Shipping rates let you display various shipping options—like standard, express, and overnight—with more accurate delivery estimates. Charge your customer for shipping using different Stripe products. Before you create a shipping rate, learn how to collect billing and shipping addresses.
To add a shipping rate using the Dashboard:
- Click Create shipping rate.
- Enter an amount, a description, and an optional delivery estimate.
- Click Save, and copy the shipping rate ID (

Enter your shipping rate details
To create a Checkout Session that includes your shipping rate, pass in the generated shipping rate ID to the shipping_options parameter. If you want to create the shipping rate at the same time as a Checkout Session, use the shipping_rate_data
parameter with shipping_options
. Only Checkout Sessions in payment mode support shipping options.
The following code sample adds two shipping options to the Checkout Session:
- Free shipping, with an estimated delivery of 5-7 business days.
- Next day air, at a cost of 15.00 USD, with an estimated delivery of exactly 1 business day.
In this example, the first option in the shipping_options
array is pre-selected for the customer on the checkout page. However, customers can choose either option.
curl \
-u "sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc
:" \
-d "shipping_address_collection[allowed_countries][0]"=US \
-d "shipping_address_collection[allowed_countries][1]"=CA \
-d "shipping_options[0][shipping_rate_data][type]"=fixed_amount \
-d "shipping_options[0][shipping_rate_data][fixed_amount][amount]"=0 \
-d "shipping_options[0][shipping_rate_data][fixed_amount][currency]"=usd \
-d "shipping_options[0][shipping_rate_data][display_name]"="Free shipping" \
-d "shipping_options[0][shipping_rate_data][delivery_estimate][minimum][unit]"=business_day \
-d "shipping_options[0][shipping_rate_data][delivery_estimate][minimum][value]"=5 \
-d "shipping_options[0][shipping_rate_data][delivery_estimate][maximum][unit]"=business_day \
-d "shipping_options[0][shipping_rate_data][delivery_estimate][maximum][value]"=7 \
-d "shipping_options[1][shipping_rate_data][type]"=fixed_amount \
-d "shipping_options[1][shipping_rate_data][fixed_amount][amount]"=1500 \
-d "shipping_options[1][shipping_rate_data][fixed_amount][currency]"=usd \
-d "shipping_options[1][shipping_rate_data][display_name]"="Next day air" \
-d "shipping_options[1][shipping_rate_data][delivery_estimate][minimum][unit]"=business_day \
-d "shipping_options[1][shipping_rate_data][delivery_estimate][minimum][value]"=1 \
-d "shipping_options[1][shipping_rate_data][delivery_estimate][maximum][unit]"=business_day \
-d "shipping_options[1][shipping_rate_data][delivery_estimate][maximum][value]"=1 \
-d "line_items[0][price_data][currency]"=usd \
-d "line_items[0][price_data][product_data][name]"=T-shirt \
-d "line_items[0][price_data][unit_amount]"=2000 \
-d "line_items[0][quantity]"=1 \
-d mode=payment \
--data-urlencode success_url=""
If successful, the shipping selector appears on your checkout page:

The shipping selector on the checkout page