Manage your teamPublic preview
Learn how to invite and interact with team members in your organization.
You can manage your team from the Team page. Administrators can update the team by adding or removing members, and changing the roles assigned to members. You can view all team members, and filter their activity in the security history. You can also manage two-factor authentication settings for an individual or the whole team.
Two-factor authentication controls
Stripe supports two-factor authentication (2FA) through TouchID, security key, SMS, and authenticator apps, such as Google Authenticator. As an additional security measure, we recommend that all users register for 2FA.
Require 2FA for all users in an organization
To require 2FA for Organization users, you must assign the Administrator or Super Administrator roles:
- Navigate to the User Authentication page.
- Enable Require two-step authentication for all team members.
After you enable this option, all users must register a 2FA device during their next login, which requires them to complete a 2FA challenge during all subsequent login attempts.
Reset 2FA for a single user
If a single user loses access to their 2FA devices, an Administrator or Super Administrator must reset the compromised user’s 2FA settings from the account-level:
- Navigate to the Team page of an account.
- Click the compromised user’s name.
- Click Reset two-factor authentication.
Stripe sends an email to the compromised user’s registered email address with instructions on how they can reset their 2FA devices. This can’t be done on the organization-level management user detail’s page.
View and filter your security history
To view your security-related events, navigate to the Security history page. You can filter your security filter by date, user, action type, and so on. Your user-based security history filters include:
- IP Address
- User
- API Key
- Device
Action filters categorize hundreds of different actions based on product areas (for example, Billing, Radar, or Checkout). You can export your security history as a CSV file.
Team management
Organization-level and account-level roles
For every account you have access to, you must assign users either an organization-level or account-level role. Organization-level roles grant users access to all accounts within the organization, including the organization itself. Account-level roles allow users to access a specific assigned account with the assigned role.
Say your organization contains three accounts: Banking, Finance, and Consulting. In this scenario, you can assign the following roles:
- Organization-level role: If you assign a user the “IAM Administrator” role, they possess that role in all three accounts, as well as within the organization itself. This grants them access to team management for all three accounts, in addition to organization-level team management.
- Account-level role: If you assign a user the “IAM Administrator” role in the Banking account, their access is limited solely to the IAM role within the Banking account. They can manage account-level teams exclusively within that account. However, this role doesn’t grant access to other accounts or organization-level team management.
Differences in team management with Organizations
Use Stripe Organizations to manage your team either at the organization-level or at the account-level.
Manage your team for an account: Add, remove, and edit team members of an account, and update the roles of users associated with that account, on the Team and security page.
Manage your team for an organization: Manage user access and roles for specific accounts on the Team page. From here, you can also manage team members by granting access to multiple accounts simultaneously or providing access to the entire organization. You can only access this page if you have an organization-level role.