Retrieves a PaymentMethod object attached to the StripeAccount. To retrieve a payment method attached to a Customer, you should use Retrieve a Customer’s PaymentMethods
No parameters.
Returns a PaymentMethod object.
{ "id": "pm_1Q0PsIJvEtkwdCNYMSaVuRz6", "object": "payment_method", "allow_redisplay": "unspecified", "billing_details": { "address": { "city": null, "country": null, "line1": null, "line2": null, "postal_code": null, "state": null }, "email": null, "name": "John Doe", "phone": null }, "created": 1726673582, "customer": null, "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "type": "us_bank_account", "us_bank_account": { "account_holder_type": "individual", "account_type": "checking", "bank_name": "STRIPE TEST BANK", "financial_connections_account": null, "fingerprint": "LstWJFsCK7P349Bg", "last4": "6789", "networks": { "preferred": "ach", "supported": [ "ach" ] }, "routing_number": "110000000", "status_details": {} }}
Returns a list of PaymentMethods for a given Customer
- typeenum
An optional filter on the list, based on the object
field. Without the filter, the list includes all current and future payment method types. If your integration expects only one type of payment method in the response, make sure to provide a type value in the request.
More parameters
- allow_
redisplayenum - ending_
beforestring - limitinteger
- starting_
A dictionary with a data
property that contains an array of up to limit
PaymentMethods of type type
, starting after PaymentMethods starting_
. Each entry in the array is a separate PaymentMethod object. If no more PaymentMethods are available, the resulting array will be empty.
{ "object": "list", "url": "/v1/customers/cus_9s6XKzkNRiz8i3/payment_methods", "has_more": false, "data": [ { "id": "pm_1NVChw2eZvKYlo2CHxiM5E2E", "object": "payment_method", "billing_details": { "address": { "city": null, "country": null, "line1": null, "line2": null, "postal_code": null, "state": null }, "email": null, "name": null, "phone": null }, "card": { "brand": "visa", "checks": { "address_line1_check": null, "address_postal_code_check": null, "cvc_check": "pass" }, "country": "US", "exp_month": 12, "exp_year": 2034, "fingerprint": "Xt5EWLLDS7FJjR1c", "funding": "credit", "generated_from": null, "last4": "4242", "networks": { "available": [ "visa" ], "preferred": null }, "three_d_secure_usage": { "supported": true }, "wallet": null }, "created": 1689682128, "customer": "cus_9s6XKzkNRiz8i3", "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "redaction": null, "type": "card" } {...} {...} ],}
Returns a list of PaymentMethods for Treasury flows. If you want to list the PaymentMethods attached to a Customer for payments, you should use the List a Customer’s PaymentMethods API instead.
- typeenum
An optional filter on the list, based on the object
field. Without the filter, the list includes all current and future payment method types. If your integration expects only one type of payment method in the response, make sure to provide a type value in the request.
More parameters
- customerstring
- ending_
beforestring - limitinteger
- starting_
A dictionary with a data
property that contains an array of up to limit
PaymentMethods of type type
, starting after PaymentMethods starting_
. Each entry in the array is a separate PaymentMethod object. If no more PaymentMethods are available, the resulting array will be empty.
{ "object": "list", "url": "/v1/payment_methods", "has_more": false, "data": [ { "id": "pm_1NO6mA2eZvKYlo2CEydeHsKT", "object": "payment_method", "billing_details": { "address": { "city": null, "country": null, "line1": null, "line2": null, "postal_code": null, "state": null }, "email": null, "name": null, "phone": null }, "card": { "brand": "visa", "checks": { "address_line1_check": null, "address_postal_code_check": null, "cvc_check": "unchecked" }, "country": "US", "exp_month": 8, "exp_year": 2024, "fingerprint": "Xt5EWLLDS7FJjR1c", "funding": "credit", "generated_from": null, "last4": "4242", "networks": { "available": [ "visa" ], "preferred": null }, "three_d_secure_usage": { "supported": true }, "wallet": null }, "created": 1687991030, "customer": "cus_9s6XKzkNRiz8i3", "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "type": "card" } {...} {...} ],}
Attaches a PaymentMethod object to a Customer.
To attach a new PaymentMethod to a customer for future payments, we recommend you use a SetupIntent or a PaymentIntent with setup_future_usage. These approaches will perform any necessary steps to set up the PaymentMethod for future payments. Using the /v1/payment_
endpoint without first using a SetupIntent or PaymentIntent with setup_
does not optimize the PaymentMethod for future use, which makes later declines and payment friction more likely. See Optimizing cards for future payments for more information about setting up future payments.
To use this PaymentMethod as the default for invoice or subscription payments, set invoice_
, on the Customer to the PaymentMethod’s ID.
- customerstringRequired
The ID of the customer to which to attach the PaymentMethod.
Returns a PaymentMethod object.
{ "id": "pm_1MqM05LkdIwHu7ixlDxxO6Mc", "object": "payment_method", "billing_details": { "address": { "city": null, "country": null, "line1": null, "line2": null, "postal_code": null, "state": null }, "email": null, "name": null, "phone": null }, "card": { "brand": "visa", "checks": { "address_line1_check": null, "address_postal_code_check": null, "cvc_check": "pass" }, "country": "US", "exp_month": 8, "exp_year": 2026, "fingerprint": "mToisGZ01V71BCos", "funding": "credit", "generated_from": null, "last4": "4242", "networks": { "available": [ "visa" ], "preferred": null }, "three_d_secure_usage": { "supported": true }, "wallet": null }, "created": 1679946402, "customer": "cus_NbZ8Ki3f322LNn", "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "type": "card"}
Detaches a PaymentMethod object from a Customer. After a PaymentMethod is detached, it can no longer be used for a payment or re-attached to a Customer.
No parameters.
Returns a PaymentMethod object.
{ "id": "pm_1MqLiJLkdIwHu7ixUEgbFdYF", "object": "payment_method", "billing_details": { "address": { "city": null, "country": null, "line1": null, "line2": null, "postal_code": null, "state": null }, "email": null, "name": null, "phone": null }, "card": { "brand": "visa", "checks": { "address_line1_check": null, "address_postal_code_check": null, "cvc_check": "unchecked" }, "country": "US", "exp_month": 8, "exp_year": 2026, "fingerprint": "mToisGZ01V71BCos", "funding": "credit", "generated_from": null, "last4": "4242", "networks": { "available": [ "visa" ], "preferred": null }, "three_d_secure_usage": { "supported": true }, "wallet": null }, "created": 1679945299, "customer": null, "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "type": "card"}