Customize redirect behavior
Display a confirmation page with your customer's order information.
If you have a Checkout integration that uses an embedded form, you can customize how and whether Stripe redirects your customers after they complete payment. You can have Stripe always redirect customers, only redirect for some payment methods, or completely disable redirects.
To set up redirects, specify the return page in the return_
Alternatively, you can:
- Only redirect customers if the payment method requires it (for example, a bank authorization page for a debit-based method).
- Not use a return page and disable redirect-based payment methods.
Redirect customers to a return page 
When you create the Checkout Session, you specify the URL of the return page in the return_
parameter. Include the {CHECKOUT_
template variable in the URL. When Checkout redirects a customer, it replaces the variable with the actual Checkout Session ID. When rendering your return page, retrieve the Checkout Session status using the Checkout Session ID in the URL.
app.get('/session_status', async (req, res) => { const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.retrieve(req.query.session_id); const customer = await stripe.customers.retrieve(session.customer); res.send({ status: session.status, payment_status: session.payment_status, customer_email: }); });
Handle the result according to the session status as follows:
: The payment succeeded. Use the information from the Checkout Session to render a success
: The payment failed or was canceled. Remount Checkout so that your customer can try again.
const session = await fetch(`/session_status?session_id=${session_id}`) if (session.status == 'open') { // Remount embedded Checkout else if (session.status == 'complete') { // Show success page // Optionally use session.payment_status or session.customer_email // to customize the success page }
Redirect-based payment methods 
During payment, some payment methods redirect the customer to an intermediate page, such as a bank authorization page. When they complete that page, Stripe redirects them to your return page.
Only redirect for redirect-based payment methods 
If you don’t want to redirect customers after payments that don’t require a redirect, set redirect_on_completion to if_
. That redirects only customers who check out with redirect-based payment methods.
For card payments, Checkout renders a default success state instead of redirecting. To use your own success state, pass an onComplete callback that destroys the Checkout instance and renders your custom success state.
is called when the Checkout Session completes successfully, or when the checkout.session.completed webhook event is sent.
Disable redirect-based payment methods 
If you don’t want to create a return page, create your Checkout Session with redirect_on_completion set to never
This disables redirect-based payment methods:
- If you use Dynamic payment methods, you can still manage payment methods from the Dashboard, but payment methods that require redirects aren’t eligible.
- If you manually specify payment methods with payment_method_types, you can’t include any redirect-based payment methods.
Setting redirect_
removes the return_
requirement. For these sessions, Checkout renders a default success state instead of redirecting. You can use your own success state by passing an onComplete callback which destroys the Checkout instance and renders your custom success state.
is called when the Checkout Session completes successfully, or when the checkout.session.completed webhook event is sent.