Build an organizationPublic preview
Select accounts to combine into an organization.
Create an organization, managing your accounts from a single location in the Stripe Dashboard.
You must complete the following prerequisites before you can create an organization:
- The person who creates the organization must have the Super Administrator role in each account added to the organization. Stripe automatically assigns this role to the account owner. If your account owner has left your business, you can request an ownership transfer.
- If you configured your accounts to use single sign-on (SSO), make sure that all your accounts share the same SSO integration. If two accounts have different SSO configurations, you must update one of the SSO configurations to match the other.
Create an organization 
To create an organization from one of your Stripe accounts:
Navigate to your Account details in the Dashboard.
Click Create organization.
Enter a name for your organization.
Select the accounts you want to add to the organization. You can add up to 75 accounts.
Agree to the Terms of Service.
Click Create.
Add an existing account to an organization 
After you create an organization, you can add an existing account. An organization can include up to 75 accounts, and each account can belong to only one organization.
Next to Business accounts on the homepage, click Add account.
Select Choose from existing accounts.
Select the accounts you want to add. If you’re a Super Administrator of an account, you can add the account to your organization directly. If you’re an Administrator of an account, you can send an invite to the Super Administrator. If you’re not sure who the Super Administrator is, check the account’s Team settings. The person who created an account is automatically made a Super Administrator.
Click Add.
Add a new account to an organization 
Click Add account above the list of accounts in the Organization Dashboard.
Select Create a new account in your organization.
Add the account name, then select the country of operation and type of business.
(Optional) Select any legal entity, public details, or payout bank account information you want to copy from existing accounts within your organization.
Click Create account.
Add a new account outside of an organization 
Click account picker, then select Create new account.
Select Create an account outside of your organization.
Add the account name, then select the country of operation.
Click Create.
Remove an account from an organization 
If an account no longer belongs to your business, you can remove it from your organization.
Click the name of your organization in the account picker to open the Organization Dashboard.
Next to the name of the account you want to remove, click the overflow menu ().
Click Remove from organization.
After you remove every account from the organization, we permanently close the organization.
Centralize your team management 
After you create an organization, you can invite additional team members to access your organization by navigating to your Team settings.