Business taxes
Learn everything you need to know about business taxes.
Companies formed in Delaware are subject to yearly tax obligations, including:
- US federal and state corporate income tax as applicable.
- Delaware franchise tax (for C Corporations) or annual LLC tax (for Limited Liability Companies).
- A similar annual tax if your Delaware company also operates in other US states.
Stripe’s partners can assist you in meeting tax requirements for states outside Delaware. Make sure to watch the calendar, and plan ahead to meet any tax deadlines that apply to your business.
Tax and accounting advice
Stripe isn’t an accounting firm and can’t provide tax or accounting advice. Consult legal and tax professionals for advice on how to meet ongoing obligations that apply to your company. Before you get started, you might want to review the Stripe Atlas guide on business taxes.
File US Income Tax
What information you need to prepare depends on whether you’re forming a C Corporation or LLC. Before working with an accountant and filing taxes, prepare as much of your company’s year-end financial data as possible. This is part of your bookkeeping responsibilities. You can use tools like Bench or Pilot to help you with this process.
If you’re still waiting for your EIN, you can enter Applied For and the application date (which you can find on your Form SS-4 in the Dashboard) in your tax forms.
Tax partners
Each US business is required to pay income taxes. We’ve partnered with tax and accounting advisors who specialize in working with startups to provide you affordable options for filing your corporate income taxes. Top startups use these services and they offer discounts for Stripe Atlas users. Each service specializes in a different area—choose the one that’s right for your company.
File taxes in Delaware
Your company’s tax and reporting obligations in Delaware depend on whether you’re forming a C Corporation or an LLC.
State taxes beyond Delaware
If your company operates in any US states other than Delaware, it might be subject to annual taxation, registration, and reporting requirements in the other states. Stripe recommends that you consult legal and tax professionals about what requirements apply to your business.
2024 key tax season dates
Plan ahead to meet any tax deadlines that apply to your business. Refer to the following information if your company was active in 2023.
Also, if your US company has employees or makes payments to US vendors, you might be required to file a US W-2 or 1099 form by January 31, 2024.
Dissolve your company
If you aren’t operating your company anymore, you might still be obligated to file taxes every year until you dissolve it. When you dissolve a company, you might have tax filings and obligations for the year that you dissolve the company. You can work with our tax partners to figure out what your obligations are.
C Corporations can be dissolved in the state of Delaware only after they pay Delaware franchise tax and file their annual report. LLCs can be dissolved only after they pay annual LLC tax (no annual report is required).
You can start the process of dissolving your company from the Company tab of your Atlas Dashboard. You should consider working with a lawyer to ensure full dissolution of your company.