Reviewing uncaptured payments
Learn how to use reviews if your Stripe integration uses auth and capture.
By default, you create Stripe payments in one step, which requires no further action on your part to send the funds to your bank account.
However, Stripe also supports two-step payments, often called auth and capture. If your integration uses this technique, keep in mind that approving a review and capturing a payment are separate actions.
Reviewing uncaptured payments in the Dashboard
When Stripe places an uncaptured payment in review, the Dashboard displays a Capture button in addition to the set of buttons for closing the review by approving or refunding it. Also, because refunding uncaptured payments is often called “releasing” or “reversing,” uncaptured payments have a Cancel button instead of a Refund button.
Approving the review doesn’t automatically capture the charge. You still need to click Capture.

Using the API to automatically capture approved payments
Through the API, you can set up your integration to:
- Immediately capture payments not placed in
- Leave payments placed in
uncaptured - When the review is approved, capture the payment
Immediately capture payments not placed in review
To create an uncaptured payment, set the capture behavior accordingly in the API request. On success, check the payment intent’s review attribute. If the attribute is empty, capture the charge.
Capturing a payment after a review is approved
By design, the previous step left the payments in review
uncaptured. In this step, use webhooks to automate the process of capturing these payments upon approval.
Start by configuring your webhooks to listen for the review.
event. The event data includes the review object, and the object’s reason
attribute indicates whether the review was approved, or if it was closed for some other reason (for example, the payment was refunded).
// Review object included in review.closed event webhook. { "id": "prv_08voh1589O8KAxCGPcIQpmkz", "object": "review", "payment_intent": "pi_1D0CsEITpIrAk4QYdrWDnbRS", "created": 1474379631, "livemode": false, "open": false, "reason": "approved" }
If reason
is approved
, capture the charge.
# Set your secret key. Remember to switch to your live secret key in production. # See your keys here: Stripe.api_key =
post "/my/webhook/url" do event_json = JSON.parse( event = Stripe::Event.retrieve(event_json["id"]) if event.type == 'review.closed' review = event.object if review.reason == 'approved' pi = Stripe::PaymentIntent.retrieve(review.payment_intent) pi.capture end end status 200 end'sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2'
To capture approved payments, the review process must be completed within 7 days. Otherwise, as with any other uncaptured payment, the authorization automatically expires and you can no longer capture the payment.