Stripe Tax を設定する
Stripe Tax を有効にして、税金を自動計算して徴収します。
Stripe Tax を設定するには、ダッシュボードの税金の設定ページで税金の設定を行います。または、Tax Setting API を使用することもできます。システムに応じて、コードを 1 行追加して税金を有効にします。
税金の徴収、納税申告書の提出、申告の義務を負う連結アカウントの Stripe Tax を設定するプラットフォームの場合は、ソフトウェアプラットフォームのための Tax をご覧ください。
This short video shows you how to enable automatic tax collection through the Dashboard.
Set your origin address
Origin address is where your business is located or, if you sell physical goods, the address where you’re shipping goods from.
By default, we set your origin address to your Stripe business address so you only need to review and confirm that your details are correct on the tax settings page. Alternatively, you can retrieve and update your origin address using the API.
Select your preset tax code
A tax code is a classification of your product or service for Stripe Tax. We use this to make sure that the correct tax rate is applied to your transactions.
- Preset product tax code: The preset product tax code is the default tax code that applies to your Products when you don’t explicitly specify a tax_code. To learn more about the relationship between products, prices, and tax codes, and how they impact tax behavior, see the products, prices, and tax codes documentation.
You must select the most appropriate product tax code for every product or service you sell. Visit the tax settings page to select a preset product tax code to serve as the default. Afterwards, visit the product catalogue to confirm that the default is correct for your existing products. If not, edit each product to select a more appropriate product tax code for it.
- Default shipping tax code: The tax treatment type applied to shipping or delivery fees added to your charge. Some countries levy a distinct tax rate specifically on shipping fees. The default shipping tax code is used to identify this unique tax treatment.
If you’re selling digital goods or services, or if your business is based in the EU, you typically don’t need to select a tax treatment. However, if neither of these conditions apply to your business, select the tax treatment that’s most relevant to you. In the absence of a specific shipping tax code on a shipping rate, we default to using the tax treatment you’ve selected.
Select whether prices include tax by default
Tax behavior is a setting that determines whether Stripe should add taxes on top of your price, or if the price already includes taxes. This ensures that taxes don’t affect the total amount charged to your customers.
To calculate the total amount, Stripe needs to know the tax behavior of each price in the transaction. The default tax behavior is the default setting that applies when you don’t explicitly specify the tax_behavior on a Price object.
次の 3 つのオプションがあります。
- Exclusive: You want to exclude tax from prices so that you add tax on top.
- Inclusive: You want to include tax in prices so that tax doesn’t affect the total.
- Automatic: You want to use the currency of prices to let Stripe decide whether to include or exclude tax. Stripe excludes tax from prices in USD and CAD, but includes it in prices for all other currencies.
Before you start collecting tax from your customers, you must register with the local tax authority. A tax registration lets Stripe know that your business is registered to collect tax on payments within a region, enabling you to automatically collect tax. Our monitoring tool in the Dashboard helps you understand where you might need to register with the local tax authority.
Visit Registrations in the Dashboard to add your tax registrations. If you haven’t registered yet but are planning to, you can also schedule a tax registration to take effect at a date in the future. You can also use Stripe to register on your behalf.
Stripe の実装で Tax を有効にするか、Stripe Tax API を使用する
Stripe Tax を設定する最後のステップは、 Stripe 組み込みで税金の自動計算を有効にすることです。方法は以下のとおりです。