Set up your integration
Set up a Stripe Terminal SDK or server-driven integration to accept in-person payments.
Getting started with the iOS SDK requires four steps:
- Install the SDK in your app.
- Configure your app.
- Set up the connection token endpoint in your app and backend.
- Initialize the SDK in your app.
Install the SDKClient-side
The Stripe Terminal iOS SDK is compatible with apps that:
- Support iOS 13 and above
- Are installed with CocoaPods, Swift Package Manager, or by manually integrating the framework
For details on the latest SDK release and past versions, see the Releases page on GitHub. To receive notifications when a new release is published, watch releases for the repository or subscribe to the Github Releases RSS feed.
For information on migrating from previous versions of the iOS SDK, see the Stripe Terminal SDK Migration Guide.
Configure your appClient-side
To prepare your app to work with the Stripe Terminal SDK, make a few changes to your Info.plist file in Xcode.
Enable location services with the following key-value pair.
Privacy – Location When In Use Usage Description Key NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription Value Location access is required to accept payments. To reduce fraud risks associated with payments, and to minimize disputes, Stripe must know where payments occur. If the SDK can’t determine the location of the iOS device, payments are disabled until location access is restored.
Make sure that your app runs in the background and remains connected to Bluetooth readers.
Required background modes for Bluetooth readers Key UIBackgroundModes Value bluetooth-central (Uses Bluetooth LE accessories) Setting the bluetooth-central background mode lets the reader remain in standby mode when your app is running in the background, or when the iOS device is locked. Without this value, standby fails. When your app is running in the background, the reader can turn off automatically to conserve power.
Allow your app to display a Bluetooth permission dialog. The app store requires including this, even if your app doesn’t support connecting to Bluetooth readers.
Privacy - Bluetooth Always Usage Description Key NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription Value This app uses Bluetooth to connect to supported card readers. iOS 13 introduced more specific permissions concerning an app’s use of Bluetooth peripherals. Apps that link with Core Bluetooth must include this key in their Info.plist file to prevent the app from crashing on its first launch.
Pass app validation checks when you submit it to the App Store. As of SDK version 3.4.0, this permission requirement is removed.
Privacy – Bluetooth Peripheral Usage Description Key NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription Value Connecting to supported card readers requires Bluetooth access. This is an example—you can rephrase the prompt for user permission in your app.
Save your app’s Info.plist. Now it’s configured correctly and ready for use with the Stripe Terminal SDK.
Set up the ConnectionToken endpointServer-sideClient-side
To connect to a reader, your backend needs to give the SDK permission to use the reader with your Stripe account, by providing it with the secret from a ConnectionToken. Your backend needs to only create connection tokens for clients that it trusts.
Obtain the secret from the ConnectionToken
on your server and pass it to the client side.
The secret
from the ConnectionToken
lets you connect to any Stripe Terminal reader and take payments with your Stripe account. Be sure to authenticate the endpoint for creating connection tokens and protect it from cross-site request forgery (CSRF).
To give the SDK access to this endpoint, implement the ConnectionTokenProvider protocol in your app, which defines a single function that requests a ConnectionToken
from your backend.
This function is called whenever the SDK needs to authenticate with Stripe or the Reader. It’s also called when a new connection token is needed to connect to a reader (for example, when your app disconnects from a reader). If the SDK can’t retrieve a new connection token from your backend, connecting to a reader fails with the error from your server.
Do not cache or hardcode the connection token. The SDK manages the connection token’s lifecycle.
Certificate pinning
In most cases, you shouldn’t configure your application with certificate pinning. If your application does require it, see the certificate pinning docs.
Initialize the SDKClient-side
The Terminal class made available by the Stripe Terminal SDK exposes a generic interface for discovering readers, connecting to a reader, and performing operations on the reader, such as displaying cart details, collecting payments, and saving cards for future use.
To get started, provide your ConnectionTokenProvider
implemented in Step 3. You can only call setTokenProvider
once in your app, and must call it before accessing Terminal.
. We recommend calling setTokenProvider
in your AppDelegate’s application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
method. Alternatively, you can use dispatch_
in Objective-C, or a static
constructor in Swift.
SDK updates
Stripe periodically releases updates which can include new functionality, bug fixes, and security updates. Update your SDK as soon as a new version is available. The currently available SDKs are:
- Stripe Terminal Android SDK
- Stripe Terminal iOS SDK
- Stripe Terminal JavaScript SDK
- Stripe Terminal React Native SDK