Radar analytics center
Review fraud patterns and their impact on your business in the Dashboard.
The Radar analytics center in the Dashboard helps you analyze and understand the state of fraud for your business. Stripe provides several reports with information about how much fraud Radar blocks for your business and the top fraud-related metrics for your business over time.
Using Fraud insights, Sigma, or Data Pipeline, you can use Radar rule attributes alongside your own dataset to:
- Continuously improve your fraud management.
- Identify fraudulent payments.
- Create a deeper understanding of your customers.
- Analyze data in an environment that works best for you.
We’ve enhanced the depth and breadth of data we analyze in the new Radar analytics center view, which appears by default in your Radar Overview tab of the Dashboard. To return to the legacy overview page, use the New overview toggle.
The Overview tab of your Radar Dashboard acts as a command center to help you gauge the efficacy of your fraud prevention strategy and Radar interventions. From here, you can:
- View graphs detailing how fraud affects your business and how effectively Radar manages it.
- Compare your fraud intervention results to other businesses like yours.
- Track your fraud performance with network monitoring programs.
- Learn more about fraud risk management tools and practices.
Configure your data set
Specify your time period
By default, statistics reflect the prior 30 days of transaction history, following a 24-hour delay. To see data for a different time period:
- Click the Date filter to open the time period editor.
- Use the drop-down to choose a relative comparator.
- Depending on the comparator you choose, set the parameters, such as in the last 1 months or between 2/26/2024 and 3/18/2024.
- Click Apply.
Choose how and which data appears
Click Configure to customize the way data displays in the charts.
- Calculate rates by transaction volume instead of payment count. Transaction volume is the cumulative amount charged for payments rather than the number of payments.
- Calculate fraud rates by fraud arrival date instead of payment date. Fraud arrival date is the timestamp when a transaction counts as fraud. This might be the time the issuer flagged it or the time the card holder filed a dispute.
- De-duplicate multiple attempts per payment intent so retries of the same payment count as a single instance.
- Include setup intents to see activity from off-session payments like subscriptions, invoices, and on-demand purchases.
Rate charts
The rate charts help you evaluate your fraud prevention strategy. They provide details about the level of fraudulent activity affecting your Radar-screened transactions for a given time period and the portion of transactions you block. Together, these snapshots give you a complete view of how well you’re managing fraud.
Each chart includes the following elements:
- The rate totals show the aggregate ratios for each metric represented in the chart for the entire time period.
- The comparison icon indicates whether your rate is higher (exclamation icon) or lower (checkmark icon) than other Stripe businesses in your demographic. You can click the icon to see details.
- The bar chart shows the category ratios and rate at regular intervals for the time period. You can hover over points in the graph to see metrics for specific points in time.
The following sections describe the specific information provided for each rate category.
The Fraud panel shows the aggregate ratios of transactions that resulted in either a fraud dispute or an early fraud warning that hasn’t escalated to a dispute. For each fraud indicator, you see the percentage of total transactions in the time period and the number of transactions or total amount charged for transactions, depending on your setting.
The totals section also shows your total fraud rate for the period with an icon indicating how your rate’s standing among comparable Stripe businesses. Hover over the icon to view detailed information about the fraud rates of similar Stripe businesses and Stripe businesses within the same geographic region.
The interactive bar chart compares the ratio of fraud attributed to disputes versus early fraud warnings. Regularly reviewing this information can help you identify and address spikes and avoid monitoring program repercussions. The chart also includes a line graph showing your fraud rate for the time period.
Enable the Estimate worst case fraud rate toggle to impose a second line graph showing the machine learning prediction of what fraud might be for the period, based on historical fraud arrival patterns. Cardholders can file disputes 120 days or more after a payment, so the rate can fluctuate over time.
If you don’t see the Estimate worst case fraud rate toggle in your Dashboard, your fraud volume is too low for Stripe to accurately model possible fraud or you enabled Calculate fraud rates by fraud arrival date.
Hover over specific points in the chart to view a modal with details for the specific date. Details include the following data, if applicable for the date:
- Rates of fraudulent disputes, early fraud warning payments, and possible fraud
- Number of fraudulent dispute payments, early fraud warning payments, and possible fraud payments
- Total amount charged in fraudulent dispute payments, early fraud warning payments, and possible fraud payments
The Disputes panel shows the aggregate percentages of disputes due to fraud compared with all other types of disputes for the time period. It also gives the dispute rate for the time period, calculated as the number of disputed payments of any type divided by successful payments during the same period. The icon indicates your rate’s standing among comparable Stripe businesses. Hover over the icon to view detailed information about the dispute rates of similar Stripe businesses and Stripe businesses within the same geographic region.
The interactive bar chart compares the ratio of disputes due to fraud to disputes of any other type, such as “product not received.” Disputes for reasons other than fraud don’t count against your fraud rate. The chart also includes a line graph showing your dispute rate for the time period.
Hover over specific points in the chart to view a modal with details for the specific date. Details include the following data, if applicable for the date:
- Rates of fraudulent disputes, other disputes, and total disputes
- Number of fraudulent disputes, other disputes, and total disputes
- Total amount charged in fraudulent dispute payments, other dispute payments, and total disputed payments
The Blocks panel shows the aggregate percentages of payments that Radar blocked due to a high risk score compared to payments blocked by a custom rule. It also gives the block rate for the time period, calculated as the total number of blocked payments divided by successful payments during the same period. The icon indicates your rate’s standing among comparable Stripe businesses. Hover over the icon to view detailed information about the block rates of similar Stripe businesses and Stripe businesses within the same geographic region.
The interactive bar chart compares the ratio of high risk blocks to rule blocks. The chart also includes a line graph showing your block rate for the time period.
Hover over specific points in the chart to view a modal with details for the specific date. Details include the following data, if applicable for the date:
- Rates of high risk blocks, rule blocks, and total blocks
- Number of high risk blocks, rule blocks, and total blocks
- Total amount for high risk blocks, rule blocks, and total blocks
Rule matches
The Rule matches section gives you insight into how your rules are performing. It shows which rules Radar acted on for all screened transactions during the time period. The top of the panel shows the total number of transactions processed during the time period and summary information for each rule action type:
- Percentage of transactions where a rule match resulted in the prescribed action.
- Total number of transactions where a rule match resulted in the prescribed action.
You can click any of the rule action type summary cards to view details about the rule matches within that type.
The Transactions detail shows a ratio graph of actions taken for all transactions processed during the time period. For each action type, you see the aggregate amount charged for all transactions where a rule match triggered the specified action. Click an action type to view its details page.
Below the totals, an interactive line graph shows the transactions for each rule action type in a timeline for the period. Click the graph to view a modal with the following statistics for each action type on that date:
- Rate is the percentage of total transactions on that date where a rule match resulted in the prescribed action.
- Count is the total number of transactions on that date where a rule match resulted in the prescribed action.
- Volume is the total amount charged for transactions on that date where a rule match resulted in the prescribed action.
The Blocked detail shows a ratio graph depicting the most matched block rules for the time period. You also see the number of, and total amount charged for, transactions that each of the most matched rules blocked.
Below the totals for the time period, you can review the bar graph showing the ratio of blocked payments for each of the most matched rules on each interval of the time period.
The 3DS detail shows a ratio graph depicting the outcomes for transactions in the time period where a 3DS rule triggered 3DS authentication requests. You also see the total amount charged for 3DS requests that succeeded and failed.
Below the totals for the time period, you can review the bar graph showing the ratio of 3DS authentication outcomes for each interval of the time period.
The Allow detail shows a ratio graph depicting the outcomes of payments occurring during the time period for transactions that matched an allow rule. You also see the total amount charged for allowed transactions in each outcome category:
- Legitimate: Allowed transactions where no further action occurred.
- Disputes and Early fraud warnings: Allowed transactions disputed for fraud or issued early fraud warning.
- Refunded Allowed transactions that were refunded.
Below the totals for the time period, you can review the bar graph showing the ratio of allowed payment outcomes for each interval of the time period.
The Review detail allows you to monitor how well your manual review rules foreshadow a need for more decisive action. It might also act as a reminder to take action on unreviewed transactions. The ratio graph compares the status of transactions that triggered a manual review during the time period. You also see the total amount charged for review transactions in each status category:
- Currently in review: No review action taken.
- Approved: Transactions reviewed and determined legitimate.
- Rejected: Transactions reviewed and either refunded or canceled.
- Failed: Transactions matched for review, but declined.
- Disputed: Transactions matched for review, then ultimately disputed. Transactions previously counted as either still in review or approved only count as disputed after the cardholder files a dispute.
Click any row in the table to open the Rules tab of the Dashboard, showing the Rule performance metrics.
Below the totals for the time period, you can review the bar graph showing the ratio of allowed payment outcomes for each interval in the time period.
Card monitoring programs 
Card networks track your fraud and dispute rates as part of their risk evaluation process. If your rates exceed their defined thresholds, they can place your business in a monitoring program that assesses fines and fees until you maintain fraud and disputes at acceptable levels.
Radar analytics monitors your fraud and dispute rates against the thresholds for the card monitoring programs and provides your current status. Click a program card to see details about the program, including the penalties associated with rates in excess of the threshold.