Create a design
Create and name your bundle design.
To create and name your design in the Issuing Dashboard or API before issuing cards to your cardholders, go directly to the Designs tab and click on New design. The standard option is always available, while the custom option becomes available after you order a custom bundle.
Use a standard bundle 
Visit the Designs tab in the Issuing Dashboard.
Click New design on the upper right and select the Standard physical bundle type.
Select a white or black card.
Upload your card logo. The logo must be in .PNG format, with a legible size of 1000px by 200px. It must be a binary image containing a black logo on a white background with no grayscale.
Set your carrier text.
Review the design summary and set a name used to specify the physical bundle when issuing cards to your cardholders.
Click Submit to send your design for review.
Use a custom bundle 
Visit the Designs tab in the Issuing Dashboard.
Click New design on the upper right and select the Custom physical bundle type.
Select the custom bundle from the drop-down list. Stripe enables visibility of the bundle in the Dashboard after the order has been manufactured and made live. See Order a custom bundle for more details.
If you’ve chosen to add an additional logo during personalization, you’re prompted to upload your card logo next. Ensure the logo is in .PNG format, with a legible size of 1000px by 200px. It must be a binary image containing a black logo on a white background with no grayscale.
If you’ve chosen the standard carrier, you’re prompted to upload your carrier text next.
Review design summary and set a personalization design name. The personalization design name is used to specify the physical bundle when issuing cards to your cardholders.
Click Submit to send your design for review. This is only applicable when an additional logo is added on the card or text is added on the standard carriers.
Design review 
Stripe reviews all logos and carrier text to make sure they comply with the guidelines set by our partner networks. We approve almost all designs, but we might reject yours if it contains:
- The name of another legal entity.
- A reference to a different network (for example, Mastercard if you’re issuing on Visa).
- The name of a geographic location.
- A reference to non-fiat currency (for example, cryptocurrency).
- Advertising or promotional language.
- Inappropriate text or imagery.
Design rejection 
If Stripe rejects your design, we notify you by email within 2 business days and ask you to resubmit an updated design. When Stripe approves your design, we submit any cards that you issued using the design to the vendor. To issue cards with your newly created personalization design, see Issue cards.