Mirakl Connector configuration
Define your integration variables.
Before installing the connector, prepare a file with the variables below.
We provide a configuration file sample in our repository that you can copy and rename to .env
General settings
Parameter | Description |
APP_SECRET | To be generated. Commonly used to add more entropy to security related operations. Learn more on the Symfony documentation. |
OPERATOR_PASSWORD | To be generated. Used to secure requests to the API exposed by the connector. Set the X-AUTH-TOKEN header to this value when calling the API. |
DATABASE_URL | The connection URL to your database. Learn more on the Doctrine documentation. For example, pgsql://symfony:symfony@db:5432/symfony?charset=UTF-8 . |
MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN | The transport used for the queuing system. See the Symfony Messenger documentation for supported transports. For example, amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f/messages . Defaults to doctrine://default . |
STRIPE_CLIENT_SECRET | Your Stripe API secret key available in your API keys settings. We recommend creating a specific API key for the connector. Restricted keys are not supported. |
MIRAKL_HOST_NAME | Host name of your Mirakl Instance. For example, https://mymarketplace.mirakl.net . |
MIRAKL_API_KEY | The Mirakl operator key. Can be generated as a Mirakl operator in your API settings. We recommend creating a specific operator for the connector. |
Parameter | Description |
REDIRECT_ONBOARDING | The connector redirects the seller to this URL after completing their account creation on Stripe. Defaults to $MIRAKL_HOST_NAME/mmp/shop/account/shop . |
BASE_HOST | The domain of the server hosting your connector. For example, stripe-mirakl.example.com . |
SCHEME | The scheme used by your base host. Defaults to https . |
STRIPE_SELLERS_WEBHOOK_SECRET | Your Stripe webhook secret available in your Connect webhook settings when adding the endpoint, see below. |
MIRAKL_CUSTOM_FIELD_CODE | Code of the custom field that you have to add, see below. Defaults to stripe-url . |
Add a Stripe webhook endpoint for connected accounts
- Go to your webhook settings.
- Add a webhook endpoint.
- Set the URL to
. - Select Listen to events on Connected accounts.
- Add
in the Events to send: - Click Add endpoint.
- Use the webhook secret for the
environment variable.
Add a custom field to your Mirakl shops
- Log in to your Mirakl back office as an Operator.
- Visit Settings > Advanced Parameters > Shops.
- Go to the Custom Fields tab.
- Use the following values to create a new field:
Parameter | Description |
Code | Use stripe-url unless you chose a different key in your environment file. |
Type | Link |
Shops permissions | Read only |
Required field | No |
Parameter | Description |
PAYMENT_METADATA_COMMERCIAL_ORDER_ID | Metadata key used in Charges to convey the Mirakl commercial order ID. Defaults to mirakl_commercial_order_id . |
ENABLE_PRODUCT_PAYMENT_SPLIT | Enable the payment split workflow for product orders. Defaults to false . |
ENABLE_SERVICE_PAYMENT_SPLIT | Enable the payment split workflow for service orders. Defaults to false . |
ENABLE_PRODUCT_PAYMENT_REFUND | Enable the payment refund workflow for product orders. Defaults to false . |
ENABLE_SERVICE_PAYMENT_REFUND | Enable the payment refund workflow for service orders. Defaults to false . |
STRIPE_OPERATOR_WEBHOOK_SECRET | Your Stripe webhook secret available in your account webhook settings when adding the endpoint, see below. |
Add a Stripe webhook endpoint for your account
- Go to your webhook settings.
- Add a webhook endpoint for your account.
- Set the URL to
. - Add the following in the Events to send:
, charge.updated
. - Click Add endpoint.
- Use the webhook secret for the
environment variable.
Notifications and alerting 
Parameter | Description |
MAILER_DSN | The entire Symfony Mailer configuration using a DSN-like URL format. Learn more on the Symfony documentation. For example, smtp://user:pass@host:port . Defaults to smtp://null (mailer disabled). |
TECHNICAL_ALERT_EMAIL | The recipicient of all technical alerts. For example, myemail@example.com . Defaults to empty. Required if mailer is enabled per MAILER_DSN . |
TECHNICAL_ALERT_EMAIL_FROM | The sender of all technical emails. Defaults to empty, required if mailer is configured. For example, noreply@example.com . |
OPERATOR_NOTIFICATION_URL | The endpoint on your server set to receive notifications from the connector. Defaults to empty (notifications disabled). |
MAIL_ON_NOTIFICATION_ENDPOINT_DOWN | Enable email alerts if a URL is provided in OPERATOR_NOTIFICATION_URL and that URL is not available or responds with an error. Defaults to true . |
MAIL_ON_NOTIFICATION_ENDPOINT_DOWN_COOLDOWN | Time between each email alert. Use 0 to disable throttling. The maximum value depends on the notification worker maximum life, that is, 3600 by default. Defaults to 10 . |
See also