Notification banner
Show a banner that lists required actions for risk interventions and onboarding requirements.
Renders a notification banner that lists open tasks that can affect a connected account’s status or capabilities. Tasks can involve risk interventions or outstanding requirements for account capabilities, such as accepting payments and payouts. The banner renders only when the connected account must respond to risk interventions or provide currently due requirements after initial onboarding.
Requirements collection options
You can control the collection of currently_
or eventually_
requirements and the inclusion of future requirements by using the collectionOptions
attribute when you integrate the notification banner component.
External account collection
Use the external_account_collection feature to control whether the component collects external account information. This parameter is enabled by default, and only platforms responsible for collecting updated information when requirements are due or change (including Custom accounts) can disable it. When external_
is enabled, user authentication is required. You can opt out of Stripe user authentication with the disable_stripe_user_authentication parameter.
Disable Stripe user authentication
Use the disable_stripe_user_authentication feature to control whether the component requires Stripe user authentication. The default value is the opposite of the external_account_collection value. For example, if you don’t set external_
, it defaults to true and disable_
defaults to false. This value can only be true for accounts where controller.
is application
We recommend implementing 2FA or equivalent security measures as a best practice. For account configurations that support this feature, such as Custom accounts, you assume liability for connected accounts if they can’t pay back negative balances.
Create an Account Session 
When creating an Account Session, enable notification banner by specifying notification_
in the components
Render the notification banner component 
Configure custom banner behavior
You can configure custom behavior, such as different margins, for when the banner includes any notifications or when the notifications require any action. To do so, set a custom callback function using onNotificationsChange
To test this component in a sandbox, specify different test inputs for fields that fail verifications or generate requirements on the account. For example, you can use the account management component to enter address_
in line1
of an individual’s address to trigger an address mismatch. In production, it can be difficult to verify that this component is working as expected because it’s hidden when an account has no banner items. To validate your integration is working, you can:
- Set a callback using
that verifiesresponse.
is zerototal - Confirm the component is being displayed with no content using a loader start handler
Account onboarding
Use the notification banner after the account goes through account onboarding and has details_submitted. The banner won’t render any UI if the account is missing details_