Einrichten von Händlerkategoriencodes
Erfahren Sie mehr über Händlerkategorie-Codes (MCCs = Merchant Category Codes) und wie Sie diese für Ihre verbundenen Konten einrichten.
MCCs werden verwendet, um Unternehmen anhand der angebotenen Waren bzw. Dienstleistungen einzuordnen. Zum Beispiel haben Lebensmittelgeschäfte, Hotels und Fluggesellschaften alle unterschiedliche MCCs. Diese Codes werden häufig für die Berechnung von Interbankenentgelten, die Autorisierung von Zahlungen und die Betrugsprävention verwendet. Aus diesem Grund ist es wichtig, dass Ihr verbundenes Konto über MCCs verfügt, die zu den jeweiligen Unternehmen passen.
Jedes Stripe-Konto hat genau einen MCC. Um den MCC für ein bestimmtes Konto anzuzeigen, können Sie das Feld business_
im Account-Objekt abrufen.
Stripe richtet MCCs für verbundene Konten automatisch ein, allerdings können Sie für Konten, die von Ihrer Plattform gesteuert werden, MCCs auch manuell einrichten. Dazu gehören Custom- und Express-Konten.
MCCs automatisch einrichten
Stripe wertet Konten automatisch aus, um geeignete MCCs zu bestimmen. Das bedeutet, dass Sie keine nutzerdefinierte Logik erstellen und verwalten müssen. In der Regel wird die Branche, die im Stripe-Dashboard für das verbundene Konto hinterlegt ist, zur Bestimmung des MCC herangezogen. Für Konten, bei denen Stripe aktualisierte Informationen für fällige oder geänderte Anforderungen erfasst, einschließlich Standard- und Express-Konten, sowie für Custom-Konten, die von Stripe gehostetes Onboarding nutzen, wird die MCC beim Onboarding festgelegt. Für Konten, die mit der API erstellt wurden, und für Express-Konten können Sie die MCC manuell festlegen.
Wenn die von dem/der Nutzer/in angegebene Branche nicht verwendet werden kann, nutzt Stripe zur Bestimmung des MCC ggf. Informationen von der Website des verbundenen Kontos. Wenn dies ebenfalls nicht möglich ist, wird der Standard-MCC der Plattform oder von Stripe (5734
Computersoftware-Geschäfte) verwendet.
Manchmal werden Konten für eine manuelle Prüfung durch Stripe markiert. In einem solchen Fall und wenn Stripe den MCC eines Kontos als ungeeignet erachtet, nehmen wir ggf. Anpassungen vor. Der neue MCC kann von der Plattform nicht manuell geändert werden, und es wird eine Fehlermeldung ausgegeben, wenn die API zur Aktualisierung des MCC verwendet wird.
MCCs manuell einrichten
Sie können den MCC bei der Kontoerstellung manuell einrichten. In den folgenden Beispiele wird der Code für Computersoftware-Geschäfte (5734
) verwendet. Eine vollständige Liste finden Sie im nächsten Abschnitt.
Wenn Ihre verbundenen Konten den gleichen MCC haben, können Sie bei der Kontoerstellung den Code mit business_
angeben. In Connect Onboarding werden Ihre Nutzer/innen nicht nach einer Branche gefragt. Wenn Sie Ihre eigene Onboarding-Nutzeroberfläche erstellen, müssen Sie kein Nutzeroberflächenelement für MCC hinzufügen.
Wenn Ihre verbundenen Konten verschiedene MCCs haben, erfasst Connect Onboarding diese Informationen. Wenn Sie Connect Onboarding nicht verwenden, können Sie eine Liste mit MCC-Optionen bereitstellen, aus der die Nutzer/innen wählen können. Je nach Auswahl der Nutzer/innen können Sie einen entsprechenden MCC für ihr Unternehmen übergeben. Wenn Sie bei der Kontoerstellung keine MCCs übergeben möchten, können Sie die Konten später noch mit den MCCs aktualisieren.
Ähnlich wie bei einem automatisch eingerichteten MCC kann Stripe einen manuell eingerichteten MCC überschreiben, wenn das verbundene Konto zur Prüfung markiert wird und wir den MCC als ungeeignet erachten.
Liste der Händlerkategorie-Codes
Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Liste unterstützter MCCs, die Sie beim Erstellen verbundener Konten verwenden können. Eingeschränkte MCCs können Sie nur verwenden, wenn Sie Stripe kontaktieren.
Kategorie | MCC |
A/C, Refrigeration Repairac_ | 7623 |
Accounting/Bookkeeping Servicesaccounting_ | 8931 |
Advertising Servicesadvertising_ | 7311 |
Agricultural Cooperativeagricultural_ | 0763 |
Airlines, Air Carriers Restrictedairlines_ | 4511 |
Airports, Flying Fieldsairports_ | 4582 |
Ambulance Services Restrictedambulance_ | 4119 |
Amusement Parks/Carnivals Restrictedamusement_ | 7996 |
Antique Reproductionsantique_ | 5937 |
Antique Shopsantique_ | 5932 |
Aquariumsaquariums | 7998 |
Architectural/Surveying Servicesarchitectural_ | 8911 |
Art Dealers and Galleriesart_ | 5971 |
Artists Supply and Craft Shopsartists_ | 5970 |
Auto Body Repair Shopsauto_ | 7531 |
Auto Paint Shopsauto_ | 7535 |
Auto Service Shopsauto_ | 7538 |
Auto and Home Supply Storesauto_ | 5531 |
Automated Fuel Dispensersautomated_ | 5542 |
Automobile Associationsautomobile_ | 8675 |
Automotive Parts and Accessories Storesautomotive_ | 5533 |
Automotive Tire Storesautomotive_ | 5532 |
Bail and Bond Payments (payment to the surety for the bond, not the actual bond paid to the government agency) Restrictedbail_ | 9223 |
Bakeriesbakeries | 5462 |
Bands, Orchestrasbands_ | 7929 |
Barber and Beauty Shopsbarber_ | 7230 |
Betting/Casino Gambling Restrictedbetting_ | 7995 |
Bicycle Shopsbicycle_ | 5940 |
Billiard/Pool Establishmentsbilliard_ | 7932 |
Boat Dealersboat_ | 5551 |
Boat Rentals and Leasesboat_ | 4457 |
Book Storesbook_ | 5942 |
Books, Periodicals, and Newspapersbooks_ | 5192 |
Bowling Alleysbowling_ | 7933 |
Bus Linesbus_ | 4131 |
Business/Secretarial Schoolsbusiness_ | 8244 |
Buying/Shopping Servicesbuying_ | 7278 |
Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radiocable_ | 4899 |
Camera and Photographic Supply Storescamera_ | 5946 |
Candy, Nut, and Confectionery Storescandy_ | 5441 |
Car Rental Agenciescar_ | 7512 |
Car Washescar_ | 7542 |
Car and Truck Dealers (New & Used) Sales, Service, Repairs Parts and Leasingcar_ | 5511 |
Car and Truck Dealers (Used Only) Sales, Service, Repairs Parts and Leasingcar_ | 5521 |
Carpentry Servicescarpentry_ | 1750 |
Carpet/Upholstery Cleaningcarpet_ | 7217 |
Catererscaterers | 5811 |
Charitable and Social Service Organizations - Fundraising Restrictedcharitable_ | 8398 |
Chemicals and Allied Products (Not Elsewhere Classified)chemicals_ | 5169 |
Child Care Serviceschild_ | 8351 |
Childrens and Infants Wear Storeschildrens_ | 5641 |
Chiropodists, Podiatrists Restrictedchiropodists_ | 8049 |
Chiropractors Restrictedchiropractors | 8041 |
Cigar Stores and Stands Restrictedcigar_ | 5993 |
Civic, Social, Fraternal Associationscivic_ | 8641 |
Cleaning and Maintenancecleaning_ | 7349 |
Clothing Rentalclothing_ | 7296 |
Colleges, Universitiescolleges_ | 8220 |
Commercial Equipment (Not Elsewhere Classified)commercial_ | 5046 |
Commercial Footwearcommercial_ | 5139 |
Commercial Photography, Art and Graphicscommercial_ | 7333 |
Commuter Transport, Ferriescommuter_ | 4111 |
Computer Network Servicescomputer_ | 4816 |
Computer Programmingcomputer_ | 7372 |
Computer Repaircomputer_ | 7379 |
Computer Software Storescomputer_ | 5734 |
Computers, Peripherals, and Softwarecomputers_ | 5045 |
Concrete Work Servicesconcrete_ | 1771 |
Construction Materials (Not Elsewhere Classified)construction_ | 5039 |
Consulting, Public Relationsconsulting_ | 7392 |
Correspondence Schoolscorrespondence_ | 8241 |
Cosmetic Storescosmetic_ | 5977 |
Counseling Services Restrictedcounseling_ | 7277 |
Country Clubscountry_ | 7997 |
Courier Servicescourier_ | 4215 |
Court Costs, Including Alimony and Child Support - Courts of Law Restrictedcourt_ | 9211 |
Credit Reporting Agenciescredit_ | 7321 |
Cruise Lines Restrictedcruise_ | 4411 |
Dairy Products Storesdairy_ | 5451 |
Dance Hall, Studios, Schoolsdance_ | 7911 |
Dentists, Orthodontists Restricteddentists_ | 8021 |
Department Storesdepartment_ | 5311 |
Detective Agenciesdetective_ | 7393 |
Digital Goods Media – Books, Movies, Musicdigital_ | 5815 |
Digital Goods – Applications (Excludes Games)digital_ | 5817 |
Digital Goods – Gamesdigital_ | 5816 |
Digital Goods – Large Digital Goods Merchantdigital_ | 5818 |
Direct Marketing - Catalog Merchantdirect_ | 5964 |
Direct Marketing - Combination Catalog and Retail Merchantdirect_ | 5965 |
Direct Marketing - Inbound Telemarketing Restricteddirect_ | 5967 |
Direct Marketing - Insurance Servicesdirect_ | 5960 |
Direct Marketing - Otherdirect_ | 5969 |
Direct Marketing - Outbound Telemarketing Restricteddirect_ | 5966 |
Direct Marketing - Subscriptiondirect_ | 5968 |
Direct Marketing - Travel Restricteddirect_ | 5962 |
Discount Storesdiscount_ | 5310 |
Doctors Restricteddoctors | 8011 |
Door-To-Door Sales Restricteddoor_ | 5963 |
Drapery, Window Covering, and Upholstery Storesdrapery_ | 5714 |
Drinking Placesdrinking_ | 5813 |
Drug Stores and Pharmacies Restricteddrug_ | 5912 |
Drugs, Drug Proprietaries, and Druggist Sundries Restricteddrugs_ | 5122 |
Dry Cleanersdry_ | 7216 |
Durable Goods (Not Elsewhere Classified)durable_ | 5099 |
Duty Free Storesduty_ | 5309 |
Eating Places, Restaurantseating_ | 5812 |
Educational Serviceseducational_ | 8299 |
Electric Razor Storeselectric_ | 5997 |
Electric Vehicle Chargingelectric_ | 5552 |
Electrical Parts and Equipmentelectrical_ | 5065 |
Electrical Serviceselectrical_ | 1731 |
Electronics Repair Shopselectronics_ | 7622 |
Electronics Storeselectronics_ | 5732 |
Elementary, Secondary Schoolselementary_ | 8211 |
Emergency Services (GCAS) (Visa use only)emergency_ | 9702 |
Employment/Temp Agenciesemployment_ | 7361 |
Equipment Rentalequipment_ | 7394 |
Exterminating Servicesexterminating_ | 7342 |
Family Clothing Storesfamily_ | 5651 |
Fast Food Restaurantsfast_ | 5814 |
Financial Institutions Restrictedfinancial_ | 6012 |
Fines - Government Administrative Entities Restrictedfines_ | 9222 |
Fireplace, Fireplace Screens, and Accessories Storesfireplace_ | 5718 |
Floor Covering Storesfloor_ | 5713 |
Floristsflorists | 5992 |
Florists Supplies, Nursery Stock, and Flowersflorists_ | 5193 |
Freezer and Locker Meat Provisionersfreezer_ | 5422 |
Fuel Dealers (Non Automotive)fuel_ | 5983 |
Funeral Services, Crematoriesfuneral_ | 7261 |
Furniture Repair, Refinishingfurniture_ | 7641 |
Furniture, Home Furnishings, and Equipment Stores, Except Appliancesfurniture_ | 5712 |
Furriers and Fur Shopsfurriers_ | 5681 |
General Servicesgeneral_ | 1520 |
Gift, Card, Novelty, and Souvenir Shopsgift_ | 5947 |
Glass, Paint, and Wallpaper Storesglass_ | 5231 |
Glassware, Crystal Storesglassware_ | 5950 |
Golf Courses - Publicgolf_ | 7992 |
Government Licensed On-line Casinos (On-Line Gambling)(US Region only) Restrictedgovernment_ | 7801 |
Government Services (Not Elsewhere Classified) Restrictedgovernment_ | 9399 |
Government-Licensed Horse/Dog Racing (US Region only) Restrictedgovernment_ | 7802 |
Government-Owned Lotteries (Non-US region)government_ | 9406 |
Government-Owned Lotteries (US Region only) Restrictedgovernment_ | 7800 |
Grocery Stores, Supermarketsgrocery_ | 5411 |
Hardware Storeshardware_ | 5251 |
Hardware, Equipment, and Supplieshardware_ | 5072 |
Health and Beauty Spashealth_ | 7298 |
Hearing Aids Sales and Supplies Restrictedhearing_ | 5975 |
Heating, Plumbing, A/Cheating_ | 1711 |
Hobby, Toy, and Game Shopshobby_ | 5945 |
Home Supply Warehouse Storeshome_ | 5200 |
Hospitals Restrictedhospitals | 8062 |
Hotels, Motels, and Resortshotels_ | 7011 |
Household Appliance Storeshousehold_ | 5722 |
Industrial Supplies (Not Elsewhere Classified)industrial_ | 5085 |
Information Retrieval Servicesinformation_ | 7375 |
Insurance Underwriting, Premiums Restrictedinsurance_ | 6300 |
Intra-Company Purchasesintra_ | 9950 |
Jewelry Stores, Watches, Clocks, and Silverware Storesjewelry_ | 5944 |
Landscaping Serviceslandscaping_ | 0780 |
Laundrieslaundries | 7211 |
Laundry, Cleaning Serviceslaundry_ | 7210 |
Legal Services, Attorneyslegal_ | 8111 |
Luggage and Leather Goods Storesluggage_ | 5948 |
Lumber, Building Materials Storeslumber_ | 5211 |
Marinas, Service and Suppliesmarinas_ | 4468 |
Marketplacesmarketplaces | 5262 |
Masonry, Stonework, and Plastermasonry_ | 1740 |
Massage Parlorsmassage_ | 7297 |
Medical Services Restrictedmedical_ | 8099 |
Medical and Dental Labs Restrictedmedical_ | 8071 |
Medical, Dental, Ophthalmic, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Restrictedmedical_ | 5047 |
Membership Organizationsmembership_ | 8699 |
Mens and Boys Clothing and Accessories Storesmens_ | 5611 |
Mens, Womens Clothing Storesmens_ | 5691 |
Metal Service Centersmetal_ | 5051 |
Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Shopsmiscellaneous_ | 5699 |
Miscellaneous Auto Dealersmiscellaneous_ | 5599 |
Miscellaneous Business Servicesmiscellaneous_ | 7399 |
Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores and Specialty Marketsmiscellaneous_ | 5499 |
Miscellaneous General Merchandisemiscellaneous_ | 5399 |
Miscellaneous General Servicesmiscellaneous_ | 7299 |
Miscellaneous Home Furnishing Specialty Storesmiscellaneous_ | 5719 |
Miscellaneous Publishing and Printingmiscellaneous_ | 2741 |
Miscellaneous Recreation Servicesmiscellaneous_ | 7999 |
Miscellaneous Repair Shopsmiscellaneous_ | 7699 |
Miscellaneous Specialty Retailmiscellaneous_ | 5999 |
Mobile Home Dealersmobile_ | 5271 |
Motion Picture Theatersmotion_ | 7832 |
Motor Freight Carriers and Trucking - Local and Long Distance, Moving and Storage Companies, and Local Delivery Servicesmotor_ | 4214 |
Motor Homes Dealersmotor_ | 5592 |
Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Partsmotor_ | 5013 |
Motorcycle Shops and Dealersmotorcycle_ | 5571 |
Motorcycle Shops, Dealersmotorcycle_ | 5561 |
Music Stores-Musical Instruments, Pianos, and Sheet Musicmusic_ | 5733 |
News Dealers and Newsstandsnews_ | 5994 |
Non-FI, Money Orders Restrictednon_ | 6051 |
Non-FI, Stored Value Card Purchase/Load Restrictednon_ | 6540 |
Nondurable Goods (Not Elsewhere Classified)nondurable_ | 5199 |
Nurseries, Lawn and Garden Supply Storesnurseries_ | 5261 |
Nursing/Personal Care Restrictednursing_ | 8050 |
Office and Commercial Furnitureoffice_ | 5021 |
Opticians, Eyeglasses Restrictedopticians_ | 8043 |
Optometrists, Ophthalmologist Restrictedoptometrists_ | 8042 |
Orthopedic Goods - Prosthetic Devices Restrictedorthopedic_ | 5976 |
Osteopaths Restrictedosteopaths | 8031 |
Package Stores-Beer, Wine, and Liquorpackage_ | 5921 |
Paints, Varnishes, and Suppliespaints_ | 5198 |
Parking Lots, Garagesparking_ | 7523 |
Passenger Railwayspassenger_ | 4112 |
Pawn Shopspawn_ | 5933 |
Pet Shops, Pet Food, and Suppliespet_ | 5995 |
Petroleum and Petroleum Productspetroleum_ | 5172 |
Photo Developingphoto_ | 7395 |
Photographic Studiosphotographic_ | 7221 |
Photographic, Photocopy, Microfilm Equipment, and Suppliesphotographic_ | 5044 |
Picture/Video Productionpicture_ | 7829 |
Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goodspiece_ | 5131 |
Plumbing, Heating Equipment, and Suppliesplumbing_ | 5074 |
Political Organizations Restrictedpolitical_ | 8651 |
Postal Services - Government Only Restrictedpostal_ | 9402 |
Precious Stones and Metals, Watches and Jewelryprecious_ | 5094 |
Professional Servicesprofessional_ | 8999 |
Public Warehousing and Storage - Farm Products, Refrigerated Goods, Household Goods, and Storagepublic_ | 4225 |
Quick Copy, Repro, and Blueprintquick_ | 7338 |
Railroadsrailroads | 4011 |
Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentalsreal_ | 6513 |
Record Storesrecord_ | 5735 |
Recreational Vehicle Rentalsrecreational_ | 7519 |
Religious Goods Storesreligious_ | 5973 |
Religious Organizations Restrictedreligious_ | 8661 |
Roofing/Siding, Sheet Metalroofing_ | 1761 |
Secretarial Support Servicessecretarial_ | 7339 |
Security Brokers/Dealers Restrictedsecurity_ | 6211 |
Service Stationsservice_ | 5541 |
Sewing, Needlework, Fabric, and Piece Goods Storessewing_ | 5949 |
Shoe Repair/Hat Cleaningshoe_ | 7251 |
Shoe Storesshoe_ | 5661 |
Small Appliance Repairsmall_ | 7629 |
Snowmobile Dealerssnowmobile_ | 5598 |
Special Trade Servicesspecial_ | 1799 |
Specialty Cleaningspecialty_ | 2842 |
Sporting Goods Storessporting_ | 5941 |
Sporting/Recreation Campssporting_ | 7032 |
Sports Clubs/Fieldssports_ | 7941 |
Sports and Riding Apparel Storessports_ | 5655 |
Stamp and Coin Storesstamp_ | 5972 |
Stationary, Office Supplies, Printing and Writing Paperstationary_ | 5111 |
Stationery Stores, Office, and School Supply Storesstationery_ | 5943 |
Swimming Pools Salesswimming_ | 5996 |
TUI Travel - Germanyt_ | 4723 |
Tailors, Alterationstailors_ | 5697 |
Tax Payments - Government Agencies Restrictedtax_ | 9311 |
Tax Preparation Servicestax_ | 7276 |
Taxicabs/Limousinestaxicabs_ | 4121 |
Telecommunication Equipment and Telephone Salestelecommunication_ | 4812 |
Telecommunication Services Restrictedtelecommunication_ | 4814 |
Telegraph Servicestelegraph_ | 4821 |
Tent and Awning Shopstent_ | 5998 |
Testing Laboratoriestesting_ | 8734 |
Theatrical Ticket Agenciestheatrical_ | 7922 |
Timeshares Restrictedtimeshares | 7012 |
Tire Retreading and Repairtire_ | 7534 |
Tolls/Bridge Feestolls_ | 4784 |
Tourist Attractions and Exhibitstourist_ | 7991 |
Towing Servicestowing_ | 7549 |
Trailer Parks, Campgroundstrailer_ | 7033 |
Transportation Services (Not Elsewhere Classified)transportation_ | 4789 |
Travel Agencies, Tour Operatorstravel_ | 4722 |
Truck Stopstruck_ | 7511 |
Truck/Utility Trailer Rentalstruck_ | 7513 |
Typesetting, Plate Making, and Related Servicestypesetting_ | 2791 |
Typewriter Storestypewriter_ | 5978 |
U.S. Federal Government Agencies or Departments Restrictedu_ | 9405 |
Uniforms, Commercial Clothinguniforms_ | 5137 |
Used Merchandise and Secondhand Storesused_ | 5931 |
Utilitiesutilities | 4900 |
Variety Storesvariety_ | 5331 |
Veterinary Servicesveterinary_ | 0742 |
Video Amusement Game Suppliesvideo_ | 7993 |
Video Game Arcadesvideo_ | 7994 |
Video Tape Rental Storesvideo_ | 7841 |
Vocational/Trade Schoolsvocational_ | 8249 |
Watch/Jewelry Repairwatch_ | 7631 |
Welding Repairwelding_ | 7692 |
Wholesale Clubswholesale_ | 5300 |
Wig and Toupee Storeswig_ | 5698 |
Wires, Money Orders Restrictedwires_ | 4829 |
Womens Accessory and Specialty Shopswomens_ | 5631 |
Womens Ready-To-Wear Storeswomens_ | 5621 |
Wrecking and Salvage Yardswrecking_ | 5935 |