Collect physical addresses and phone numbers
Learn how to collect addresses and phone number in your mobile app.
To collect complete addresses for billing or shipping, use the Address Element.
You can also use the Address Element to:
- Collect customer phone numbers
- Utilize autocomplete (enabled by default in iOS)
- Prefill billing information in the Payment Element by passing in a shipping address
Stripe combines the collected address information and the payment method to create a PaymentIntent.

Set up StripeServer-sideClient-side
First, you need a Stripe account. Register now.
The Stripe iOS SDK is open source, fully documented, and compatible with apps supporting iOS 13 or above.
For details on the latest SDK release and past versions, see the Releases page on GitHub. To receive notifications when a new release is published, watch releases for the repository.
Configure the SDK with your Stripe publishable key on app start. This enables your app to make requests to the Stripe API.
Set up address autocomplete suggestions
Autocomplete is enabled by default on iOS.
Configure the Address Element
You can configure the Address Element with details such as displaying default values, setting allowed countries, customizing the appearance, and so on. Refer to AddressViewController.Configuration for the complete list of configuration options.
let addressConfiguration = AddressViewController.Configuration( additionalFields: .init(phone: .required), allowedCountries: ["US", "CA", "GB"], title: "Shipping Address" )
Retrieve address details
Retrieve the address details by conforming to AddressViewControllerDelegate
and then using addressViewControllerDidFinish to dismiss the view controller. The address value is either a valid address or nil.
extension MyViewController: AddressViewControllerDelegate { func addressViewControllerDidFinish(_ addressViewController: AddressViewController, with address: AddressViewController.AddressDetails?) { addressViewController.dismiss(animated: true) self.addressDetails = address } }
Present the Address Element
Create an AddressViewController using the address configuration and delegate from the previous steps. You can either present it in a navigation controller or push it onto a navigation controller.
self.addressViewController = AddressViewController(configuration: addressConfiguration, delegate: self) let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: addressViewController) present(navigationController, animated: true)