Save a card without bank authentication
Collect card details and charge your customer at a later time.
Stripe allows you to collect card details and charge your customer at a later time. In some regions, banks require a second form of authentication such as entering a code sent to a phone. The extra step decreases conversion if your customer isn’t actively using your website or application because they aren’t available to authenticate the purchase.
If you primarily do business in the US and Canada, banks don’t require authentication, so you can follow this simpler integration. This integration will be non-compliant in countries that require authentication for saving cards (for example, India) so building this integration means that expanding to other countries or adding other payment methods will require significant changes. Learn how to save cards that require authentication.
You’re responsible for your compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and network rules when saving a customer’s payment details. For instance, if you want to save their payment method for future use, such as charging them when they’re not actively using your website or app. Add terms to your website or app that state how you plan to save payment method details and allow customers to opt in. If you want to charge them when they’re offline, make sure your terms include the following:
- The customer’s agreement to your initiating a payment or a series of payments on their behalf for specified transactions.
- The anticipated timing and frequency of payments (for example, if the charges are for scheduled installments, subscription payments, or unscheduled top-ups).
- How you determine the payment amount.
- Your cancellation policy, if the payment method is for a subscription service.
Make sure you keep a record of your customer’s written agreement to these terms.
Set up StripeServer-sideClient-side
First, you need a Stripe account. Register now.
Set up the iOS and server Stripe SDKs before starting your integration.
This integration requires endpoints on your server that talk to the Stripe API. Use our official libraries:
The Stripe iOS SDK is open source, fully documented, and compatible with apps supporting iOS 13 or above.
For details on the latest SDK release and past versions, see the Releases page on GitHub. To receive notifications when a new release is published, watch releases for the repository.
Configure the SDK with your Stripe publishable key on app start. This enables your app to make requests to the Stripe API.
Collect card detailsClient-side
Start by displaying a payment form to your customer. Collect card details from the customer using STPPaymentCardTextField, a drop-in UI component provided by the SDK that collects the card number, expiration date, CVC, and postal code.
STPPaymentCardTextField performs on-the-fly validation and formatting.
Pass the card details to createPaymentMethod to create a PaymentMethod.
Send the resulting PaymentMethod ID to your server and follow the remaining steps to save the card to a customer and charge the card in the future.
Save the cardServer-side
Save the card by attaching the PaymentMethod to a Customer. You can use the Customer object to store other information about your customer, such as shipping details and email address.
If you have an existing Customer, you can attach the PaymentMethod to that object instead.
At this point, associate the ID of the Customer object and the ID of the PaymentMethod with your own internal representation of a customer, if you have one.
Charge the saved cardServer-side
When you are ready to charge the Customer, look up the PaymentMethod ID to charge. You can do this by either storing the IDs of both in your database, or by using the Customer ID to look up all the Customer’s available PaymentMethods.
Use the PaymentMethod ID and the Customer ID to create a new PaymentIntent. Set error_on_requires_action to true to decline payments that require any actions from your customer, such as two-factor authentication.
When a payment attempt fails, the request also fails with a 402 HTTP status code and Stripe throws an error. You need to notify your customer to return to your application (for example, by sending an in-app notification) to complete the payment. Check the code of the Error raised by the Stripe API library or check the last_payment_error.decline_code on the PaymentIntent to inspect why the card issuer declined the payment.
Handle any card errors
Notify your customer that the payment failed and direct them to the payment form you made in Step 1 where they can enter new card details. Send that new PaymentMethod ID to your server to attach to the Customer object and make the payment again.
Alternatively, you can create a PaymentIntent and save a card all in one API call if you have already created a Customer.
Setting setup_future_usage to on_
indicates to Stripe that you wish to save the card for later, without triggering unnecessary authentication.
Test the integration
Stripe provides test cards you can use in test mode to simulate different cards’ behavior. Use these cards with any CVC, postal code, and expiry date in the future.
Number | Description |
Succeeds and immediately processes the payment. | |
Always fails with a decline code of insufficient_ . | |
Requires authentication, which in this integration will decline with a code of authentication_ . |
Upgrade your integration to handle card authentication 
This integration declines cards that require authentication during payment. If you start seeing many payments in the Dashboard listed as Failed
, then it’s time to upgrade your integration. Stripe’s global integration handles these payments instead of automatically declining.