Install and configure the Stripe Payment Connector from Commercetools
Install and configure the connector from the Connect marketplace in your Commercetools storefront.
Install the Stripe Payment Connector
- Select the Stripe Payment Connector in the Commercetools Connect Marketplace.
- Create a webhook in the Stripe Dashboard with a dummy URL.
- This URL auto updates through a post-deploy script of the Payment Connector with the correct URL.
Configure the Stripe Payment Connector
: The key of the Commercetools composable commerce project.PROJECT_ KEY CTP_
: The scope constrains the endpoints to which the Commercetools client has access, as well as the read and write access right to an endpoint.SCOPE CTP_
: The URL for authentication in the Commercetools platform. It’s used to generate an OAuth 2.0 token which is required in every API call to Commercetools composable commerce. The default value is:AUTH_ URL https://auth.
.europewest1. gcp. commercetools. com CTP_
: The URL for the Commercetools composable commerce API. The default value is:API_ URL https://api.
.europe-west1. gcp. commercetools. com CTP_
: The URL for session creation in the Commercetools platform. Connectors rely on the session created to be able to share information between enabler and processor. The default value is:SESSION_ URL https://session.
.europewest1. gcp. commercetools. com CTP_
: The URL which provides JSON Web Key Set.JWKS_ URL CTP_
: The issuer inside JSON Web Token which is required in JWT validation process.JWT_ ISSUER STRIPE_
: The Stripe capture method (manual or automatic). The default value is:CAPTURE_ METHOD automatic
: Stripe Elements support visual customization, which allows you to match your site’s design with the appearance option. This value defines the specific appearance of the Payment Element component.APPEARANCE_ PAYMENT_ ELEMENT STRIPE_
: Stripe Elements supports visual customization, which allows you to match the design of your site with the appearance option. This value has the specific appearance of the Express Checkout Element component.APPEARANCE_ EXPRESS_ CHECKOUT CTP_
: The client secret of Commercetools composable commerce user account. It’s used in the Commercetools client to communicate with Commercetools composable commerce through the SDK.CLIENT_ SECRET CTP_
: The client ID of your Commercetools composable commerce user account. It’s used in Commercetools client to communicate with Commercetools composable commerce through SDK.CLIENT_ ID STRIPE_
: Stripe authenticates your API requests using your account’s API keys.SECRET_ KEY STRIPE_
: Stripe’s unique identifier for webhook endpoints.WEBHOOK_ ID STRIPE_
: Stripe’s secret key to verify webhook signatures using the official libraries. This key is created in the Stripe Dashboard.WEBHOOK_ SIGNING_ SECRET
The payment connector creates two main links:
- Payment Connector JS Enabler Component: The URL where the payment components are embedded (for example,
)assets. uscentral1. gcp. preview. commercetools. app/connector-enabler. es. js - Payment Connector Processor: The URL where all webhooks are sent and transformed into payment transactions in Commercetools (for example,
)uscentral1. gcp. preview. commercetools. app
General settings
- You can modify the capture mode of components generated by the Payment Connector Enabler in the Payment Connector configuration (for example, manual or automatic).
- The Payment Connector Enabler is responsible for the payment components connected to the Payment Connector processor.
- The Payment Connector processor creates the Payment Intent in Stripe with the respective metadata, and converts webhook events into payment transactions in Commercetools.
- You can modify the appearance of the Stripe Payment Element and Express Checkout Element components from the Payment Connector configuration.
Stripe uses webhooks to notify your application when an event occurs in your account. Webhooks are useful for updating payment transactions when a customer’s bank confirms or declines a payment, or when the payment is canceled or refunded.
We support the following webhooks:
: If the payment hasn’t been captured, create a new payment in Commercetools. If the payment was made, add a transaction “Authorization:Success” to itsucceeded payment_
: There are two ways to handle this event:intent. succeeded - Automatic capture method: If
is automatic, create a new payment in Commercetools and then add a “Charge:Success” transaction to it.capture_ method - Manual capture method: If
is manual, add a “Charge:Success” transaction to the payment in Commercetools.capture_ method
- Automatic capture method: If
: Ifrefunded charge.
is true, add a “Refund:Success” transaction to the payment in Commercetools.captured payment_
: Add a “CancelAuthorization:Success” transaction to the payment in Commercetools.intent. canceled payment_
: Logs the information in the connector app inside the processor logs.intent. payment_ failed payment_
: Logs the information in the connector app inside the processor logs.intent. requires_ action