Mirakl reference
Default settings for Mirakl connector events.
Scheduled jobs
Command Line
php bin/console connector:sync:onboarding -q 2>&1
- Default setting: every minute.
- Recommended setting: as often as possible.
- Description: fetch newly created Mirakl shops and add the onboarding link to their Mirakl back office.
- Documentation: Onboarding workflow.
Payment validation
Command Line
php bin/console connector:validate:pending-debit -q 2>&1
- Default setting: every 5 minutes.
- Recommended setting: < 1 hour.
- Description: fetch newly accepted Mirakl orders, validate the payment on Mirakl, and capture it on Stripe.
- Documentation: Payment validation workflow.
Payment split
Command Line
php bin/console connector:dispatch:process-transfer -q 2>&1
- Default setting: every 5 minutes.
- Recommended setting: < 1 hour.
- Description: fetch newly debited Mirakl orders and create Stripe Transfers from the operator to the seller.
- Documentation: Payment split workflow.
Payment refund
Command Line
php bin/console connector:dispatch:process-refund -q 2>&1
- Default setting: every 5 minutes.
- Recommended setting: < 1 hour.
- Description: fetch pending Mirakl refunds, create the refund on Stripe, validate it on Mirakl, and reverse the initial transfer.
- Documentation: Payment refund workflow.
Command Line
php bin/console connector:dispatch:process-payout -q 2>&1
- Default setting: every day at 1am.
- Recommended setting: synchronized with your Mirakl billing cycles.
- Description: fetch newly created Mirakl invoices and create Stripe Transfers and Payouts.
- Documentation: Payouts workflow.
Command Line
php bin/console connector:notify:failed-operation -q 2>&1
- Default setting: every day at 8am.
- Recommended setting: according to your preference.
- Description: if enabled, send an email with all the failed transfers, refunds, and payouts.
If enabled, the connector sends server to server notifications in the following events.
If your endpoint is unreachable or returns an error, an email is sent to your TECHNICAL_
Account updated
A Stripe connected account was updated by the seller or Stripe.
{ "type": "account.updated", "payload": { "miraklShopId": 2000, "stripeUserId": "acct_1032D82eZvKYlo2C" } }
Transfer failed
A transfer failed during the payment split job or the payout job.
{ "type": "transfer.failed", "payload": { "internalId": 5, "miraklId": 123, "type": "TRANSFER_ORDER", "stripeAccountId": "acct_1032D82eZvKYlo2C", "miraklShopId": 2003, "transferId": null, "transactionId": null, "amount": 3400, "status": "TRANSFER_FAILED", "failedReason": "Reason message", "currency": "EUR" } }
Refund failed
A refund failed during the payment refund job job.
{ "type": "refund.failed", "payload": { "internalId": 5, "miraklOrderId": "order_refunded_5", "miraklRefundId": "1100", "stripeRefundId": null, "stripeReversalId": "trr_10", "amount": 3400, "status": "REFUND_FAILED", "failedReason": "Reason message", "currency": "EUR" } }
Payout failed
A payout failed during the payout job.
{ "type": "payout.failed", "payload": { "internalId": 12, "amount": 2300, "currency": "EUR", "miraklInvoiceId": 2000, "stripePayoutId": null, "status": "PAYOUT_FAILED", "failedReason": "Reason message", } }