Card payments without bank authentication
Build a simpler integration with regional limitations.
This integration supports businesses accepting only US and Canadian cards. It’s simpler up front, but does not scale to support a global customer base.
How does this integration work?
How does it compare to the global integration?
Growing or global businesses should use Stripe’s global integration to support bank requests for two-factor authentication and allow customers to pay with more payment methods.
Provides card details and clicks Pay button
Calls stripe.
Returns PaymentMethod
Finalizes payment with order details and PaymentMethod
POST /v1/payment_
Attempts payment
If no authentication required, returns new PaymentIntent
with status “succeeded”
Attempts payment
If authentication required, returns new Error with code “authentication_required”
Build a checkout formClient-side
Elements, part of Stripe.js, provides drop-in UI components for collecting card information from customers. Stripe hosts them and places them into your payment form as an iframe so your customer’s card details never touch your code.
Set up StripeServer-side
Use an official library to make requests to the Stripe API from your application:
Make a paymentServer-side
Set up an endpoint on your server to receive the request from the client.
Stripe uses a PaymentIntent object to represent your intent to collect payment from a customer, tracking charge attempts and payment state changes throughout the process.
Always decide how much to charge on the server, a trusted environment, as opposed to the client. This prevents malicious customers from being able to choose their own prices.
Create an HTTP endpoint to respond to the AJAX request from step 1. In that endpoint, you should decide how much to charge the customer. To create a payment, create a PaymentIntent using the PaymentMethod ID from step 1 with the following code:
If you set error_on_requires_action to true
when confirming a payment, Stripe automatically fails the payment if it requires two-factor authentication from the user.
Payment Intents API response
When you make a payment with the API, the response includes a status of the PaymentIntent. If the payment was successful, it will have a status of succeeded
{ "id": "pi_0FdpcX589O8KAxCGR6tGNyWj", "object": "payment_intent", "amount": 1099, "charges": { "object": "list", "data": [ { "id": "ch_GA9w4aF29fYajT", "object": "charge", "amount": 1099, "refunded": false, "status": "succeeded", } ] }, "client_secret": "pi_0FdpcX589O8KAxCGR6tGNyWj_secret_e00tjcVrSv2tjjufYqPNZBKZc", "currency": "usd", "last_payment_error": null, "status": "succeeded", }
If the payment is declined, the response includes the error code and error message. Here’s an example of a payment that failed because two-factor authentication was required for the card.
{ "error": { "code": "authentication_required", "decline_code": "authentication_not_handled", "doc_url": "", "message": "This payment required an authentication action to complete, but `error_on_requires_action` was set. When you're ready, you can upgrade your integration to handle actions at", "payment_intent": { "id": "pi_1G8JtxDpqHItWkFAnB32FhtI", "object": "payment_intent", "amount": 1099, "status": "requires_payment_method", "last_payment_error": { "code": "authentication_required", "decline_code": "authentication_not_handled", "doc_url": "", "message": "This payment required an authentication action to complete, but `error_on_requires_action` was set. When you're ready, you can upgrade your integration to handle actions at", "type": "card_error" }, }, "type": "card_error" } }
Test the integration
There are several test cards you can use in test mode to make sure this integration is ready. Use them with any CVC, postal code, and future expiration date.
Number | Description |
Succeeds and immediately processes the payment. | |
Always fails with a decline code of insufficient_ . | |
Requires authentication, which in this integration will fail with a decline code of authentication_ . |
See the full list of test cards.
Upgrade your integration to handle card authentication
Congratulations! You completed a payments integration for basic card payments. Note that this integration declines cards that require authentication during payment.
If you start seeing payments in the Dashboard listed as Failed
, then it’s time to upgrade your integration. Stripe’s global integration handles these payments instead of automatically declining them.