Prepare for app review
Learn how to prepare your app for Stripe's review process.
Stripe reviews all apps built for Terminal devices before approving them for deployment. The review process helps prevent putting payment information at risk or violating industry-standard best practices for payment devices.
App review at a glance 
Stripe reviews the device asset version of your app. This process doesn’t require any action from you.
- A reviewer downloads your app and installs it on a Terminal smart reader.
- Using the instructions you provided, the reviewer interacts with your app and identifies potential problems, focusing on your app’s payment collection user interface.
- After the reviewer determines there are no present issues, they approve your app for deployment. Stripe notifies you of app approval. The reviewer might reject your app if they’re unable to follow instructions, or if the app contains features that might put payment information at risk.
The exact amount of time and effort required to review each app varies because no two apps are alike.
App review guidelines 
Use the guidelines below to help with a timely and successful app review.
Build multi-tenant apps 
If you’re a platform building apps for Terminal devices on behalf of individual businesses, we encourage you to build a multi-tenant app that serves all of your users. You can build business-specific workflows, such as different image or graphics assets per business, into your app’s configuration and settings. This approach also removes the need for you to submit individual apps per business.
Prevent collecting keyed payment card numbers or PINs 
Use the Terminal reader running the app to request payment from a customer and collect sensitive card and PIN information. The Terminal SDK allows you to display an appropriate prompt on the device screen.
Make sure that your app doesn’t display user interface elements (for example, an input field) that allow the manual entry of PINs, authentication values, or payment information.
Support test mode payments 
During development and testing, use a DevKit device to accept test mode payments. This allows Stripe to use a physical Terminal test card when we review your app.
If you must accept live payments, make sure the app accepts a minimal charge amount, such as 1 USD (or equivalent in another currency).
Address technical defects 
Use your DevKit to identify defects before submitting your app for review.
Examples of common defects include:
- The app fails to install because of an error during its build process.
- The app crashes before we can interact with the app’s payment UI.
- The app can’t detect or connect to the reader.
Make sure to address the technical defects that can prevent us from successfully interacting with or using your app. We reject apps that can’t be fully reviewed due to technical defects.
Write clear and complete instructions 
When you submit your app for review, assume that Stripe hasn’t seen it before. Make sure your instructions are self-contained and don’t assume any special knowledge to complete the review. We must be able to follow your instructions exactly as submitted.
Include the following with your app’s instructions:
- Login information, such as a username or password (if applicable)
- Fixed authentication code that remains valid indefinitely (if applicable)
- How to reach your payment collection UI
- How to exercise the app fully to highlight any problems
Don’t provide credentials that permit access to sensitive information or to functionality that can cause any side effects. For example, an app that accepts orders for food must not cause any actual food preparation to occur as a result of orders placed during app review.
Submit your app for review 
Follow the steps to submit your app for review.
Skip app review 
You can skip app review and move directly to deployment in these cases:
- To use the API or test your app, you can limit the compatible_device_types to only DevKit device types (
).s700_ devkit - If you previously uploaded a device asset version in test mode and Stripe reviewed and approved that version’s APK, you can upload it again for live mode.