クレジットトランスファー (Sources)
Stripe での銀行振込は以下のとおりです。
Stripe doesn’t recommend using credit transfers, which you integrate using the deprecated Sources API. Use the PaymentIntents and PaymentMethods APIs to accept bank transfer payments.
Credit transfers let customers send money to you directly from their bank account. Credit transfers are often used by:
- 他のビジネスから 1 回限りの多額の支払いを収集するソフトウェアビジネスまたはサービスビジネス。
- 自動車またはオークションでの購入など、高額で一回限りの消費者による支払いのために、カードに代わる低コストの支払い方法が必要なビジネス。
Credit transfers might not be a good fit for your business if:
- You accept many low value transactions. Customers have to initiate credit transfers through their bank account, and can send the wrong amount.
- You need payments to complete at a specific time. It might take a customer hours or even days to send payment through their bank and credit transfers have varying speeds by market.
- You frequently send refunds. Most credit transfer methods don’t support refunds directly. To refund a transaction, Stripe contacts the customer to find the best way to refund them. The customer might not always respond.
Payment flow
決済時に、Stripe が指定した口座番号 (「仮想口座番号」と呼ばれます) に売上を送金するように顧客に指示します。顧客は、銀行のサイト、アプリ、ATM、または支店で対面により送金を開始します。
Some credit transfer methods let you control the amount the customer sends, or reuse virtual account numbers.
支払い方法 | 顧客の国 | PaymentIntents | Checkout | Connect | Invoicing | サブスクリプション | Payment Element | Payment Links | モバイル Payment Element |
Multibanco (ベータ) | ポルトガル |