- idstring
Unique identifier for the object.
- objectstring
String representing the object’s type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- amountinteger
Amount (in cents) transferred.
- cancelableboolean
if the object can be canceled, andfalse
otherwise. - createdtimestamp
Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
- currencyenum
Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.
- customernullable string
ID of the customer to whom an OutboundPayment is sent.
- descriptionnullable string
An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
- destination_
payment_ methodnullable string The PaymentMethod via which an OutboundPayment is sent. This field can be empty if the OutboundPayment was created using
.payment_ method_ data - destination_
payment_ method_ detailsnullable object Details about the PaymentMethod for an OutboundPayment.
- end_
user_ detailsnullable object Details about the end user.
- expected_
arrival_ datetimestamp The date when funds are expected to arrive in the destination account.
- financial_
accountstring The FinancialAccount that funds were pulled from.
- hosted_
regulatory_ receipt_ urlnullable string A hosted transaction receipt URL that is provided when money movement is considered regulated under Stripe’s money transmission licenses.
- livemodeboolean
Has the value
if the object exists in live mode or the valuefalse
if the object exists in test mode. - metadataobject
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
- returned_
detailsnullable object Details about a returned OutboundPayment. Only set when the status is
. - statement_
descriptorstring The description that appears on the receiving end for an OutboundPayment (for example, bank statement for external bank transfer).
- statusenum
Current status of the OutboundPayment:
. An OutboundPayment isprocessing
if it has been created and is pending. The status changes toposted
once the OutboundPayment has been “confirmed” and funds have left the account, or tofailed
. If an OutboundPayment fails to arrive at its destination, its status will change toreturned
. - status_
transitionsobject Hash containing timestamps of when the object transitioned to a particular
. - tracking_
detailsnullable object Details about network-specific tracking information if available.
- transactionstringExpandable
The Transaction associated with this object.
{ "id": "obp_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2Cu5d5S1kX", "object": "treasury.outbound_payment", "amount": 10000, "cancelable": false, "created": 1680716009, "currency": "usd", "customer": "cus_4QFOF3xrvBT2nU", "description": "OutboundPayment to a 3rd party", "destination_payment_method": "pm_1MtaD82eZvKYlo2CtGr4OxTt", "destination_payment_method_details": { "type": "us_bank_account", "destination": "ba_1MtaD62eZvKYlo2C8vwjm7bc" }, "end_user_details": { "ip_address": null, "present": false }, "expected_arrival_date": 1680716009, "financial_account": "fa_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CYKM3DnUI", "hosted_regulatory_receipt_url": "", "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "returned_details": null, "statement_descriptor": "payment", "status": "processing", "status_transitions": { "canceled_at": null, "failed_at": null, "posted_at": null, "returned_at": null }, "transaction": "trxn_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CmUu4Vs5c"}
Creates an OutboundPayment.
- amountintegerRequired
Amount (in cents) to be transferred.
- currencyenumRequired
Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.
- financial_
accountstringRequired The FinancialAccount to pull funds from.
- customerstring
ID of the customer to whom the OutboundPayment is sent. Must match the Customer attached to the
passed in.payment_ method - descriptionstring
An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
- destination_
payment_ methodstring The PaymentMethod to use as the payment instrument for the OutboundPayment. Exclusive with
.payment_ method_ data - destination_
payment_ method_ dataobject Hash used to generate the PaymentMethod to be used for this OutboundPayment. Exclusive with
.payment_ method - destination_
payment_ method_ optionsobject Payment method-specific configuration for this OutboundPayment.
- end_
user_ detailsobject End user details.
- metadataobject
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to
. - statement_
descriptorstring The description that appears on the receiving end for this OutboundPayment (for example, bank statement for external bank transfer). Maximum 10 characters for
payments, 140 characters forus_
payments, or 500 characters fordomestic_ wire stripe
network transfers. The default value is “payment”.
Returns an OutboundPayment object if there were no issues with OutboundPayment creation.
{ "id": "obp_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2Cu5d5S1kX", "object": "treasury.outbound_payment", "amount": 10000, "cancelable": false, "created": 1680716009, "currency": "usd", "customer": "cus_4QFOF3xrvBT2nU", "description": "OutboundPayment to a 3rd party", "destination_payment_method": "pm_1MtaD82eZvKYlo2CtGr4OxTt", "destination_payment_method_details": { "type": "us_bank_account", "destination": "ba_1MtaD62eZvKYlo2C8vwjm7bc" }, "end_user_details": { "ip_address": null, "present": false }, "expected_arrival_date": 1680716009, "financial_account": "fa_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CYKM3DnUI", "hosted_regulatory_receipt_url": "", "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "returned_details": null, "statement_descriptor": "payment", "status": "processing", "status_transitions": { "canceled_at": null, "failed_at": null, "posted_at": null, "returned_at": null }, "transaction": "trxn_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CmUu4Vs5c"}
Retrieves the details of an existing OutboundPayment by passing the unique OutboundPayment ID from either the OutboundPayment creation request or OutboundPayment list.
No parameters.
Returns an OutboundPayment object if a valid identifier was provided. Otherwise, returns an error.
{ "id": "obp_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2Cu5d5S1kX", "object": "treasury.outbound_payment", "amount": 10000, "cancelable": false, "created": 1680716009, "currency": "usd", "customer": "cus_4QFOF3xrvBT2nU", "description": "OutboundPayment to a 3rd party", "destination_payment_method": "pm_1MtaD82eZvKYlo2CtGr4OxTt", "destination_payment_method_details": { "type": "us_bank_account", "destination": "ba_1MtaD62eZvKYlo2C8vwjm7bc" }, "end_user_details": { "ip_address": null, "present": false }, "expected_arrival_date": 1680716009, "financial_account": "fa_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CYKM3DnUI", "hosted_regulatory_receipt_url": "", "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "returned_details": null, "statement_descriptor": "payment", "status": "processing", "status_transitions": { "canceled_at": null, "failed_at": null, "posted_at": null, "returned_at": null }, "transaction": "trxn_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CmUu4Vs5c"}
Returns a list of OutboundPayments sent from the specified FinancialAccount.
- financial_
accountstring Returns objects associated with this FinancialAccount.
- createdobject
Only return OutboundPayments that were created during the given date interval.
- customerstring
Only return OutboundPayments sent to this customer.
- statusenum
Only return OutboundPayments that have the given status:
, orcanceled
More parameters
- ending_
beforestring - limitinteger
- starting_
A dictionary with a data
property that contains an array of up to limit
OutboundPayments, starting after OutboundPayments starting_
. Each entry in the array is a separate OutboundPayments object. If no more OutboundPayments are available, the resulting array is empty.
{ "object": "list", "url": "/v1/treasury/outbound_payments", "has_more": false, "data": [ { "id": "obp_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2Cu5d5S1kX", "object": "treasury.outbound_payment", "amount": 10000, "cancelable": false, "created": 1680716009, "currency": "usd", "customer": "cus_4QFOF3xrvBT2nU", "description": "OutboundPayment to a 3rd party", "destination_payment_method": "pm_1MtaD82eZvKYlo2CtGr4OxTt", "destination_payment_method_details": { "type": "us_bank_account", "destination": "ba_1MtaD62eZvKYlo2C8vwjm7bc" }, "end_user_details": { "ip_address": null, "present": false }, "expected_arrival_date": 1680716009, "financial_account": "fa_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CYKM3DnUI", "hosted_regulatory_receipt_url": "", "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "returned_details": null, "statement_descriptor": "payment", "status": "processing", "status_transitions": { "canceled_at": null, "failed_at": null, "posted_at": null, "returned_at": null }, "transaction": "trxn_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CmUu4Vs5c" } ]}
Cancel an OutboundPayment.
No parameters.
Returns the OutboundPayment object if the cancellation succeeded. Returns an error if the OutboundPayment has already been canceled or cannot be canceled.
{ "id": "obp_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2Cu5d5S1kX", "object": "treasury.outbound_payment", "amount": 10000, "cancelable": false, "created": 1680716009, "currency": "usd", "customer": null, "description": "OutboundPayment to a 3rd party", "destination_payment_method": null, "destination_payment_method_details": { "billing_details": { "address": { "city": null, "country": null, "line1": null, "line2": null, "postal_code": null, "state": null }, "email": null, "name": null }, "financial_account": { "id": "fa_1LpyM72eZvKYlo2CiUmr2kuV", "network": "stripe" }, "type": "financial_account" }, "end_user_details": { "ip_address": null, "present": false }, "expected_arrival_date": 1680716009, "financial_account": "fa_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CYKM3DnUI", "hosted_regulatory_receipt_url": "", "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "returned_details": null, "statement_descriptor": "payment", "status": "canceled", "status_transitions": { "posted_at": null, "failed_at": null, "canceled_at": 1680716010, "returned_at": null }, "transaction": "trxn_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CmUu4Vs5c"}