Shipping rates let you display various shipping options, such as standard, express, and overnight, with more accurate delivery estimates. Charge your customer for shipping using different Stripe products. Before you create a shipping rate, learn how to collect billing and shipping addresses.
To add a shipping rate using the Dashboard:
- Click Create shipping rate.
- Enter an amount, a description, and an optional delivery estimate.
- Click Save, and copy the shipping rate ID (

Enter your shipping rate details
To create a Checkout Session that includes your shipping rate, pass in the generated shipping rate ID to the shipping_options parameter. If you want to create the shipping rate at the same time as a Checkout Session, use the shipping_rate_data
parameter with shipping_options
. Only Checkout Sessions in payment mode support shipping options.
The following code sample adds two shipping options to the Checkout Session:
- Free shipping, with an estimated delivery of 5-7 business days.
- Next day air, at a cost of 15.00 USD, with an estimated delivery of exactly 1 business day.
In this example, the first option in the shipping_options
array is pre-selected for the customer on the checkout page. However, customers can choose either option.
curl \
-u "sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2
:" \
-d "shipping_address_collection[allowed_countries][0]"=US \
-d "shipping_address_collection[allowed_countries][1]"=CA \
-d "shipping_options[0][shipping_rate_data][type]"=fixed_amount \
-d "shipping_options[0][shipping_rate_data][fixed_amount][amount]"=0 \
-d "shipping_options[0][shipping_rate_data][fixed_amount][currency]"=usd \
-d "shipping_options[0][shipping_rate_data][display_name]"="Free shipping" \
-d "shipping_options[0][shipping_rate_data][delivery_estimate][minimum][unit]"=business_day \
-d "shipping_options[0][shipping_rate_data][delivery_estimate][minimum][value]"=5 \
-d "shipping_options[0][shipping_rate_data][delivery_estimate][maximum][unit]"=business_day \
-d "shipping_options[0][shipping_rate_data][delivery_estimate][maximum][value]"=7 \
-d "shipping_options[1][shipping_rate_data][type]"=fixed_amount \
-d "shipping_options[1][shipping_rate_data][fixed_amount][amount]"=1500 \
-d "shipping_options[1][shipping_rate_data][fixed_amount][currency]"=usd \
-d "shipping_options[1][shipping_rate_data][display_name]"="Next day air" \
-d "shipping_options[1][shipping_rate_data][delivery_estimate][minimum][unit]"=business_day \
-d "shipping_options[1][shipping_rate_data][delivery_estimate][minimum][value]"=1 \
-d "shipping_options[1][shipping_rate_data][delivery_estimate][maximum][unit]"=business_day \
-d "shipping_options[1][shipping_rate_data][delivery_estimate][maximum][value]"=1 \
-d "line_items[0][price_data][currency]"=usd \
-d "line_items[0][price_data][product_data][name]"=T-shirt \
-d "line_items[0][price_data][unit_amount]"=2000 \
-d "line_items[0][quantity]"=1 \
-d mode=payment \
--data-urlencode success_url=""
If successful, the shipping selector appears on your checkout page:

The shipping selector on the checkout page