Accept in-app payments
Build a customized payments integration and checkout flows for your iOS, Android, and React Native apps.
Add a payments form to your app.
The Payment Element allows you to accept multiple payment methods using a single integration. In this integration, learn how to build a custom payment flow where you render the Payment Element, create the PaymentIntent, and confirm the payment in the buyer’s app. If you prefer to confirm the payment from the server instead, see Finalize payments on the server.
Set up StripeServer-sideClient-side
This integration requires endpoints on your server that talk to the Stripe API. Use our official libraries for access to the Stripe API from your server:
The React Native SDK is open source and fully documented. Internally, it uses the native iOS and Android SDKs. To install Stripe’s React Native SDK, run one of the following commands in your project’s directory (depending on which package manager you use):
Next, install some other necessary dependencies:
- For iOS, navigate to the ios directory and run
pod install
to ensure that you also install the required native dependencies. - For Android, there are no more dependencies to install.
Stripe initialization
To initialize Stripe in your React Native app, either wrap your payment screen with the StripeProvider
component, or use the initStripe
initialization method. Only the API publishable key in publishableKey
is required. The following example shows how to initialize Stripe using the StripeProvider
import { StripeProvider } from '@stripe/stripe-react-native'; function App() { const [publishableKey, setPublishableKey] = useState(''); const fetchPublishableKey = async () => { const key = await fetchKey(); // fetch key from your server here setPublishableKey(key); }; useEffect(() => { fetchPublishableKey(); }, []); return ( <StripeProvider publishableKey={publishableKey} merchantIdentifier="merchant.identifier" // required for Apple Pay urlScheme="your-url-scheme" // required for 3D Secure and bank redirects > // Your app code here </StripeProvider> ); }
Enable payment methods
View your payment methods settings and enable the payment methods you want to support. You need at least one payment method enabled to create a PaymentIntent.
By default, Stripe enables cards and other prevalent payment methods that can help you reach more customers, but we recommend turning on additional payment methods that are relevant for your business and customers. See Payment method support for product and payment method support, and our pricing page for fees.
Set up a return URLClient-side
When a customer exits your app, for example to authenticate in Safari or their banking app, provide a way for them to automatically return to your app afterward. Many payment method types require a return URL, so if you fail to provide it, we can’t present those payment methods to your user, even if you’ve enabled them.
To provide a return URL:
- Register a custom URL. Universal links aren’t supported.
- Configure your custom URL.
- Set up your root component to forward the URL to the Stripe SDK as shown below.
If you’re using Expo, set your scheme in the app.
import React, { useEffect, useCallback } from 'react'; import { Linking } from 'react-native'; import { useStripe } from '@stripe/stripe-react-native'; export default function MyApp() { const { handleURLCallback } = useStripe(); const handleDeepLink = useCallback( async (url: string | null) => { if (url) { const stripeHandled = await handleURLCallback(url); if (stripeHandled) { // This was a Stripe URL - you can return or add extra handling here as you see fit } else { // This was NOT a Stripe URL – handle as you normally would } } }, [handleURLCallback] ); useEffect(() => { const getUrlAsync = async () => { const initialUrl = await Linking.getInitialURL(); handleDeepLink(initialUrl); }; getUrlAsync(); const deepLinkListener = Linking.addEventListener( 'url', (event: { url: string }) => { handleDeepLink(event.url); } ); return () => deepLinkListener.remove(); }, [handleDeepLink]); return ( <View> <AwesomeAppComponent /> </View> ); }
Additionally, set the returnURL
when you call the initPaymentSheet
await initPaymentSheet({ ... returnURL: 'your-app://stripe-redirect', ... });
For more information on native URL schemes, refer to the Android and iOS docs.
Collect payment detailsClient-side
The integration can use the default payment flow or a custom flow.
Default | Custom flow |
![]() | ![]() |
Displays a sheet to collect payment details and complete the payment. The button in the sheet says Pay $X and completes the payment. | Displays a sheet to collect payment details only. The button in the sheet says Continue and returns the customer to your app, where your own button completes payment. |
Create a PaymentIntentServer-side
On your server, create a PaymentIntent with an amount and currency. You can manage payment methods from the Dashboard. Stripe handles the return of eligible payment methods based on factors such as the transaction’s amount, currency, and payment flow. To prevent malicious customers from choosing their own prices, always decide how much to charge on the server-side (a trusted environment) and not the client.
If the call succeeds, return the PaymentIntent client secret. If the call fails, handle the error and return an error message with a brief explanation for your customer.
When confirming a PaymentIntent from the server, pass it the mandate_data parameter to acknowledge that you’ve shown the customer the proper terms for collecting their payment details. To make sure you display the proper terms, be sure that all IntentConfiguration properties match your PaymentIntent (for example, setup_future_usage, amount, and currency).
Handle post-payment eventsServer-side
Stripe sends a payment_intent.succeeded event when the payment completes. Use the Dashboard webhook tool or follow the webhook guide to receive these events and run actions, such as sending an order confirmation email to your customer, logging the sale in a database, or starting a shipping workflow.
Listen for these events rather than waiting on a callback from the client. On the client, the customer could close the browser window or quit the app before the callback executes, and malicious clients could manipulate the response. Setting up your integration to listen for asynchronous events is what enables you to accept different types of payment methods with a single integration.
In addition to handling the payment_
event, we recommend handling these other events when collecting payments with the Payment Element:
Event | Description | Action |
payment_intent.succeeded | Sent when a customer successfully completes a payment. | Send the customer an order confirmation and fulfill their order. |
payment_intent.processing | Sent when a customer successfully initiates a payment, but the payment has yet to complete. This event is most commonly sent when the customer initiates a bank debit. It’s followed by either a payment_ or payment_ event in the future. | Send the customer an order confirmation that indicates their payment is pending. For digital goods, you might want to fulfill the order before waiting for payment to complete. |
payment_intent.payment_failed | Sent when a customer attempts a payment, but the payment fails. | If a payment transitions from processing to payment_ , offer the customer another attempt to pay. |
Test the integration
See Testing for additional information to test your integration.