Supported Organization setupsPublic preview
Learn about different account setups that you can add to an organization.
Organizations support the following account setups: multiple standalone accounts, platforms, and connected accounts.
Multiple standalone accounts 
It’s common to manage multiple Stripe accounts that represent different business lines, countries of operation, legal entities, and acquisitions.

Multiple standalone accounts representing different business lines.
After you add these accounts to an organization, you can search and download consolidated reports across your accounts without any changes to your Stripe integration. After you create an organization, you can add new business lines or add existing accounts.

Organization with multiple accounts representing different business lines.
Multiple platform accounts 
If you have several platform accounts that correspond to different countries of operation or business lines, you can add them to an organization.

Multiple standalone platform accounts representing different business lines, each with connected accounts.
After you add your platforms to an organization, you can search for connected accounts under all your platforms, as well as data within each platform account.

Organization with multiple platform accounts representing different business lines, each with connected accounts.
Multiple connected accounts under a Connect platform 
In certain cases, you might own multiple connected accounts under a platform. This commonly occurs in franchise groups where several franchises are under common ownership.

Multiple connected accounts (Acme Dealer of Seattle and Acme Dealer of Tacoma) that belong to the same owner and under a platform.
Even though your connected accounts are under a platform, you can still add them to an organization. This allows you to use the unified search and reporting across your accounts.

Organization (Acme Dealer Group) with multiple connected accounts (Acme Dealer of Seattle and Acme Dealer of Tacoma) under common ownership.
Multiple business lines represented as connected accounts 
In some cases, you might have represented different business lines as connected accounts under one platform account, even though your business isn’t a traditional platform or marketplace. This is common if you want to consolidate payment integrations or clone payment methods stored in the platform to connected accounts.

A platform account and multiple connected accounts, each representing different business lines.
You can create an organization that encompasses the platform account and connected accounts so that your team can benefit from unified search and reporting across all the accounts, without impacting your payment integrations.

Organization with a platform account and multiple connected accounts, representing different business lines.