Stripe Connector for Commercetools Connect
Learn how to enable Stripe payments through Commercetools Connect.
You can integrate payments with the Commercetools Connect integration framework. Because of the composability of Commercetools, you can choose between two integration paths to address your specific needs and technical requirements. These paths are also SAQ-A eligible for PCI compliance.
Use Commercetools Checkout
The Commercetools pre-built checkout supports the Stripe Payment Element natively. You can access this integration through the Stripe Payment for Checkout.

Commercetools Checkout
Build a custom checkout
If you want to build a custom checkout for Commercetools, you can use the Stripe Payment for Composable Commerce to maintain communication between both systems. The connector translates webhook events between both systems, and supports integration with the Payment Element and Express Checkout.

Custom checkout composable commerce
Manage payment methods
You can enable or disable payment methods from your payment methods settings in the Stripe Dashboard. This applies to both the Express Checkout Element and the Payment Element.
To customize the look and feel of these Elements from the Stripe Payment Connector configuration, add code similar to the following:
{ "theme":"stripe","variables": { "colorPrimary":"#0570DE", "colorBackground":"#FFFFFF", "colorText":"#30313D", "colorDanger":"#DF1B41", "fontFamily":"Ideal Sans, system-ui,sansserif"," spacingUnit":"2px", "borderRadius":"4px" } }