Manage fraud with Stripe Issuing controls and tools
Understand how transaction fraud can impact your Issuing program and the steps you can take to combat it.
As a payment facilitation product, Issuing inherently incurs potential fraud risks and liabilities for both businesses and issuers. You need to understand what transaction fraud is, who’s liable when fraud occurs, and the best ways to monitor for and prevent fraud using the resources available from Stripe. By understanding your roles and responsibilities and effectively using Stripe’s resources, you can reduce these risks to levels that you deem appropriate for your business.
Keep the following in mind as you decide on your approach to fraud management:
- How much fraud you should expect to see: The average volume of monthly fraud varies significantly based on industry, geography, business model, and other factors. Most users file fraud disputes on 0.1% or less of their transaction volume, but it can vary greatly, depending on your issuing activity. It’s unusual to have no fraud whatsoever, except in rare business models or if you have low volumes.
- Definition of a dispute: A dispute occurs when an account holder challenges a charge on their card statement with their card issuer. The reason for the dispute varies. For example, the account holder might not recognize the charge, perceive it as fraudulent, or feel dissatisfied with the goods or services they purchased. Disputes can help issuers recover funds in the event of fraudulent activity.
Transaction fraud
There are three primary types of payment fraud:
- Transaction fraud: The unauthorized use of a payment card to fraudulently obtain money or property.
- Business fraud: A person creates a fraudulent account (often with a stolen identity) to commit fraud.
- Account takeover (ATO) fraud: An unauthorized third party compromises a legitimate account owner’s login and takes actions on their account.
Business fraud and ATO fraud can occur in Issuing, but transaction fraud often poses a greater risk.
On Stripe Issuing, we see transaction fraud in the form of unauthorized charges on a Stripe-issued card. Transaction fraud can occur at any point in a cardholder’s lifecycle. Purchases at legitimate businesses are also subject to transaction fraud. An issued card can be compromised by:
- Physical theft
- Being lost by the cardholder
- Credentials that were compromised by tactics such as:
- Phishing
- Spyware
- Non-secure checkouts
- External breaches
Loss liability
Loss liability stems from an issue with a transaction that results in a financial loss for one party. Liability usually arises from either transaction fraud or a business not fulfilling its obligations on a purchase.
Loss liability is assigned to either the business (the provider of the service or goods being purchased), you as the Stripe Issuing user, or (in rare cases) the cardholder. This means that when loss liability is allocated to the issuer, you’re accountable unless an exception applies. For more information about cases where the issuer is liable for fraudulent transactions, see Liability assignment.
Stripe Issuing allows you to design your fraud monitoring system, and make your own business logic and transaction decisions. Although Stripe might offer assistance with transaction fraud prevention, you’re still responsible for all losses where the issuer is deemed liable. So you need to build sufficient controls to monitor, manage, and prevent fraud.
Liability assignment
In many cases, the business owns liability for fraudulent transactions. There are, however, a few factors that might result in the liability shifting to you, the issuing user:
- Card-present transactions: If the card or a mobile wallet such as Apple Pay and Google Pay is present for the transaction, the issuer is generally liable for fraud, with a few exceptions:
- Cards and wallets need to be electronically read wherever available, by using the contact or contactless chip interface or swiping the magnetic stripe. For manually entered card numbers, such as with mail order or telephone orders, liability is with the business.
- If a chip-enabled card is used at a terminal that only supports magnetic stripe payments, liability shifts to the business.
- If the terminal used by the business generally supports chip transactions, but the magnetic stripe is used for a transaction, liability remains with you, as the issuing user.
- Card-not-present transactions: If the card isn’t present for the transaction (that is, online commerce), liability is determined primarily by 3D Secure (3DS). The additional layer of verification provided by 3DS triggers a “liability shift” where fraud liability shifts from the business to the issuer, regardless of the circumstance. In the context of Stripe Issuing, when a business triggers 3DS, fraud liability usually automatically shifts to you, as the issuing user, regardless of whether you have 3DS enabled on your cards. Accordingly, having 3DS enabled helps you reduce the risk of financial liability for fraudulent transactions. To learn more, see 3DS for Stripe Issuing.
- Digital wallet transactions: Regardless of 3DS considerations, the use of a Stripe Issuing card in an Apple Pay or Google Pay wallet for a card-not-present transaction also shifts liability to the issuer.
Transaction fraud controls and tools
Given the risk that liability transaction fraud can create, you need to be proactive and monitor for and prevent it. The following are controls and tools that you can add to your Stripe Issuing program. We recommend using as many controls and tools as possible to limit your program’s transaction fraud risk.
Proactive fraud protection controls
Stripe offers the following proactive fraud protection controls:
Spending controls
3D Secure
Real-time fraud protection controls
Stripe offers the following real-time fraud protection controls:
Stripe Defense Layer
Real-time webhook
Fraud challenges
Verification data comparison
Post-fraud transaction tools
Stripe offers the following post-fraud transaction tools:
Token management
Card management
User-facing controls and education
You can adjust various aspects of Stripe’s fraud controls, and educate your cardholders to reduce how often they’re needed.
User configurations
Depending on your use case and workflow, you can request adjustments to Stripe’s default controls, such as:
- Relaxing 3DS requirements
- Increasing transaction amount caps
While Stripe can accommodate these requests on a case-by-case basis, you’re ultimately responsible for any increased risk or loss liability that results from such requests.
Educate your cardholders
Educate your cardholders about how to keep their card information safe. Teach them to pay close attention to the activity on their accounts to increase the likelihood of them—and you—catching fraudulent activity early. Make your cardholders aware of the following preventative measures:
- Check for card skimmers in physical stores: Verify no cameras or skimming equipment are present on the payment terminal. Check for anything inserted in, or attached to, the card reader, ports, display, or keypad.
- Transact at trustworthy businesses: Only provide your card information to businesses that you’re familiar with and trust.
- Cancel a card as soon as it’s lost or stolen: Take immediate action to prevent unauthorized use before a fraudulent actor can obtain your card credentials. To continue spending, create a new card after canceling the lost or stolen one.
Monitor metrics
The following are metrics we recommend monitoring to help identify and measure fraud on your Issuing-enabled accounts.
Leading metrics
Leading metrics are metrics that can help you identify potential fraud in its early stages.
- Authorization declines due to incorrect verification data (CVC2, expiry date), over time.
- Authorization rate, over time.
- Authorizations outside of geographic footprint, over time.
- Authorizations by acquiring business country, over time.
- Authorizations by business category code, over time.
- Force captures, over time.
Lagging metrics
Lagging metrics are metrics that can help you assess how much fraudulent activity has impacted your Issuing program:
- Percentage of total spend that has been disputed for fraud, over time.
- Dispute win-loss rate, over time.
- Absolute dispute losses, over time.
- Acquiring businesses with the highest percentage of transactions disputed.