Platform Reporting for direct charge payment fees paid by connected accounts
Platforms that pay payments fees for direct charges they facilitate on their connected accounts can use the reports outlined here to understand those fees.
Financial reports
Stripe’s financial reports help you understand and reconcile the activity in your account, in particular the total costs and earnings of your platform. These reports are available for download in the Dashboard or through the API.
Connect margin reports
The Connect margin reports show platforms their aggregated and transaction-level payment volumes, fees, and revenue associated with activity where the platform is responsible for pricing and fees. Use them to calculate your margins and set your fees appropriately given your underlying Stripe fees and network costs. These reports are available for download in the Dashboard.
Sigma and Data Pipeline
All Sigma and Data Pipeline users have access to the itemized_fees table. It offers a comprehensive, granular breakdown of every fee charged to or deducted from your Stripe balance. You can use it to review itemized details of card, LPM, and product fees that your platform has paid.