Definir códigos de categoria de comerciante
Saiba mais sobre os códigos de categoria de comerciante (MCCs) e como defini-los para contas conectadas.
Os MCCs são usados para classificar empresas pelo tipo de mercadorias ou serviços fornecidos. Por exemplo, supermercados, hotéis e companhias aéreas têm MCCs diferentes. Muitas vezes, esses códigos são usados para calcular tarifas de intercâmbio, autorizar pagamentos e evitar fraudes. Portanto, é importante que as contas conectadas tenham MCCs adequados às suas empresas.
Cada conta Stripe tem exatamente um MCC. Para ver o MCC de uma conta, acesse o campo business_
no objeto da conta.
A Stripe define automaticamente os códigos MCC para contas conectadas, mas você pode optar por defini-los manualmente para contas controladas pela sua plataforma. Isso inclui contas Custom e Express.
Definir MCCs automaticamente
A Stripe avalia automaticamente as contas para determinar as MCCs adequadas. Isso significa que você não precisa criar e manter nenhuma lógica personalizada. Geralmente, o setor listado no Stripe Dashboard para a conta conectada é usado para determinar o MCC. Para contas nas quais a Stripe coleta dados atualizados para requisitos vencidos ou alterados, incluindo contas Standard e Express, e para contas Custom que usam onboarding hospedado pela Stripe, a MCC é definida durante o onboarding. Para contas criadas com a API e para contas Express, você pode definir o MCC manualmente.
Quando não é possível usar o setor informado pelo usuário, a Stripe pode usar dados do site da conta conectada para determinar o MCC. Se esses dados também não forem adequados, será usado o MCC da plataforma ou o MCC padrão da Stripe (5734
Lojas de software de computador).
Ocasionalmente, as contas são marcadas para análise manual pela Stripe. Nesse caso, quando determinamos que o MCC de uma conta é inexato, podemos atualizá-lo. O novo MCC não pode ser alterado manualmente pela plataforma. Se a API for usada para atualizá-lo, será retornado um erro.
Definir MCCs manualmente
O MCC pode ser definido manualmente durante a criação da conta. Os exemplos abaixo usam o código de Lojas de software de computador (5734
). Veja a lista completa na próxima seção.
Se suas contas conectadas compartilham um MCC, você pode fornecer o código usando business_
durante a criação das contas. No Connect Onboarding, os usuários não precisam informar um setor. Se você criar a sua própria interface de usuário de onboarding, não será preciso adicionar um elemento de IU para o MCC.
Quando suas contas conectadas têm MCCs diferentes, o Connect Onboarding coleta esses dados. Se você não usa o Connect Onboarding, pode fornecer uma lista de opções de MCC para escolha pelos usuários. De acordo com essa escolha, passe um MCC adequado à empresa do usuário. Se você não quer passar MCCs durante a criação das contas, pode atualizar as contas posteriormente para incluir os MCCs.
Assim como acontece com os MCCs definidos automaticamente, a Stripe pode sobrepor um MCC definido manualmente quando a conta é marcada para análise e determinamos que o MCC não é adequado.
Lista de códigos de categoria de comerciante
Esta é uma lista de MCCs aceitos que você pode usar ao criar contas conectadas. Você deve entrar em contato com a Stripe para usar um MCC restrito.
Categoria | MCC |
A/C, Refrigeration Repairac_ | 7623 |
Accounting/Bookkeeping Servicesaccounting_ | 8931 |
Advertising Servicesadvertising_ | 7311 |
Agricultural Cooperativeagricultural_ | 0763 |
Airlines, Air Carriers Restrictedairlines_ | 4511 |
Airports, Flying Fieldsairports_ | 4582 |
Ambulance Services Restrictedambulance_ | 4119 |
Amusement Parks/Carnivals Restrictedamusement_ | 7996 |
Antique Reproductionsantique_ | 5937 |
Antique Shopsantique_ | 5932 |
Aquariumsaquariums | 7998 |
Architectural/Surveying Servicesarchitectural_ | 8911 |
Art Dealers and Galleriesart_ | 5971 |
Artists Supply and Craft Shopsartists_ | 5970 |
Auto Body Repair Shopsauto_ | 7531 |
Auto Paint Shopsauto_ | 7535 |
Auto Service Shopsauto_ | 7538 |
Auto and Home Supply Storesauto_ | 5531 |
Automated Fuel Dispensersautomated_ | 5542 |
Automobile Associationsautomobile_ | 8675 |
Automotive Parts and Accessories Storesautomotive_ | 5533 |
Automotive Tire Storesautomotive_ | 5532 |
Bail and Bond Payments (payment to the surety for the bond, not the actual bond paid to the government agency) Restrictedbail_ | 9223 |
Bakeriesbakeries | 5462 |
Bands, Orchestrasbands_ | 7929 |
Barber and Beauty Shopsbarber_ | 7230 |
Betting/Casino Gambling Restrictedbetting_ | 7995 |
Bicycle Shopsbicycle_ | 5940 |
Billiard/Pool Establishmentsbilliard_ | 7932 |
Boat Dealersboat_ | 5551 |
Boat Rentals and Leasesboat_ | 4457 |
Book Storesbook_ | 5942 |
Books, Periodicals, and Newspapersbooks_ | 5192 |
Bowling Alleysbowling_ | 7933 |
Bus Linesbus_ | 4131 |
Business/Secretarial Schoolsbusiness_ | 8244 |
Buying/Shopping Servicesbuying_ | 7278 |
Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radiocable_ | 4899 |
Camera and Photographic Supply Storescamera_ | 5946 |
Candy, Nut, and Confectionery Storescandy_ | 5441 |
Car Rental Agenciescar_ | 7512 |
Car Washescar_ | 7542 |
Car and Truck Dealers (New & Used) Sales, Service, Repairs Parts and Leasingcar_ | 5511 |
Car and Truck Dealers (Used Only) Sales, Service, Repairs Parts and Leasingcar_ | 5521 |
Carpentry Servicescarpentry_ | 1750 |
Carpet/Upholstery Cleaningcarpet_ | 7217 |
Catererscaterers | 5811 |
Charitable and Social Service Organizations - Fundraising Restrictedcharitable_ | 8398 |
Chemicals and Allied Products (Not Elsewhere Classified)chemicals_ | 5169 |
Child Care Serviceschild_ | 8351 |
Childrens and Infants Wear Storeschildrens_ | 5641 |
Chiropodists, Podiatrists Restrictedchiropodists_ | 8049 |
Chiropractors Restrictedchiropractors | 8041 |
Cigar Stores and Stands Restrictedcigar_ | 5993 |
Civic, Social, Fraternal Associationscivic_ | 8641 |
Cleaning and Maintenancecleaning_ | 7349 |
Clothing Rentalclothing_ | 7296 |
Colleges, Universitiescolleges_ | 8220 |
Commercial Equipment (Not Elsewhere Classified)commercial_ | 5046 |
Commercial Footwearcommercial_ | 5139 |
Commercial Photography, Art and Graphicscommercial_ | 7333 |
Commuter Transport, Ferriescommuter_ | 4111 |
Computer Network Servicescomputer_ | 4816 |
Computer Programmingcomputer_ | 7372 |
Computer Repaircomputer_ | 7379 |
Computer Software Storescomputer_ | 5734 |
Computers, Peripherals, and Softwarecomputers_ | 5045 |
Concrete Work Servicesconcrete_ | 1771 |
Construction Materials (Not Elsewhere Classified)construction_ | 5039 |
Consulting, Public Relationsconsulting_ | 7392 |
Correspondence Schoolscorrespondence_ | 8241 |
Cosmetic Storescosmetic_ | 5977 |
Counseling Services Restrictedcounseling_ | 7277 |
Country Clubscountry_ | 7997 |
Courier Servicescourier_ | 4215 |
Court Costs, Including Alimony and Child Support - Courts of Law Restrictedcourt_ | 9211 |
Credit Reporting Agenciescredit_ | 7321 |
Cruise Lines Restrictedcruise_ | 4411 |
Dairy Products Storesdairy_ | 5451 |
Dance Hall, Studios, Schoolsdance_ | 7911 |
Dentists, Orthodontists Restricteddentists_ | 8021 |
Department Storesdepartment_ | 5311 |
Detective Agenciesdetective_ | 7393 |
Digital Goods Media – Books, Movies, Musicdigital_ | 5815 |
Digital Goods – Applications (Excludes Games)digital_ | 5817 |
Digital Goods – Gamesdigital_ | 5816 |
Digital Goods – Large Digital Goods Merchantdigital_ | 5818 |
Direct Marketing - Catalog Merchantdirect_ | 5964 |
Direct Marketing - Combination Catalog and Retail Merchantdirect_ | 5965 |
Direct Marketing - Inbound Telemarketing Restricteddirect_ | 5967 |
Direct Marketing - Insurance Servicesdirect_ | 5960 |
Direct Marketing - Otherdirect_ | 5969 |
Direct Marketing - Outbound Telemarketing Restricteddirect_ | 5966 |
Direct Marketing - Subscriptiondirect_ | 5968 |
Direct Marketing - Travel Restricteddirect_ | 5962 |
Discount Storesdiscount_ | 5310 |
Doctors Restricteddoctors | 8011 |
Door-To-Door Sales Restricteddoor_ | 5963 |
Drapery, Window Covering, and Upholstery Storesdrapery_ | 5714 |
Drinking Placesdrinking_ | 5813 |
Drug Stores and Pharmacies Restricteddrug_ | 5912 |
Drugs, Drug Proprietaries, and Druggist Sundries Restricteddrugs_ | 5122 |
Dry Cleanersdry_ | 7216 |
Durable Goods (Not Elsewhere Classified)durable_ | 5099 |
Duty Free Storesduty_ | 5309 |
Eating Places, Restaurantseating_ | 5812 |
Educational Serviceseducational_ | 8299 |
Electric Razor Storeselectric_ | 5997 |
Electric Vehicle Chargingelectric_ | 5552 |
Electrical Parts and Equipmentelectrical_ | 5065 |
Electrical Serviceselectrical_ | 1731 |
Electronics Repair Shopselectronics_ | 7622 |
Electronics Storeselectronics_ | 5732 |
Elementary, Secondary Schoolselementary_ | 8211 |
Emergency Services (GCAS) (Visa use only)emergency_ | 9702 |
Employment/Temp Agenciesemployment_ | 7361 |
Equipment Rentalequipment_ | 7394 |
Exterminating Servicesexterminating_ | 7342 |
Family Clothing Storesfamily_ | 5651 |
Fast Food Restaurantsfast_ | 5814 |
Financial Institutions Restrictedfinancial_ | 6012 |
Fines - Government Administrative Entities Restrictedfines_ | 9222 |
Fireplace, Fireplace Screens, and Accessories Storesfireplace_ | 5718 |
Floor Covering Storesfloor_ | 5713 |
Floristsflorists | 5992 |
Florists Supplies, Nursery Stock, and Flowersflorists_ | 5193 |
Freezer and Locker Meat Provisionersfreezer_ | 5422 |
Fuel Dealers (Non Automotive)fuel_ | 5983 |
Funeral Services, Crematoriesfuneral_ | 7261 |
Furniture Repair, Refinishingfurniture_ | 7641 |
Furniture, Home Furnishings, and Equipment Stores, Except Appliancesfurniture_ | 5712 |
Furriers and Fur Shopsfurriers_ | 5681 |
General Servicesgeneral_ | 1520 |
Gift, Card, Novelty, and Souvenir Shopsgift_ | 5947 |
Glass, Paint, and Wallpaper Storesglass_ | 5231 |
Glassware, Crystal Storesglassware_ | 5950 |
Golf Courses - Publicgolf_ | 7992 |
Government Licensed On-line Casinos (On-Line Gambling)(US Region only) Restrictedgovernment_ | 7801 |
Government Services (Not Elsewhere Classified) Restrictedgovernment_ | 9399 |
Government-Licensed Horse/Dog Racing (US Region only) Restrictedgovernment_ | 7802 |
Government-Owned Lotteries (Non-US region)government_ | 9406 |
Government-Owned Lotteries (US Region only) Restrictedgovernment_ | 7800 |
Grocery Stores, Supermarketsgrocery_ | 5411 |
Hardware Storeshardware_ | 5251 |
Hardware, Equipment, and Supplieshardware_ | 5072 |
Health and Beauty Spashealth_ | 7298 |
Hearing Aids Sales and Supplies Restrictedhearing_ | 5975 |
Heating, Plumbing, A/Cheating_ | 1711 |
Hobby, Toy, and Game Shopshobby_ | 5945 |
Home Supply Warehouse Storeshome_ | 5200 |
Hospitals Restrictedhospitals | 8062 |
Hotels, Motels, and Resortshotels_ | 7011 |
Household Appliance Storeshousehold_ | 5722 |
Industrial Supplies (Not Elsewhere Classified)industrial_ | 5085 |
Information Retrieval Servicesinformation_ | 7375 |
Insurance Underwriting, Premiums Restrictedinsurance_ | 6300 |
Intra-Company Purchasesintra_ | 9950 |
Jewelry Stores, Watches, Clocks, and Silverware Storesjewelry_ | 5944 |
Landscaping Serviceslandscaping_ | 0780 |
Laundrieslaundries | 7211 |
Laundry, Cleaning Serviceslaundry_ | 7210 |
Legal Services, Attorneyslegal_ | 8111 |
Luggage and Leather Goods Storesluggage_ | 5948 |
Lumber, Building Materials Storeslumber_ | 5211 |
Marinas, Service and Suppliesmarinas_ | 4468 |
Marketplacesmarketplaces | 5262 |
Masonry, Stonework, and Plastermasonry_ | 1740 |
Massage Parlorsmassage_ | 7297 |
Medical Services Restrictedmedical_ | 8099 |
Medical and Dental Labs Restrictedmedical_ | 8071 |
Medical, Dental, Ophthalmic, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Restrictedmedical_ | 5047 |
Membership Organizationsmembership_ | 8699 |
Mens and Boys Clothing and Accessories Storesmens_ | 5611 |
Mens, Womens Clothing Storesmens_ | 5691 |
Metal Service Centersmetal_ | 5051 |
Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Shopsmiscellaneous_ | 5699 |
Miscellaneous Auto Dealersmiscellaneous_ | 5599 |
Miscellaneous Business Servicesmiscellaneous_ | 7399 |
Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores and Specialty Marketsmiscellaneous_ | 5499 |
Miscellaneous General Merchandisemiscellaneous_ | 5399 |
Miscellaneous General Servicesmiscellaneous_ | 7299 |
Miscellaneous Home Furnishing Specialty Storesmiscellaneous_ | 5719 |
Miscellaneous Publishing and Printingmiscellaneous_ | 2741 |
Miscellaneous Recreation Servicesmiscellaneous_ | 7999 |
Miscellaneous Repair Shopsmiscellaneous_ | 7699 |
Miscellaneous Specialty Retailmiscellaneous_ | 5999 |
Mobile Home Dealersmobile_ | 5271 |
Motion Picture Theatersmotion_ | 7832 |
Motor Freight Carriers and Trucking - Local and Long Distance, Moving and Storage Companies, and Local Delivery Servicesmotor_ | 4214 |
Motor Homes Dealersmotor_ | 5592 |
Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Partsmotor_ | 5013 |
Motorcycle Shops and Dealersmotorcycle_ | 5571 |
Motorcycle Shops, Dealersmotorcycle_ | 5561 |
Music Stores-Musical Instruments, Pianos, and Sheet Musicmusic_ | 5733 |
News Dealers and Newsstandsnews_ | 5994 |
Non-FI, Money Orders Restrictednon_ | 6051 |
Non-FI, Stored Value Card Purchase/Load Restrictednon_ | 6540 |
Nondurable Goods (Not Elsewhere Classified)nondurable_ | 5199 |
Nurseries, Lawn and Garden Supply Storesnurseries_ | 5261 |
Nursing/Personal Care Restrictednursing_ | 8050 |
Office and Commercial Furnitureoffice_ | 5021 |
Opticians, Eyeglasses Restrictedopticians_ | 8043 |
Optometrists, Ophthalmologist Restrictedoptometrists_ | 8042 |
Orthopedic Goods - Prosthetic Devices Restrictedorthopedic_ | 5976 |
Osteopaths Restrictedosteopaths | 8031 |
Package Stores-Beer, Wine, and Liquorpackage_ | 5921 |
Paints, Varnishes, and Suppliespaints_ | 5198 |
Parking Lots, Garagesparking_ | 7523 |
Passenger Railwayspassenger_ | 4112 |
Pawn Shopspawn_ | 5933 |
Pet Shops, Pet Food, and Suppliespet_ | 5995 |
Petroleum and Petroleum Productspetroleum_ | 5172 |
Photo Developingphoto_ | 7395 |
Photographic Studiosphotographic_ | 7221 |
Photographic, Photocopy, Microfilm Equipment, and Suppliesphotographic_ | 5044 |
Picture/Video Productionpicture_ | 7829 |
Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goodspiece_ | 5131 |
Plumbing, Heating Equipment, and Suppliesplumbing_ | 5074 |
Political Organizations Restrictedpolitical_ | 8651 |
Postal Services - Government Only Restrictedpostal_ | 9402 |
Precious Stones and Metals, Watches and Jewelryprecious_ | 5094 |
Professional Servicesprofessional_ | 8999 |
Public Warehousing and Storage - Farm Products, Refrigerated Goods, Household Goods, and Storagepublic_ | 4225 |
Quick Copy, Repro, and Blueprintquick_ | 7338 |
Railroadsrailroads | 4011 |
Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentalsreal_ | 6513 |
Record Storesrecord_ | 5735 |
Recreational Vehicle Rentalsrecreational_ | 7519 |
Religious Goods Storesreligious_ | 5973 |
Religious Organizations Restrictedreligious_ | 8661 |
Roofing/Siding, Sheet Metalroofing_ | 1761 |
Secretarial Support Servicessecretarial_ | 7339 |
Security Brokers/Dealers Restrictedsecurity_ | 6211 |
Service Stationsservice_ | 5541 |
Sewing, Needlework, Fabric, and Piece Goods Storessewing_ | 5949 |
Shoe Repair/Hat Cleaningshoe_ | 7251 |
Shoe Storesshoe_ | 5661 |
Small Appliance Repairsmall_ | 7629 |
Snowmobile Dealerssnowmobile_ | 5598 |
Special Trade Servicesspecial_ | 1799 |
Specialty Cleaningspecialty_ | 2842 |
Sporting Goods Storessporting_ | 5941 |
Sporting/Recreation Campssporting_ | 7032 |
Sports Clubs/Fieldssports_ | 7941 |
Sports and Riding Apparel Storessports_ | 5655 |
Stamp and Coin Storesstamp_ | 5972 |
Stationary, Office Supplies, Printing and Writing Paperstationary_ | 5111 |
Stationery Stores, Office, and School Supply Storesstationery_ | 5943 |
Swimming Pools Salesswimming_ | 5996 |
TUI Travel - Germanyt_ | 4723 |
Tailors, Alterationstailors_ | 5697 |
Tax Payments - Government Agencies Restrictedtax_ | 9311 |
Tax Preparation Servicestax_ | 7276 |
Taxicabs/Limousinestaxicabs_ | 4121 |
Telecommunication Equipment and Telephone Salestelecommunication_ | 4812 |
Telecommunication Services Restrictedtelecommunication_ | 4814 |
Telegraph Servicestelegraph_ | 4821 |
Tent and Awning Shopstent_ | 5998 |
Testing Laboratoriestesting_ | 8734 |
Theatrical Ticket Agenciestheatrical_ | 7922 |
Timeshares Restrictedtimeshares | 7012 |
Tire Retreading and Repairtire_ | 7534 |
Tolls/Bridge Feestolls_ | 4784 |
Tourist Attractions and Exhibitstourist_ | 7991 |
Towing Servicestowing_ | 7549 |
Trailer Parks, Campgroundstrailer_ | 7033 |
Transportation Services (Not Elsewhere Classified)transportation_ | 4789 |
Travel Agencies, Tour Operatorstravel_ | 4722 |
Truck/Utility Trailer Rentalstruck_ | 7513 |
Typesetting, Plate Making, and Related Servicestypesetting_ | 2791 |
Typewriter Storestypewriter_ | 5978 |
U.S. Federal Government Agencies or Departments Restrictedu_ | 9405 |
Uniforms, Commercial Clothinguniforms_ | 5137 |
Used Merchandise and Secondhand Storesused_ | 5931 |
Utilitiesutilities | 4900 |
Variety Storesvariety_ | 5331 |
Veterinary Servicesveterinary_ | 0742 |
Video Amusement Game Suppliesvideo_ | 7993 |
Video Game Arcadesvideo_ | 7994 |
Video Tape Rental Storesvideo_ | 7841 |
Vocational/Trade Schoolsvocational_ | 8249 |
Watch/Jewelry Repairwatch_ | 7631 |
Welding Repairwelding_ | 7692 |
Wholesale Clubswholesale_ | 5300 |
Wig and Toupee Storeswig_ | 5698 |
Wires, Money Orders Restrictedwires_ | 4829 |
Womens Accessory and Specialty Shopswomens_ | 5631 |
Womens Ready-To-Wear Storeswomens_ | 5621 |
Wrecking and Salvage Yardswrecking_ | 5935 |