Dispute sample evidence packets
Use these visual examples to help you through a dispute.
Learn how to navigate common network dispute categories by referring to the following sample evidence packets. To learn about the reason codes within these categories, see Dispute reason codes.
The images throughout this guide are for illustrative purposes only.
Credit not processed 
The following visual evidence captures when a Credit Not Processed dispute is denied or approved.
The following visual evidence captures a scenario in which both transactions were intentional or one transaction was already refunded.
The following visual evidence shows a comprehensive fraud analysis, which includes transaction legitimacy and authorization verification.

The following visual evidence shows transaction details, pricing transparency, and customer communications.
Product not received 
The following visual evidence shows delivery confirmation, usage verification, and service fulfillment documentation.
Product unacceptable 
The following visual evidence shows product quality, customer acceptance, usage analysis, and resolution of any reported issues.
Subscription canceled 
The following visual evidence shows subscription terms, cancellation records, and continued usage after alleged cancellation.