Error handling
Learn how to handle errors when syncing Salesforce records using the connector.
If you encounter errors when using the Stripe Billing Connector for Salesforce CPQ to sync records from Salesforce to Stripe, use the following list to identify and resolve the errors. In most cases, you must modify the Salesforce record data, then manually sync the record to recover from the error.
Data errors 
The table below contains the errors you might encounter when syncing Salesforce orders and how to resolve them.
Error | Description | Recommendation |
Unsupported field value for days_ . | The mapped field value for days_ must be an integer or supported CPQ Payment Term value. | Update the mapped field value for days_ with an integer or a supported CPQ Payment Term value (for example, Net-15, Net-30, Net-45, Net-60, or Net-90). |
Required mappings were empty for the Stripe object. | The connector requires specific fields on the order and order items. | Navigate to the Stripe Billing app in Salesforce and open the data mapper. Make sure that you set all required fields under Subscription Schedule , Subscription Item , and Price Order Item . |
The order line was deleted or not activated. | The order item’s fields indicate that it was deleted or not activated. | Verify that all order items are activated and not deleted. |
The connector attempted to sync the amendment order when the initial order was skipped, because it didn’t match custom sync filters. | You can specify custom order filters in the Stripe Billing app in Salesforce. These filters determine whether or not to sync the Salesforce order. | You can’t sync amendment Salesforce orders before syncing the corresponding initial Salesforce order. This error indicates that the initial Salesforce order failed to sync because it didn’t pass the order filter criteria, even though the amendment Salesforce order passed. |
Amendment errors 
The table below contains the errors related to amendment orders and how to resolve them.
Error | Description | Recommendation |
Order amendments must co-terminate with the initial order. | The Salesforce amendment order must end on the same date as the initial Salesforce order. | Update the Salesforce order amendment so that the end date co-terminates with the initial order. This likely occurs when you update the subscription term. |
The Stripe subscription for the evergreen order has already been canceled and can’t be modified. | The connector synced an evergreen Salesforce amendment order that’s attempting to amend a canceled Stripe subscription. | The Salesforce amendment order can’t be synced. |
The Stripe subscription schedule has already been canceled and can’t be modified. | The connector synced a Salesforce amendment order that’s attempting to amend a canceled Stripe subscription schedule. | The Salesforce amendment order can’t be synced. |
Amendment orders must start on the same day of the month as the initial order. Enable the feature for non-anniversary amendments to sync amendments on any day of the month. | The Salesforce amendment order starts on a different day of the month than the initial order. | Update the Salesforce amendment order to start on the same day of the month as the initial Salesforce order, or contact support to enable non-anniversary amendments in your account. |
The amendment order subscription term doesn’t equal a number of whole months between the start and end date. | This occurs when a non-anniversary amendment is synced and the subscription term for the quote is unexpected. | Update the subscription term for the Salesforce amendment order to be a number of whole months between the start and end date of the Salesforce order. |
Unable to find the corresponding Stripe subscription schedule for the amendment order. | An amendment Salesforce order modifies an initial Salesforce order that previously synced. This error indicates that the corresponding Stripe subscription schedule created during the initial Salesforce order sync can’t be found because it was deleted. | The Salesforce amendment order can’t be synced. |
The backend prorated order amendment case isn’t supported. | A Salesforce amendment order modifies an initial order that was backend prorated, but the start dates don’t align. | The connector doesn’t support this use case. Contact support for next steps. |
The amendment order represents all one-time invoices. | The amendment order must amend the initial order. | To sync an order with one-time invoice items, you must create and sync a new order with the one-time invoice items. |
More than one contract was found for the amendment order. | The connector detected multiple contracts associated with the amendment order. | Make sure the amendment order has only one contract associated with it. |
More than one quote was found for the amendment order. | The connector detected multiple quotes associated with the amendment order. | Ensure there is only one quote tied to the amendment order. |
The order amendment isn’t associated with a quote. | The connector couldn’t find a corresponding quote associated with the amendment order. | Make sure each amendment order has a related quote. |
Quote errors 
The table below contains the errors related to CPQ quotes and how to resolve them.
Error | Description | Recommendation |
There’s no CPQ quote associated with the Salesforce order. Orders pushed to Stripe must have a related CPQ quote. | All Salesforce orders need a corresponding CPQ quote. This error indicates that the connector couldn’t find a corresponding quote. | Regenerate the Salesforce order from a Salesforce CPQ quote. |
Unable to find the initial Salesforce CPQ quote associated with the order amendment. | All Salesforce orders that the connector syncs need an associated Salesforce CPQ quote. | Regenerate the Salesforce order from a Salesforce CPQ quote. |
You can’t specify the subscription term as a decimal value. | The subscription term represents the contract duration in number of months. This value can’t be a decimal. | Update the mapped subscription term with a whole number. |
Billing frequency isn’t a supported CPQ Billing Frequency option. | CPQ supports Monthly, Quarterly, Semiannual, and Annual as values for the SBQQ_ field. | Update the CPQ Billing Frequency field value to Monthly , Quarterly , Semiannual , or Annual . |
Price errors 
The table below contains the errors related to prices and how to resolve them.
Error | Description | Recommendation |
Found a corresponding Stripe price for the Salesforce price, but the price data has changed. | The Salesforce pricebook entry that’s linked to the order item previously synced, and the corresponding Stripe price data has changed. | Clear the Stripe ID from the Salesforce pricebook entry and sync the Salesforce order again. This results in a newly created Stripe price for the pricebook entry. |
More than one consumption schedule is linked to a pricebook, but there can only be one. | The connector found more than one consumption schedule linked to a pricebook, when there can only be one. | Delete one of the consumption schedules attached to the pricebook entry. |
The subscription term can’t be a decimal value. | The subscription term represents the contract duration in number of months. This value can’t be a decimal. | Update the mapped subscription term to a whole number. |
A decimal value was provided for the upper tier bound, but consumption rate tier bounds must be integers. | The connector found a decimal value for the upper tier bound of the Salesforce consumption rate. | Update the tier bound for the Salesforce consumption rate to an integer. |
The pricing method on the consumption rate isn’t supported. | The SBQQ_ field accepts a value of PerUnit or FlatFee . | Update the SBQQ_ field value to either PerUnit or FlatFee . |
The consumption schedule type isn’t supported. | The Consumption Schedule Type field accepts a value of Range or Slab . | Update the Consumption Schedule Type to either Range or Slab . |
The unit_ field can’t be empty for Stripe price objects. | The connector found an empty value for the mapped Salesforce value, and prices can’t be empty. | Update the mapped Salesforce value to a positive integer. |
Unexpected billing_ value on Stripe price. | The billing scheme isn’t set to a valid value. | Update the billing scheme to either per_ or tiered . |
The pricing interval isn’t supported. | The pricing interval isn’t set to a valid value. | Update the pricing interval to either Month or Year . |
The retrieved Stripe price was empty. | The corresponding Stripe price must have a value. | Remove the Stripe price ID from the corresponding Salesforce record, and then retry syncing the failed order. |
Two tiers were found with an infinite boundary on the same price. | The connector found two Salesforce ConsumptionRate objects associated with a single ConsumptionSchedule , both with their upper bounds set to infinity. | Update one of the ConsumptionRate records to have a finite upper bound, breaking the infinite boundary condition. |
The default currency isn’t specified on your account configuration. | The connector couldn’t find a default currency. | Set the default currency for your organization in Salesforce, and make sure the connector’s setting for Billing Currency shows the correct currency. |
Product errors 
The table below contains the errors related to Salesforce products and how to resolve them.
Error | Description | Recommendation |
Product billing type isn’t a supported CPQ Product Billing Type option. | The product billing type (SBQQ_ ) accepts a value of Advance or Arrears . | Update the product’s SBQQ_ field to either Advance or Arrears . |
Adding Salesforce products with a renewable type to evergreen orders isn’t supported. | Salesforce CPQ products accept a value of Renewable or Evergreen. | The connector doesn’t support both product types in a single Salesforce order. To sync the Salesforce order, you must remove one of the order items. |
Termination errors 
The table below contains the errors related to termination orders and how to resolve them.
Error | Description | Recommendation |
A termination order is processing, but more amendments are queued. | The connector is processing a termination order that cancels the subscription schedule, but there are more amendment orders to process. | To terminate a Salesforce order, you must delete or deactivate any amendment orders that are activated after the termination order. To amend a Salesforce order before terminating it, you must delete or deactivate the termination Salesforce order so the amendment order is processed, then sync the termination Salesforce order. |
Termination quantity is greater than the aggregate quantity for the order item. | You’re attempting to reduce an order item’s quantity by more than the existing quantity, resulting in a negative quantity. | Update the order item quantity to 0 or more. |
Stripe errors 
The table below contains common Stripe errors and how to resolve them. The connector displays all Stripe errors that occur directly to the user.
Error | Description | Recommendation |
The request rate limit was exceeded. | Learn more about rate limits. | The connector automatically retries syncing the order at a later time. You can also use the Manual Sync function to force a manual sync of the failed order. |
Connector errors 
The table below contains common connector errors. If you encounter any of these issues, contact Stripe support to investigate further.
Error | Description | Recommendation |
The number of Quote or Quote Line Associations differs from the Order or Item coupons. | The connector failed to automatically generate an Order coupon for a Quote or Quote Line coupon. | Contact Stripe support to resolve this issue and generate the coupons before syncing. |
The calculated price multiplier differs from the CPQ price multiplier. | The Order failed to sync because the connector calculated a different price multiplier than CPQ. | Confirm that your Salesforce CPQ Proration Precision matches the settings in your Salesforce CPQ app. If they don’t match, update them to match. If the settings match, contact Stripe support to resolve this issue and investigate further. |
More than one backend proration phase found. | While syncing the Order, the connector discovered the subscription schedule in an unexpected state that it didn’t know how to handle. | Contact Stripe support to resolve this issue and investigate further. |