (in USD) of charges that resulted in an authorization for the Customer object on your account. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
total_usd_amount_charged_on_card_all_time | Numeric | 50 |
The total amount (in USD) of charges from this card that were attempted on your account. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
total_usd_amount_charged_on_customer_all_time | Numeric | 50 |
The total amount (in USD) of charges from the Customer object that were attempted on your account. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
total_usd_amount_failed_on_card_all_time | Numeric | 50 |
The total amount (in USD) of charges from this card that failed (blocked or declined) on your account. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
total_usd_amount_failed_on_customer_all_time | Numeric | 50 |
The total amount (in USD) of charges from the Customer object that failed (blocked or declined) on your account. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
total_usd_amount_successful_on_card_all_time | Numeric | 50 |
The total amount (in USD) of charges that resulted in an authorization for the card on your account. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
total_usd_amount_successful_on_customer_all_time | Numeric | 50 |
The total amount (in USD) of charges that resulted in an authorization for the Customer object on your account. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. |
Card Info
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
card_bin | Case Insensitive String | 483312 |
The Bank Identification Number (BIN) of the card used to make the payment. The BIN is the first six digits of the card number. | ||
card_brand | Case Insensitive String | visa |
The brand of the card used to make the payment. The supported values are: amex (American Express), visa (Visa), mc (Mastercard), dscvr (Discover), diners (Diners Club), interac (Interac), jcb (JCB), and cup (UnionPay). | ||
card_country | Case Insensitive Country | US |
The two-letter code corresponding to the country where the card was issued. | ||
card_fingerprint | Case Sensitive String | example_fingerprint |
The fingerprint of the card used to make the payment. The card fingerprint is a unique identifier of a particular card number. | ||
card_funding | Case Insensitive String | credit |
Whether the card is a prepaid, debit, or credit card. The supported values are: credit, debit, prepaid, unknown. | ||
card_3d_secure_support | Case Insensitive String | required |
The level of 3D Secure support for the card used to make the payment. The supported values are: required, recommended, optional, and not_supported. | ||
charge_description | Case Insensitive String | payment for order #12 |
The description supplied with the payment. | ||
statement_descriptor | Case Insensitive String | example descriptor |
The statement descriptor provided on a payment. |
Card Usage
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
is_new_card_on_customer | Boolean | true |
Identifies if the card associated with the Customer object hasn’t been seen on a payment by that customer on your account. | ||
card_count_for_billing_address_all_time | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with this billing address from charges on this account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
card_count_for_billing_address_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with this billing address from charges on this account in the past week. | ||
card_count_for_billing_address_daily | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with this billing address from charges on this account in the past day. | ||
card_count_for_billing_address_hourly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with this billing address from charges on this account in the past hour. | ||
card_count_for_customer_all_time | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with the Customer object from charges on this account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
card_count_for_customer_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with the Customer object from charges on this account in the past week. | ||
card_count_for_customer_daily | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with the Customer object from charges on this account in the past day. | ||
card_count_for_customer_hourly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with the Customer object from charges on this account in the past hour. | ||
card_count_for_email_all_time | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with this email from charges on this account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
card_count_for_email_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with this email from charges on this account in the past week. | ||
card_count_for_email_daily | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with this email from charges on this account in the past day. | ||
card_count_for_email_hourly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with this email from charges on this account in the past hour. | ||
card_count_for_ip_address_all_time | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with this IP address from charges on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
card_count_for_ip_address_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with this IP address from charges on your account in the past week. | ||
card_count_for_ip_address_daily | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with this IP address from charges on your account in the past day. | ||
card_count_for_ip_address_hourly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with this IP address from charges on your account in the past hour. | ||
card_count_for_shipping_address_all_time | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with this shipping address from charges on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
card_count_for_shipping_address_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with this shipping address from charges on your account in the past week. | ||
card_count_for_shipping_address_daily | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with this shipping address from charges on your account in the past day. | ||
card_count_for_shipping_address_hourly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of cards associated with this shipping address from charges on your account in the past hour. |
Charges that were authorized
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
authorized_charges_per_billing_address_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization on this billing address on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
authorized_charges_per_billing_address_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization on this billing address in the past week on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_billing_address_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization on this billing address in the past day on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_billing_address_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization on this billing address in the past hour on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_card_number_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization on this card on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
authorized_charges_per_card_number_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization on this card in the past week on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_card_number_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization on this card in the past day on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_card_number_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization on this card in the past hour on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_customer_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization from the Customer object on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
authorized_charges_per_customer_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization from the Customer object in the past week on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_customer_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization from the Customer object in the past day on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_customer_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization from the Customer object in the past hour on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_email_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization from this email on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
authorized_charges_per_email_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization from this email in the past week on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_email_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization from this email in the past day on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_email_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization from this email in the past hour on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_shipping_address_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization on this shipping address on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
authorized_charges_per_shipping_address_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization on this shipping address in the past week on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_shipping_address_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization on this shipping address in the past day on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_shipping_address_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization on this shipping address in the past hour on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_ip_address_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization from this IP address on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
authorized_charges_per_ip_address_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization from this IP address in the past week on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_ip_address_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization from this IP address in the past day on your account. | ||
authorized_charges_per_ip_address_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges that resulted in a successful authorization from this IP address in the past hour on your account. |
Charges that were blocked
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
blocked_charges_per_billing_address_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked on this billing address on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
blocked_charges_per_billing_address_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked on this billing address in the past week on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_billing_address_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked on this billing address in the past day on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_billing_address_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked on this billing address in the past hour on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_card_number_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked on this card on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
blocked_charges_per_card_number_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked on this card in the past week on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_card_number_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked on this card in the past day on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_card_number_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked on this card in the past hour on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_customer_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked from the Customer object on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
blocked_charges_per_customer_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked from the Customer object in the past week on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_customer_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked from the Customer object in the past day on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_customer_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked from the Customer object in the past hour on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_email_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked from this email on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
blocked_charges_per_email_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked from this email in the past week on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_email_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked from this email in the past day on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_email_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked from this email in the past hour on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_shipping_address_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked on this shipping address on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
blocked_charges_per_shipping_address_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked on this shipping address in the past week on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_shipping_address_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked on this shipping address in the past day on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_shipping_address_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked on this shipping address in the past hour on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_ip_address_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked on this IP address on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
blocked_charges_per_ip_address_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked on this IP address in the past week on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_ip_address_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked on this IP address in the past day on your account. | ||
blocked_charges_per_ip_address_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges blocked on this IP address in the past hour on your account. |
Charges that were declined
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
declined_charges_per_billing_address_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined on this billing address on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
declined_charges_per_billing_address_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined on this billing address in the past week on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_billing_address_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined on this billing address in the past day on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_billing_address_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined on this billing address in the past hour on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_card_number_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined on this card on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
declined_charges_per_card_number_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined on this card in the past week on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_card_number_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined on this card in the past day on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_card_number_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined on this card in the past hour on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_customer_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined from the Customer object on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
declined_charges_per_customer_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined from the Customer object in the past week on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_customer_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined from the Customer object in the past day on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_customer_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined from the Customer object in the past hour on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_shipping_address_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined on this shipping address on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
declined_charges_per_shipping_address_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined on this shipping address in the past week on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_shipping_address_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined on this shipping address in the past day on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_shipping_address_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined on this shipping address in the past hour on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_ip_address_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined on this IP address on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
declined_charges_per_ip_address_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined on this IP address in the past week on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_ip_address_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined on this IP address in the past day on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_ip_address_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined on this IP address in the past hour on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_email_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined from this email on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
declined_charges_per_email_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined from this email in the past week on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_email_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined from this email in the past day on your account. | ||
declined_charges_per_email_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The number of charges declined from this email in the past hour on your account. |
Total charges
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
total_charges_per_billing_address_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges on this billing address on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
total_charges_per_billing_address_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges on this billing address in the past week on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_billing_address_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges on this billing address in the past day on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_billing_address_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges on this billing address in the past hour on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_card_number_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges on this card on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
total_charges_per_card_number_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges on this card in the past week on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_card_number_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges on this card in the past day on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_card_number_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges on this card in the past hour on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_customer_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges from the Customer object on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
total_charges_per_customer_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges from the Customer object in the past week on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_customer_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges from the Customer object in the past day on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_customer_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges from the Customer object in the past hour on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_email_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges from this email on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
total_charges_per_email_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges from this email in the past week on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_email_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges from this email in the past day on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_email_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges from this email in the past hour on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_ip_address_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges from this IP address on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
total_charges_per_ip_address_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges from this IP address in the past week on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_ip_address_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges from this IP address in the past day on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_ip_address_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges from this IP address in the past hour on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_shipping_address_all_time | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges from this shipping address on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
total_charges_per_shipping_address_weekly | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges from this shipping address in the past week on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_shipping_address_daily | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges from this shipping address in the past day on your account. | ||
total_charges_per_shipping_address_hourly | Numeric | 10 |
The total number of charges from this shipping address in the past hour on your account. |
Client information
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
browser | Case Insensitive String | Chrome 103.0.0 |
The customer’s browser name and version. | ||
isp | Case Insensitive String | Cactus Practice ISP |
The customer’s Internet Service Provider (ISP) name. | ||
operating_system | Case Insensitive String | Mac OS X 10.15.7 |
The customer’s operating system name and version. | ||
user_agent | Case Insensitive String | mozilla/5.0 (macintosh; intel mac os x 10_15_7) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/ safari/537.36 |
The customer’s user agent. |
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
customer | Case Sensitive String | cus_AeFLnRaI51AbRi |
The Customer object ID supplied with the payment. | ||
total_customers_for_card_yearly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The total number of Customer objects associated with this card on your account. This attribute only includes live mode Customer objects that interacted with your account in the past year. This data updates at most every 72 hours. | ||
total_customers_for_card_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The total number of Customer objects associated with this card on your account. This attribute only includes live mode Customer objects that interacted with your account in the past week. This data updates at most every 72 hours. | ||
total_customers_for_email_yearly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The total number of Customer objects associated with this email on your account. This attribute only includes live mode Customer objects that interacted with your account in the past year. This data updates at most every 72 hours. | ||
total_customers_for_email_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The total number of Customer objects associated with this email on your account. This attribute only includes live mode Customer objects that interacted with your account in the past week. This data updates at most every 72 hours. | ||
total_customers_with_prior_fraud_activity_for_card_yearly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The total number of Customer objects associated with this card that have fraud activity on your account. Fraud activity includes fraud disputes, early fraud warnings, and high risk Radar blocks. This attribute only includes live mode Customer objects that interacted with your account in the past year. This data updates at most every 72 hours. | ||
total_customers_with_prior_fraud_activity_for_card_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The total number of Customer objects associated with this card that have fraud activity on your account. Fraud activity includes fraud disputes, early fraud warnings, and high risk Radar blocks. This attribute only includes live mode Customer objects that interacted with your account in the past week. This data updates at most every 72 hours. | ||
total_customers_with_prior_fraud_activity_for_email_yearly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The total number of Customer objects associated with this email that have fraud activity on your account. Fraud activity includes fraud disputes, early fraud warnings, and high risk Radar blocks. This attribute only includes live mode Customer objects that interacted with your account in the past year. This data updates at most every 72 hours. | ||
total_customers_with_prior_fraud_activity_for_email_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The total number of Customer objects associated with this email that have fraud activity on your account. Fraud activity includes fraud disputes, early fraud warnings, and high risk Radar blocks. This attribute only includes live mode Customer objects that interacted with your account in the past week. This data updates at most every 72 hours. |
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
distance_between_billing_and_shipping_address | Numeric | 50 |
The distance (in km) between the provided billing address and the provided shipping address. | ||
distance_between_ip_and_billing_address | Numeric | 50 |
The distance (in km) between the IP address from which the payment originates and the provided billing address. | ||
distance_between_ip_and_shipping_address | Numeric | 50 |
The distance (in km) between the IP address from which the payment originates and the provided shipping address. |
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
dispute_count_on_card_number_all_time | Bounded numeric (<=25) | 10 |
The count of fraudulent disputes associated with charges from this card number on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2019 onwards. | ||
dispute_count_on_card_number_yearly | Bounded numeric (<=25) | 10 |
The count of fraudulent disputes associated with charges from this card number on your account in the past year. | ||
dispute_count_on_ip_all_time | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The count of fraudulent disputes associated with charges from this IP address on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
dispute_count_on_ip_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The count of fraudulent disputes associated with charges from this IP address on your account in the past week. | ||
dispute_count_on_ip_daily | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The count of fraudulent disputes associated with charges from this IP address on your account in the past day. | ||
dispute_count_on_ip_hourly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The count of fraudulent disputes associated with charges from this IP address on your account in the past hour. |
Early Fraud Warnings
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
efw_count_on_card_all_time | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of EFWs associated with charges from this card on your account within the past five years. This value includes EFWs from 2020 onwards. | ||
efw_count_on_card_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of EFWs associated with charges from this card on your account in the past week. | ||
efw_count_on_card_daily | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of EFWs associated with charges from this card on your account in the past day. | ||
efw_count_on_card_hourly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of EFWs associated with charges from this card on your account in the past hour. | ||
efw_count_on_ip_all_time | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of EFWs associated with charges from this IP address on your account within the past five years. This value includes EFWs from 2020 onwards. | ||
efw_count_on_ip_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of EFWs associated with charges from this IP address on your account in the past week. | ||
efw_count_on_ip_daily | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of EFWs associated with charges from this IP address on your account in the past day. | ||
efw_count_on_ip_hourly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of EFWs associated with charges from this IP address on your account in the past hour. |
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
email | Case Insensitive String | |
The email address supplied with the payment. | ||
email_domain | Case Insensitive String | |
The domain of the email address supplied with the payment. | ||
is_disposable_email | Boolean | true |
Identifies if the email address supplied with the payment uses a known throwaway email address provider. Stripe maintains a list of domains corresponding to throwaway email addresses. |
The email_domain and is_disposable_email attributes use the email address found in any of the following fields:
- The
of the paymentemail - The
of the payment - The
of the card (if an email address has been provided as the cardholder name) - The
of the customer that the payment was created on - The
of the customer
Email usage
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
email_count_for_billing_address_all_time | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of emails associated with this billing address from charges on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
email_count_for_billing_address_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of emails associated with this billing address from charges on your account in the past week. | ||
email_count_for_billing_address_daily | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of emails associated with this billing address from charges on your account in the past day. | ||
email_count_for_billing_address_hourly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of emails associated with this billing address from charges on your account in the past hour. | ||
email_count_for_card_all_time | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of emails associated with this card from charges on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
email_count_for_card_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of emails associated with this card from charges on your account in the past week. | ||
email_count_for_card_daily | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of emails associated with this card from charges on your account in the past day. | ||
email_count_for_card_hourly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of emails associated with this card from charges on your account in the past hour. | ||
email_count_for_ip_all_time | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of emails associated with this IP address from charges on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
email_count_for_ip_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of emails associated with this IP address from charges on your account in the past week. | ||
email_count_for_ip_daily | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of emails associated with this IP address from charges on your account in the past day. | ||
email_count_for_ip_hourly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of emails associated with this IP address from charges on your account in the past hour. | ||
email_count_for_shipping_address_all_time | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of emails associated with this shipping address from charges on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
email_count_for_shipping_address_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of emails associated with this shipping address from charges on your account in the past week. | ||
email_count_for_shipping_address_daily | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of emails associated with this shipping address from charges on your account in the past day. | ||
email_count_for_shipping_address_hourly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of emails associated with this shipping address from charges on your account in the past hour. |
IP address
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
ip_address | Case Insensitive String | |
The IP address from which the payment originates. If payment is made with digital_wallet, the IP address might be missing due to obfuscation of the payment’s originating IP address. | ||
ip_address_connection_type | Case Insensitive String | cellular |
The connection type of the IP address from which the payment originates. We identify the following types of connections: cable/dsl, cellular, corporate, dialup. | ||
ip_country | Case Insensitive Country | US |
The two-letter code corresponding to the country-level geolocation of the IP address that the payment originates from. | ||
ip_state | Case Insensitive State | CA |
The ISO code corresponding to the state-level geolocation of the IP address that the payment originates from. If the country doesn’t have a state, this attribute populates with the country’s closest version of a state. | ||
is_anonymous_ip | Boolean | true |
Identifies if the IP address from which the payment originates is a known proxy or Tor exit node. This information updates daily. | ||
is_my_login_ip | Boolean | true |
Identifies if the IP address from which the payment originates has been used to log into your Stripe account. You can use this attribute as a proxy for “is my IP address.” |
Issuer Checks
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
address_line1_check | Case Sensitive String | pass |
A check by the card issuer to match the first line of the provided billing address (typically a street name and number) against the information they have on file for the cardholder. The supported values are: pass, fail, unavailable, unchecked, not_provided. (This is a post-authorization attribute.) | ||
address_zip_check | Case Sensitive String | pass |
A check by the card issuer to match the provided postal code against the information they have on file for the cardholder. The supported values are: pass, fail, unavailable, unchecked, not_provided. (This is a post-authorization attribute.) | ||
cvc_check | Case Sensitive String | pass |
A check by the card issuer to match the provided CVC (also referred to as CVV) against the information they have on file for the cardholder. The supported values are: pass, fail, unavailable, unchecked, not_provided. (This is a post-authorization attribute.) |
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
cardholder_name | Case Insensitive String | Jane Doe |
The provided name with a purchaser’s card information. This attribute isn’t case sensitive, but it’s punctuation sensitive. You should only use this attribute to block names or name patterns of individuals who you have reason to believe have previously committed fraud on your service. We recommend that your customer service teams are prepared to respond to any customer complaints and to add legitimate end-customers to an “allowlist” where appropriate. | ||
name_count_for_card_all_time | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of names associated with this card from charges on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
name_count_for_card_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of names associated with this card from charges on your account in the past week. | ||
name_count_for_card_daily | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of names associated with this card from charges on your account in the past day. | ||
name_count_for_card_hourly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of names associated with this card from charges on your account in the past hour. |
Other payment details
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
currency | Case Insensitive String | usd |
The 3-digit currency code representing the currency in which the customer paid for the transaction. | ||
destination | Case Sensitive String | acct_19KCB9AlaaEw6AgR |
For Connect users creating destination charges, the destination account on whose behalf the charge is made. | ||
digital_wallet | Case Insensitive String | apple_pay |
The type of digital wallet used to store payment information. The supported values are: android_pay, amex_express_checkout, apple_pay, masterpass, samsung_pay, visa_checkout, meta_pay, amazon_pay, revolut_pay, demo_pay, unknown, none. Note: Except for android_pay (valid with or without cryptogram), these are only valid when we receive a cryptogram that can only be generated by a registered device, as opposed to an unencrypted Primary Account Number. | ||
is_checkout | Boolean | true |
is_off_session | Boolean | true |
Indicates when a Stripe Billing payment isn’t triggered by direct user action, or when the off_session flag is set at PaymentIntent confirmation. | ||
is_recurring | Boolean | true |
Identifies if the payment is recurring, for example, from subscriptions. | ||
has_cryptogram | Boolean | true |
True when we receive a cryptogram that can only be generated by a registered device, as opposed to an unencrypted Primary Account Number. | ||
transaction_type | String | charge |
The type of the transaction. The supported values are: charge, payment_intent, setup_intent. The payment_intent value is only supported for Request Credentials rules. In that case, any Allow, Block, or Review rules run against the charge attempts created when confirming the payment. |
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
refund_count_on_card_all_time | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of refunds associated with this billing address from charges on your account within the past five years. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
refund_count_on_card_weekly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of refunds associated with this card from charges on your account in the past week. | ||
refund_count_on_card_daily | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of refunds associated with this card from charges on your account in the past day. | ||
refund_count_on_card_hourly | Bounded numeric (≤25) | 10 |
The number of refunds associated with this card from charges on your account in the past hour. |
Attribute | Type | Example Value |
hours_since_customer_was_created | Numeric | 50 |
The number of hours since the Customer object making the payment was created on your account. | ||
hours_since_email_first_seen | Numeric | 50 |
The number of hours (up to five years) since the email address supplied with the payment first appeared on your account. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
hours_since_email_first_seen_on_stripe | Numeric | 50 |
The number of hours (up to five years) since the email address supplied with the payment first appeared on Stripe overall. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
hours_since_card_first_seen | Numeric | 50 |
The number of hours (up to five years) since the card for the payment first appeared on your account. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
hours_since_first_successful_auth_on_card | Numeric | 50 |
The number of hours since the first successful auth for the card associated with the payment happened on your account. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
minutes_since_customer_was_created | Numeric | 50 |
The number of minutes since the Customer object making the payment was created on your account. | ||
minutes_since_email_first_seen | Numeric | 50 |
The number of minutes (up to five years) since the email address supplied with the payment first appeared on your account. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
minutes_since_email_first_seen_on_stripe | Numeric | 50 |
The number of minutes (up to five years) since the email address supplied with the payment first appeared on Stripe overall. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
minutes_since_card_first_seen | Numeric | 50 |
The number of minutes (up to five years) since the card for the payment first appeared on your account. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
minutes_since_first_successful_auth_on_card | Numeric | 50 |
The number of minutes since the first successful auth for the card associated with the payment happened on your account. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
seconds_since_customer_was_created | Numeric | 50 |
The number of seconds since the Customer object making the payment was created on your account. | ||
seconds_since_email_first_seen | Numeric | 50 |
The number of seconds (up to five years) since the email address supplied with the payment first appeared on your account. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
seconds_since_email_first_seen_on_stripe | Numeric | 50 |
The number of seconds (up to five years) since the email address supplied with the payment first appeared on Stripe overall. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
seconds_since_card_first_seen | Numeric | 50 |
The number of seconds (up to five years) since the card for the payment first appeared on your account. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. | ||
seconds_since_first_successful_auth_on_card | Numeric | 50 |
The number of seconds since the first successful authorization for the card associated with the payment on your account. This value includes payments from 2020 onwards. |