To spend money using cards, add funds to the Issuing balance on your account. This balance represents funds reserved for Issuing and is safely separated from your earnings, payouts, and funds from other Stripe products.
Add funds using the Dashboard
Fund your Issuing balance from your Dashboard with the Add to balance button.
Next, choose Fund your Issuing balance.
You can add funds to your Issuing balance using a transfer from your existing Stripe balance or with a top-up from your external bank account. Your top-ups can take up to 5 business days to show up in your Issuing balance.
First, select the Issuing balance.
Second, initiate a transfer from your external bank account.
Top up from the API
To create a new top-up, use the create top-up endpoint.
Top-ups debit your bank account. Your top-ups can take up to 5 business days to become available. While they’re pending, they won’t be added to your Issuing balance.
To programmatically track the funds that are available to spend, look at the issuing object returned by the retrieve balance endpoint. This includes your available and pending Issuing funds.
Fixed amount: Receive an alert whenever your Issuing balance falls below this amount.
Ratio of balance to rolling spend: Receive an alert whenever the ratio of your Issuing balance to your spend over the previous 24 hours falls below the threshold. For example, if you set your threshold to 80% and your spend over the past day is 100 USD, you receive an alert whenever your balance falls below 80 USD.