To spend money using cards, add funds to the Issuing balance on your account. This balance represents funds reserved for Issuing and is safely separated from your earnings, payouts, and funds from other Stripe products.
Using the Stripe Dashboard or API, you can access the bank account and routing information you need to push funds from your from external bank account. When that account receives funds, they’re immediately available as a top-up to your Stripe account’s Issuing balance.
For a given currency, the provided bank account information will be unique and able to receive funds any number of times. Funds always arrive in your Issuing balance in the specified currency. In some cases, your bank might perform currency conversion.
Payment Scheme
Currency Supported
Maximum amount accepted
United States
Wire Transfer from US banks only
A few minutes to 1 business day
Varies by bank, usually many millions
ACH Credit Transfer
Several hours to several business days
Varies by bank, usually less than $25k
Euro area
SEPA Credit Transfer
About a day
United Kingdom
About 2 hours during a bank’s business hours, or at the start of the next banking day.
£1 million
2-3 business days
£20 million
Select region:
Access account information for push funding in the Dashboard
Scroll down to the Issuing balance heading and click Add to balance.
Choose your Issuing balance and specify how much to add. Click Next.
Select Wire transfer from the dropdown, and expand Show instructions to see the information you need to send a wire.
To send a wire from your bank, use the routing and account number, along with the beneficiary information.
Wires from banks outside the US aren’t allowed. Funds received from an international wire are returned to the sender’s bank account, which can take up to 3 business days.
Request early access
Access to US push funding is currently limited to US beta users. You must be an Issuing customer to join the beta. To request access to the beta, log in to your Stripe account and refresh the page. Contact Stripe for more information.
Enable notifications about your balance
You can enable email notifications to help monitor your Issuing balance from your settings. To configure these notifications:
Fixed amount: Receive an alert whenever your Issuing balance falls below this amount.
Ratio of balance to rolling spend: Receive an alert whenever the ratio of your Issuing balance to your spend over the previous 24 hours falls below the threshold. For example, if you set your threshold to 80% and your spend over the past day is 100 USD, you receive an alert whenever your balance falls below 80 USD.