Updates the specified customer by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged. For example, if you pass the source parameter, that becomes the customer’s active source (e.g., a card) to be used for all charges in the future. When you update a customer to a new valid card source by passing the source parameter: for each of the customer’s current subscriptions, if the subscription bills automatically and is in the past_
state, then the latest open invoice for the subscription with automatic collection enabled will be retried. This retry will not count as an automatic retry, and will not affect the next regularly scheduled payment for the invoice. Changing the default_source for a customer will not trigger this behavior.
This request accepts mostly the same arguments as the customer creation call.
- addressMapRequired if calculating taxes
The customer’s address.
- descriptionstring
An arbitrary string that you can attach to a customer object. It is displayed alongside the customer in the dashboard.
- emailstring
Customer’s email address. It’s displayed alongside the customer in your dashboard and can be useful for searching and tracking. This may be up to 512 characters.
- metadataMap
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to
. - namestring
The customer’s full name or business name.
- phonestring
The customer’s phone number.
- shippingMap
The customer’s shipping information. Appears on invoices emailed to this customer.
- taxMapRecommended if calculating taxes
Tax details about the customer.
More parameters
- balanceinteger
- cash_
balanceMap - couponstring
- default_
sourcestring - invoice_
prefixstring - invoice_
settingsMap - next_
invoice_ sequenceinteger - preferred_
localesarray of strings - promotion_
codestring - sourcestring
- tax_
Returns the customer object if the update succeeded. Throws an error if update parameters are invalid (e.g. specifying an invalid coupon or an invalid source).
{ "id": "cus_NffrFeUfNV2Hib", "object": "customer", "address": null, "balance": 0, "created": 1680893993, "currency": null, "default_source": null, "delinquent": false, "description": null, "discount": null, "email": "jennyrosen@example.com", "invoice_prefix": "0759376C", "invoice_settings": { "custom_fields": null, "default_payment_method": null, "footer": null, "rendering_options": null }, "livemode": false, "metadata": { "order_id": "6735" }, "name": "Jenny Rosen", "next_invoice_sequence": 1, "phone": null, "preferred_locales": [], "shipping": null, "tax_exempt": "none", "test_clock": null}
Retrieves a Customer object.
No parameters.
Returns the Customer object for a valid identifier. If it’s for a deleted Customer, a subset of the customer’s information is returned, including a deleted
property that’s set to true.
{ "id": "cus_NffrFeUfNV2Hib", "object": "customer", "address": null, "balance": 0, "created": 1680893993, "currency": null, "default_source": null, "delinquent": false, "description": null, "discount": null, "email": "jennyrosen@example.com", "invoice_prefix": "0759376C", "invoice_settings": { "custom_fields": null, "default_payment_method": null, "footer": null, "rendering_options": null }, "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "name": "Jenny Rosen", "next_invoice_sequence": 1, "phone": null, "preferred_locales": [], "shipping": null, "tax_exempt": "none", "test_clock": null}
Returns a list of your customers. The customers are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent customers appearing first.
- emailstring
A case-sensitive filter on the list based on the customer’s
field. The value must be a string.
More parameters
- createdMap
- ending_
beforestring - limitinteger
- starting_
afterstring - test_
A Map with a data
property that contains an array of up to limit
customers, starting after customer starting_
. Passing an optional email
will result in filtering to customers with only that exact email address. Each entry in the array is a separate customer object. If no more customers are available, the resulting array will be empty.
{ "object": "list", "url": "/v1/customers", "has_more": false, "data": [ { "id": "cus_NffrFeUfNV2Hib", "object": "customer", "address": null, "balance": 0, "created": 1680893993, "currency": null, "default_source": null, "delinquent": false, "description": null, "discount": null, "email": "jennyrosen@example.com", "invoice_prefix": "0759376C", "invoice_settings": { "custom_fields": null, "default_payment_method": null, "footer": null, "rendering_options": null }, "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "name": "Jenny Rosen", "next_invoice_sequence": 1, "phone": null, "preferred_locales": [], "shipping": null, "tax_exempt": "none", "test_clock": null } ]}
Permanently deletes a customer. It cannot be undone. Also immediately cancels any active subscriptions on the customer.
No parameters.
Returns an object with a deleted parameter on success. If the customer ID does not exist, this call throws an error.
Unlike other objects, deleted customers can still be retrieved through the API in order to be able to track their history. Deleting customers removes all credit card details and prevents any further operations to be performed (such as adding a new subscription).
{ "id": "cus_NffrFeUfNV2Hib", "object": "customer", "deleted": true}
Search for customers you’ve previously created using Stripe’s Search Query Language. Don’t use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not available to merchants in India.
- querystringRequired
The search query string. See search query language and the list of supported query fields for customers.
- limitinteger
A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
- pagestring
A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.
A dictionary with a data
property that contains an array of up to limit
customers. If no objects match the query, the resulting array will be empty. See the related guide on expanding properties in lists.
{ "object": "search_result", "url": "/v1/customers/search", "has_more": false, "data": [ { "id": "cus_NeGfPRiPKxeBi1", "object": "customer", "address": null, "balance": 0, "created": 1680569616, "currency": null, "default_source": null, "delinquent": false, "description": null, "discount": null, "email": null, "invoice_prefix": "47D37F8F", "invoice_settings": { "custom_fields": null, "default_payment_method": "pm_1Msy7wLkdIwHu7ixsxmFvcz7", "footer": null, "rendering_options": null }, "livemode": false, "metadata": { "foo": "bar" }, "name": "Jane Doe", "next_invoice_sequence": 1, "phone": null, "preferred_locales": [], "shipping": null, "tax_exempt": "none", "test_clock": null } ]}